SDM2HTM - An SDML to HTML Converter

3 - Content For Hypertext Only

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To allow the inclusion of text in Hypertext-available documents only (i.e. to exclude it from the printed and Bookreader documents) the following construct is provided:

intervening HTML
The embedding of the HTML within the comment statement effectively hides it from processing by DOCUMENT. SDM2HTM will detect it however and outputs the HTML enclosed by the statement.

This statement does not appear within the printed or Bookreader document.

Select this link to see how it was produced


This allows a separate section of document to be created that does not appear in the flow of current text, but contains a reference (HTML link) that must be selected, in much the same way as the DOCUMENT <POPUP> tag used for online documents. It is implemented by creating a separate HTML file.

<COMMENT>(HTML/POPUP=descriptive text appearing in link)
intervening SDML
The embedding of the HTML within the comment statement effectively hides it from processing by DOCUMENT. SDM2HTM will detect it however and creates the popup HTML.

Select the following link for an online demonstration:

An Online Demonstration


When hypertext-only portions of a document contain links to other documents or online demonstrations, information documenting this should be placed in any printable/Bookreader versions. This can be accomplished using constructs described in 4 - Content For Printed/Bookreader Only. The essential details are presented here.

For an online demonstration include:

  <P><BOX>(online demonstration)

For a reference include:

  <P><BOX>(online hypertext reference)

For referenced hypertext documentation include:

  <P><BOX>(online hypertext documentation)



The <COMMENT>(HTML=...) construct is one of the most likely to cause SDM2HTM buffers to overflow. Be very careful to terminate the <COMMENT> statement with a closing parenthesis. If parentheses are included within the HTML they must be balanced, as this is how the end-of-comment is detected. If a buffer overflow occurs check the above considerations and if this is not the problem reduce the quantity of HTML within the construct or break it into multiple constructs.

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