DENT ROXY ER_3   ed device h which to AME of the quadword containing the 64-bit time to @ vert Binary UTC time into ASCII time string ith the cvtflg argument, controls what ean. evnam ,chan ,[acmode] ,[mbxnam], [flags] SSIGN itmlst = address of list of item descriptors E E_NAME utcadr argument is the address of the utc_date_time minals. If first word in ($BRKTHRUW) [carcon], [flags], [reqid], [timout], ED  I/O is to be canceled COND_VALUE acmode = access mode of event declaration  quest fication of process for to the object or IN ated ser Access to an Object criptor (ARB TLV) lege and perform security audit. n status ADDRESS_OBJECT efn ROUTIN ER_2 BJECT (P1) region ROXY array containing starting and ending ) of item list NED logical name table string descriptor $CRELNT = address of protection mask RD_UNSIGNED lognam = address of logical name string descriptor $CREMBX [prmflg] ,chan ,[maxmsg] ,[bufquo] ,[promsk] ,[acmode] ,[lognam], [flags] ame string descriptor for mailbox NGWORD = address of string descriptor for SYS$ERROR e resource wait mode ending virtual address of pages actually created ,[gsdnam] ,[ident] Global section elpag = relative page number within section  ST routine ongword to receive previous handler address 8 lock containing: eration ER_1 flags] $  GICAL_NAME name to be deleted ddresses of pages actually deleted ffer object to be deleted  @  ss duration, curflg = address of longword to receive current flags ask of facility(ies) that disabled vector use  @6 SMOU 1 ARAMETER_5 abled vector use s] ,[resnam] ,[parid] ksb = address of the lock status block assed to AST routine   ER_9 @ o receive erase pattern UE completion status region indicator routine ontrol string .  to store length of the output string returned utine the holder K_LONGWORD lue input on subsequent calls. ARAMETER_1 UE d [efn], [flags], iosb, [astadr], [astprm], rm_id  6 ng is to be stored mode dmsg, [outlen], outbuf, ine  Flush Record et Object Securty Profile @ CHN uf = address of primary buffer descriptor ted Transaction Information criteria items T rs PARAMETER_6 RM [astprm] EFN E = address of a list of item descriptors  ng O arguments wo longwords containing starting ETADR ntext number  tus block R_5 astadr = address of entry mask of AST routine @ NTID uct name hash value.  fier name D   ND_VALUE @ PRM es actually locked tion ident = address of quadword containing version id and match control NSIGNED TER_1 OND_VALUE e = address of the new identifier name character itmlst = Address of a list of item identifiers termined by the TYPE field. f the character passed = Output a VOL1 label $NUMTIM timbuf ,[timadr] r] --------------+ _OBJECT  vice. TIN Create Persona _DELETE  of facility name string descriptor 4] ,[p5] ,[p6] on-specific parameters NG_ARG  AMETER_2 sk of AST routine W address of user error completion routine OND_VALUE IDENT $  ctor Processor Exception State adr = address of process id of process to be resumed ame  ROCEDURE type-value = a single byte code that specifies the type of E r Exception State, internal form [source_terminal], [source_node], [source_user], [source_addr], ddress of source DECnet address 4 [,contxt] ,[reptim] G  ETCLUEVT efault directory. te the default file protection for the process. PROTADDR Domain RAMETER_7 ER_1 gs = optional flags  [vector] ,[addres] ,[acmode] ,[prvhnd] CEDURE MR ND_VALUE o be passed to AST routine NTADR pri]  retadr = address of 2-longword array containing starting and ESS_MODE @G type is NUMBER rather than BOOLEAN since WATFLG=TRUE ault is not to automatically unshelve rvices to inhibit acmode = access mode for the stack to change RAMETER_1 code to be performed UAI [efn] ,[contxt] ,usrnam ,itmlst ,[iosb] ,[astadr] truder_len, breakin_block, [flags], [context] escriptor address of optional longword context NSIGNED R msgbuf  unc, [nullarg], [itmlst], es F_NUMBER suc = address of user success completion routine ress of name string descriptor of process [iosb] ,[efn] rt Smithsonian to UTC) [acmode], [itemlist] ARAMETER_1 descriptor for buffer to receive resultant $TRNLOG address of user success completion routine ending virtual addresses of pages to be unlocked ages From Working Set NSIGNED EDURE page queued in the first I/O d I/O status block 0-  address of word to receive local user length $WAIT rab wakened ND ck to File start Handler --+ block describing mask of AST routine ETER_6 veto vote) LUE d I/O status block 4 dr = address of an entry mask of AST routine B ASK_LONGWORD ndler [, [part_name], rt_name = address of resource manager name descriptor  TEXT tion AST routine entry mask ID a transaction  OBJECT of AST routine RAMETER_4 CK process default transaction dr = address of entry mask of AST routine ATUS_BLOCK ($RECOVERW) recovery_prefix, event_handler, tm_log_id [, event routine EFN AULT_TRANS [efn], [flags], iosb [, [astadr], [astprm], ULT_TRANS  ], [tx_class]] call OUT AMETER_7 /O status block ER_3 LOCK me]] mit timestamp NSIGNED an argument evt_rtn, [acmode] which to invoke evt_rtn $  rm = value to be passed to AST routine ER_2 to AST routine as an argument REATE CHAN, [ACMODE], [CHARBUFF], [BUFLEN], [HANGUP_AST], assed to AST routine AST_PROCEDURE y mask of AST routine G , WRTBUF_LEN, er of character to be read from pseudo terminal inal event notification ASTs  1 LEN = Longword containing new page length of terminal = constant defining what control routine is to do 3 ation to close I/O status block ptor describing the remote t S tine as an 5 connection AMETER_3 C on. ROCEDURE 4 ECV_BUF of users' completion AST METER_4 CEIVE[W] e as an ONGWORD_UNSIGNED conn_handle ,ios_icc ,[astadr] ,[astprm] the data in send_buf IGNED