!*** MODULE $EIDCDEF *** CDEC$ OPTIONS /NOALIGN ! ! EVAX IDC - Random entity ident consistency check ! PARAMETER EIDC$C_LEQ = '00000000'X PARAMETER EIDC$C_EQUAL = '00000001'X STRUCTURE /EIDCDEF/ INTEGER*2 EIDC$W_GSDTYP ! Type field INTEGER*2 EIDC$W_SIZE ! size of this EIDCDEF UNION MAP INTEGER*4 EIDC$L_FLAGS ! Flags END MAP MAP PARAMETER EIDC$S_BINIDENT = 1 PARAMETER EIDC$V_BINIDENT = 0 ! Ident is binary longword rather than ASCIC PARAMETER EIDC$S_IDMATCH = 2 PARAMETER EIDC$V_IDMATCH = 1 ! Field for ident match control if binary ident PARAMETER EIDC$S_ERRSEV = 3 PARAMETER EIDC$V_ERRSEV = 3 ! Error severity (default is warning-0) BYTE %FILL (1) END MAP ! Match control values END UNION UNION MAP BYTE EIDC$B_NAMLNG ! Length of entity name END MAP MAP BYTE %FILL ! unsupported type CHARACTER*0 EIDC$T_NAME ! ! Followed by entity name ! Followed by byte of length of name of object ! Followed by the object name ! Followed by ! byte of ident length ! ident string (length = string length) ! or ! ident binary value (length = 4) END MAP END UNION END STRUCTURE ! EIDCDEF CDEC$ END OPTIONS