!*** MODULE $LBRCTLTBL *** CDEC$ OPTIONS /NOALIGN PARAMETER LBR$C_CTLTBLID = '000000CB'X ! Ident for control table PARAMETER LBR$M_LOCATE = '00000001'X PARAMETER LBR$M_OPEN = '00000002'X PARAMETER LBR$K_LENGTH = '0000001E'X PARAMETER LBR$C_LENGTH = '0000001E'X STRUCTURE /LBRCTLTBL/ BYTE LBR$B_ID ! Control table ID BYTE LBR$B_TBLSIZ ! Control table size BYTE LBR$B_TYPE ! Type of library opened BYTE LBR$B_FUNC ! Operation (function) requested BYTE %FILL(1:2) ! Reserved extra bytes UNION MAP INTEGER*4 LBR$L_USRFLG ! Flags longword END MAP MAP PARAMETER LBR$S_LOCATE = 1 PARAMETER LBR$V_LOCATE = 0 ! Use "locate" rather than "move" mode PARAMETER LBR$S_OPEN = 1 PARAMETER LBR$V_OPEN = 1 ! Library open BYTE %FILL (1) END MAP END UNION INTEGER*4 LBR$L_HDRPTR ! Pointer to in-core header INTEGER*4 LBR$L_CTXPTR ! Pointer to context control block INTEGER*4 LBR$L_CURIDX ! Number of current index INTEGER*4 LBR$L_USRNAM ! Pointer to user NAM block INTEGER*4 LBR$L_OLDHDRPTR ! Pointer to unmodified in-core header block END STRUCTURE ! LBRCTLTBL CDEC$ END OPTIONS