$!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! WASDVERBS.COM $! $! Assign the WASD Web Admin foreign verbs. $! If P1 is an integer between 2 and 15 sets up for that WASD environment. $! If the SSL HTTPd image is found in WASD_EXE: then is assumes you use it. $! To use this directly include "$ @WASD_ROOT:[EXAMPLE]WASDVERBS" in the $! appropriate user account LOGIN.COMs. $! $! Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Mark G.Daniel $! This program, comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. $! This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the $! conditions of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3, or later version. $! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt $! $! VERSION HISTORY $! --------------- $! 02-OCT-2011 MGD add EXORCISER $! 06-JUL-2009 MGD v10 and pre-v10 logical names $! WASD autonomous environments $! 29-MAY-2005 MGD add WOTSUP $! 12-OCT-2003 MGD add HTADMIN $! 04-NOV-2002 MGD add SECHAN, made STREAMLF a procedure $! 20-MAY-2001 MGD add MD5DIGEST, remove UN/SCRUNCH $! 22-NOV-2000 MGD initial $!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! $!(set up process' LNM$_FILE_DEV for v10.0 and later) $ wasd_file_dev = "WASD_FILE_DEV" $ if f$type(P1) .eqs. "INTEGER" .and. P1 .gt. 1 then - wasd_file_dev = wasd_file_dev + "_" + P1 $ if f$trnlnm(wasd_file_dev) .nes. "" then @'wasd_file_dev' $! $ if f$trnlnm("WASD_EXE") .nes. "" $ then wasd_exe = "WASD_EXE:" $ else wasd_exe = "HT_EXE:" $ endif $ if f$search("''wasd_exe'httpd_ssl.exe") .eqs. "" $ then httpd == "$''wasd_exe'HTTPD.EXE;0" $ else httpd == "$''wasd_exe'HTTPD_SSL.EXE;0" $ endif $ ab == "$''wasd_exe'AB" $ exorciser == "$''wasd_exe'EXORCISER" $ htadmin == "$''wasd_exe'HTADMIN" $ httpdmon == "$''wasd_exe'HTTPDMON" $ md5digest == "$''wasd_exe'MD5DIGEST" $ qdlog*stats == "$''wasd_exe'QDLOGSTATS" $ sechan == "$''wasd_exe'SECHAN" $ streamlf == "@''wasd_exe'STREAMLF" $ wasdfiledev == "@wasd_file_dev" $ wasdwhich == "write sys$output f$parse(""WASD_ROOT:[000000]"",,,,""no_conceal"")-"".][000000""-"".;""" $ wb == "$''wasd_exe'WB" $ wotsup == "$''wasd_exe'WOTSUP" $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------