p IS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER * USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS * iven the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians FLOATING n Degrees Sine in Radians Sine in Degrees asind returns that angle (in radians). ING angent in Radians with Two Arguments nt in Radians with Two Arguments gent of an angle, the Arc Tangent in Degrees t erbolic arc tangent of that angle. @ @ guments the Index of the First Element of a Vector Having the gest Absolute Value rst Element of a Vector Having BLAS1$VIZAMAX  _signed  TING AMETER_3 R_3 longword_signed ord_signed RAMETER_6 5 d_signed lex  ARAMETER_4 Vector vector y. s1$vsdot D_FLOATING RAMETER_1  R_1 $VGNRM2 tines obtain the s1_vdznrm2 AMETER_2 gword_signed AMETER_5 TER_4 PARAMETER_3 PARAMETER_2 two-element vector. tg 1 _2 ng_complex  BLAS1$VDSCAL ctor routines compute  lex Scale the Elements of a Vector routines compute _signed ARAMETER_3 d_floating_complex a complex number (r,i). ing_complex ue) clog DCMPLX ) ugate gle Expressed in Radians  Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees c cosine of H$GCOSH F-floating value. _G METER_1 F ting values to G_floating and $cdcos x Exponential  plex Natural Logarithm h_cdsin    gword_signed near @  the linear igned G First Order Linear Recurrence --- Multiplication and Addition --- Last Value  t includes both multiplication and addition O d on. Only the last value computed is stored. ication or Addition --- word_signed tion that includes either a multiplication or an r Addition --- Last Value ER_3  algorithm for the linear ar Recurrence --- Multiplication or Addition --- Last Value  addition operation. Only the last value computed is stored. ARAMETER_3  orized algorithm for the linear  @ inear Recurrence --- Multiplication or Addition ---  METER_2 ce --- Multiplication and Addition incb h_vgfolrp_ma_v15 outines provide a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence gned a ion and addition The First Order Linear Recurrence --- Multiplication and Addition PARAMETER_6 ETER_1 ation or an addition routines provide a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence e --- Multiplication or Addition    vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence Addition TER_5 _2 ot both. r the linear recurrence The First Order Linear Recurrence --- Multiplication or Addition ear Recurrence --- Multiplication or Addition  s that angle H_FLOATING Value) with Two Arguments Arc Tangent in Degrees (H-floating Value) lic Arc ssed in Radians n degrees) as an lue ne returns the common (base 10) logarithm of og put_value s (H-floating Value) f the input RAMETER_2 loating Value) the angle (in degrees) whose tangent ary Part of a Complex Number G g base 10) logarithm of  tributed PARAMETER_1 * METER_1 degrees). Hyperbolic Sine Sine and Cosine of Angle Expressed in Radians cosine of a given angle (in radians).  le_in_radians METER_3 n Degrees pressed in Degrees e returns the square root of the input value _FLOATING le (in radians). d in Degrees  routine returns the hyperbolic tangent FLOATING unsigned longword minimum of n unsigned longword $dabs Absolute Value Routine  MTH$GDBLE Parameters Routine s Routine e Difference of Two Longword Parameters Routine xclusive OR of Two Longword Parameters Routine  OTI ING Convert D_floating to Greatest D_floating Integer Routine h_hfloor TING  @  @ h_imax0  H$AIMIN0 word_signed D_floating Minimum of N D_floating Parameters Routine meters Routine  mth_anint $mth_iignnt _2 Routine unsigned oating Product of Two F_floating Parameters Routine ESULT _float_x ER_1 ER_1 _FLOATING