!*** MODULE $LNKDEF *** CDEC$ OPTIONS /NOALIGN ! ! Linker Options Record (LNK) ! PARAMETER LNK$C_OLB = '00000000'X ! object library spec PARAMETER LNK$C_SHR = '00000001'X ! shareable image library spec PARAMETER LNK$C_OLI = '00000002'X ! object library with inclusion list PARAMETER LNK$C_OBJ = '00000003'X ! object file or symbol table file PARAMETER LNK$C_SHA = '00000004'X ! individually specified shr img PARAMETER LNK$C_MAXRECTYP = '00000004'X ! highest current record type PARAMETER LNK$M_SELSER = '00000001'X PARAMETER LNK$M_LIBSRCH = '00000002'X STRUCTURE /LNKDEF/ BYTE LNK$B_RECTYP ! record type LNK BYTE LNK$B_LNKTYP ! sub record type UNION MAP INTEGER*2 LNK$W_FLAGS END MAP MAP PARAMETER LNK$S_SELSER = 1 PARAMETER LNK$V_SELSER = 0 ! selectively searched (LNK$C_OBJ) PARAMETER LNK$S_LIBSRCH = 1 PARAMETER LNK$V_LIBSRCH = 1 BYTE %FILL (1) END MAP END UNION UNION MAP INTEGER*2 LNK$W_NAMLNG ! length of filespec name END MAP MAP BYTE %FILL(1:2) ! unsupported type CHARACTER*0 LNK$T_NAME ! actual name END MAP END UNION END STRUCTURE ! LNKDEF CDEC$ END OPTIONS