SDM2HTM - An SDML to HTML Converter

2 - Generated HTML Documents

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The HTML generated is designed to make the browsed HTML document look and behave much like the equivalent Bookreader document. It generates a title page and table of contents from which chapters and headings may be selected and moved to. References to other sections of the document are supported, as are formal examples and formal tables. It does not support the generation of an index.

SDM2HTM control statements allow the embedding of raw HTML for inclusion in the HTML documents only. This allows functionality only belonging to the Hypertext environment to be employed (e.g. extra-document referencing). HTML output can be turned on and off allowing content to be included in printed/Bookreader documents only.

SDM2HTM generates a separate file for the table of contents, the title page, each chapter, and each formal example and formal table. It also generates a file for the SDM2HTM HTML/POPUP= directive, see 3 - Content For Hypertext Only.

Commentary inserted at the beginning of each generated HTML file includes the name of the file it was generated from, the utility and version used, and the date.

The following directory listing of the files comprising this current document illustrates the file naming schema. The *_0000.HTML is the table-of-contents file, *_0100.HTML is chapter one, *_0200.HTML is chapter two, etc. Sub-Chapters (formal examples, etc.), if present, number *_0101.HTML, etc. The title page is *_0001.HTML.

The SDML source for this current document is also available for viewing.

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