SDM2HTM - An SDML to HTML Converter

1 - Introduction

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The SDM2HTM utility converts SDML documents into HTML documents. SDML is the Standard Digital Markup Language used as source for VAX DOCUMENT. HTML is the HyperText Markup Language used as the native rich text of the Hypertext environment. Hypertext documents produced by this utility look and behave very much like their Bookreader cousins. It is not an exhaustive implementation, basically just enough to support the simple documents of the WASD server environment, although it may provide enough for other purposes.

Special constructs allow the inclusion of content in only the HTML version of a document, or only in the printed/Bookreader versions.

The utility contains no syntax checks in itself, and relies on a syntactically correct SDML source. It has worked well on all documents syntactically verified by prior formatting against VAX DOCUMENT. It contains fixed-size buffers making it vulnerable to atypically large <tag>(...) constructs (tags with parameters), and syntax errors not closing certain constructs.

A buffer overflow error is generated if buffer space is exhausted.

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