!*** MODULE $FORIOSDEF *** ! ! Define FORTRAN error numbers for use with IOSTAT and ERRSNS ! PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SUCCESS = 0 ! Success PARAMETER FOR$IOS_EOF = -1 ! End of file PARAMETER FOR$IOS_NOTFORSPE = '00000001'X ! not a FORTRAN specific error ! ERRSNS only - IOSTAT can not ! return this value. PARAMETER FOR$IOS_NOTIMP = '00000002'X ! not implemented PARAMETER FOR$IOS_IGNORED = '00000003'X ! ignored requested disposition PARAMETER FOR$IOS_IGNNOTDEL = '00000004'X ! ignored requested disposition, file not deleted PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SYNERRNAM = '00000011'X ! syntax error in NAMELIST input PARAMETER FOR$IOS_TOOMANVAL = '00000012'X ! too many values for NAMELIST variable PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INVREFVAR = '00000013'X ! invalid reference to variable PARAMETER FOR$IOS_REWERR = '00000014'X ! REWIND error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_DUPFILSPE = '00000015'X ! duplicate file specifications PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INPRECTOO = '00000016'X ! input record too long PARAMETER FOR$IOS_BACERR = '00000017'X ! BACKSPACE error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_ENDDURREA = '00000018'X ! end-of-file during read ! (ERRSNS only - IOSTAT returns ! a negative value for this error) PARAMETER FOR$IOS_RECNUMOUT = '00000019'X ! record number outside range PARAMETER FOR$IOS_OPEDEFREQ = '0000001A'X ! OPEN or DEFINE FILE required PARAMETER FOR$IOS_TOOMANREC = '0000001B'X ! too many records in I/O statement PARAMETER FOR$IOS_CLOERR = '0000001C'X ! CLOSE error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FILNOTFOU = '0000001D'X ! file not found PARAMETER FOR$IOS_OPEFAI = '0000001E'X ! open failure PARAMETER FOR$IOS_MIXFILACC = '0000001F'X ! mixed file access modes PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INVLOGUNI = '00000020'X ! invalid logical unit number PARAMETER FOR$IOS_ENDFILERR = '00000021'X ! ENDFILE error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_UNIALROPE = '00000022'X ! unit already open PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SEGRECFOR = '00000023'X ! segmented record format error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_ATTACCNON = '00000024'X ! attempt to access non-existent record PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INCRECLEN = '00000025'X ! inconsistent record length PARAMETER FOR$IOS_ERRDURWRI = '00000026'X ! error during write PARAMETER FOR$IOS_ERRDURREA = '00000027'X ! error during read PARAMETER FOR$IOS_RECIO_OPE = '00000028'X ! recursive I/O operation PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INSVIRMEM = '00000029'X ! insufficient virtual memory PARAMETER FOR$IOS_NO_SUCDEV = '0000002A'X ! no such device PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FILNAMSPE = '0000002B'X ! file name specification error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INCRECTYP = '0000002C'X ! inconsistent record type PARAMETER FOR$IOS_KEYVALERR = '0000002D'X ! keyword value error in OPEN statement PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INCOPECLO = '0000002E'X ! inconsistent OPEN/CLOSE parameters PARAMETER FOR$IOS_WRIREAFIL = '0000002F'X ! write to READONLY file PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INVARGFOR = '00000030'X ! invalid argument to FORTRAN Run-Time Library PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INVKEYSPE = '00000031'X ! invalid key specification PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INCKEYCHG = '00000032'X ! inconsistent key change or duplicate key PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INCFILORG = '00000033'X ! inconsistent file organization PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SPERECLOC = '00000034'X ! specified record locked PARAMETER FOR$IOS_NO_CURREC = '00000035'X ! no current record PARAMETER FOR$IOS_REWRITERR = '00000036'X ! REWRITE error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_DELERR = '00000037'X ! DELETE error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_UNLERR = '00000038'X ! UNLOCK error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FINERR = '00000039'X ! FIND error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_LISIO_SYN = '0000003B'X ! list-directed I/O syntax error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INFFORLOO = '0000003C'X ! infinite format loop PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FORVARMIS = '0000003D'X ! format/variable-type mismatch PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SYNERRFOR = '0000003E'X ! syntax error in format PARAMETER FOR$IOS_OUTCONERR = '0000003F'X ! output conversion error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INPCONERR = '00000040'X ! input conversion error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_OUTSTAOVE = '00000042'X ! output statement overflows record PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INPSTAREQ = '00000043'X ! input statement requires too much data PARAMETER FOR$IOS_VFEVALERR = '00000044'X ! variable format expression value error ! Error numbers 70-77 refer to hardware exceptions and are ! not returned by IOSTAT. PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INTOVF = '00000046'X ! integer overflow PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INTDIV = '00000047'X ! integer divide by zero PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FLTOVF = '00000048'X ! floating overflow PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FLTDIV = '00000049'X ! floating/decimal divide by zero PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FLTUND = '0000004A'X ! floating underflow PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SUBRNG = '0000004D'X ! subscript out of range ! Error numbers 80-89 refer to Math Library reported errors and ! are not returned by IOSTAT. PARAMETER FOR$IOS_WRONUMARG = '00000050'X ! wrong number of arguments PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INVARGMAT = '00000051'X ! invalid argument to math library PARAMETER FOR$IOS_UNDEXP = '00000052'X ! undefined exponentiation PARAMETER FOR$IOS_LOGZERNEG = '00000053'X ! logarithm of zero or negative value PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SQUROONEG = '00000054'X ! square root of negative value PARAMETER FOR$IOS_SIGLOSMAT = '00000057'X ! significance lost in math library PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FLOOVEMAT = '00000058'X ! floating overflow in math library PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FLOUNDMAT = '00000059'X ! floating underflow in math library PARAMETER FOR$IOS_ADJARRDIM = '0000005D'X ! adjustable array dimension error PARAMETER FOR$IOS_INVMATKEY = '0000005E'X ! invalid key match specifier for key direction PARAMETER FOR$IOS_FLOCONFAI = '0000005F'X ! floating point conversion failed ! ! End of FORIOSDEF.FOR !