ble for technical or editorial errors or -Generic/SDL) underlying threads package is DECthreads or not. This is especially usplus) && defined (__DECCXX)) #if _CMA_OS_ != _CMA__VMS TERAL€0 define __(__args__) () ˆ  cma$c_prio_rr_maxˆ _min  once_field3 e _HANDLE CMA$T_STACK_NP; _NEW_STARLET CONDITIONAL_OBJECTˆ rtˆ˙˙˙˙ 3 _term_normal = 1, nts L€   c_sched_other definitions L ˆ€@ cma$_SIGEMT IGFPE ma$_stackovf _kind_t $e_uninitexcˆ. GEMT cma$e_decovfˆ. . €0- RT_ CMA$T_EXCEPTION cma$e_resoper; _exfilsiz; _CMA_IMPORT_ CMA$T_EXCEPTION cma$e_assertion; PORT_ CMA$T_EXCEPTION cma$e_stackovf; se + ption cma$e_exfilsiz; AL€0- 0 TEXC_STATUSˆ,€@ _STATUSˆ”€@ BADPARAM_STATUS NIALRPRO_STATUS ptions. Those are:  AL€0 ception; ODE => 1068); a IMPORT_EXCEPTION FLTOVF_ERROR : exception; ; ION ACK_ERROR, CODE => NOTCMASTACK_STATUS); ; Ţ  untyped address may also be returned as ompletion status will not be requested. THREAD ARAMETER_1 d will use the default scheduling attributes, ardsize PARAMETER_1 ETER_1 ether mutex locks can nest. Q condition   a per-thread context value identified by a key. ecution. $t_alert_state $stack_delete_np xt ************************************************************************* L    ete ma$t_address _CMA_COMPILER_ == _CMA__DECC) || (_CMA_COMPILER_ == _CMA__DECCPLUS)