!*** MODULE $EOMWDEF *** CDEC$ OPTIONS /NOALIGN ! ! End of module record with word of psect (EOMW) ! PARAMETER EOMW$K_EOMMIN = '00000002'X ! Min length of EOM record PARAMETER EOMW$C_EOMMIN = '00000002'X ! Min length of EOM record PARAMETER EOMW$K_EOMMX1 = '00000008'X ! Length of EOMW record w/o transfer flags PARAMETER EOMW$C_EOMMX1 = '00000008'X ! Length of EOMW record w/o transfer flags PARAMETER EOMW$K_EOMMAX = '00000009'X ! Maximum length of EOMW record PARAMETER EOMW$C_EOMMAX = '00000009'X ! Maximum length of EOMW record PARAMETER EOMW$M_WKTFR = '00000001'X STRUCTURE /EOMWDEF/ BYTE EOMW$B_RECTYP ! Record type (OBJ$C_EOM) BYTE EOMW$B_COMCOD ! Compiler completion code INTEGER*2 EOMW$W_PSINDX ! P-sect of transfer address INTEGER*4 EOMW$L_TFRADR ! Transfer address UNION MAP BYTE EOMW$B_TFRFLG ! Transfer address flags END MAP MAP PARAMETER EOMW$S_WKTFR = 1 PARAMETER EOMW$V_WKTFR = 0 ! Transfer address is weak BYTE %FILL (1) END MAP END UNION END STRUCTURE ! EOMWDEF CDEC$ END OPTIONS