%IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$QUADWORD_DECLARED ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$QUADWORD LONG FILL ( 2 ) END RECORD %LET %BASIC$QUADWORD_DECLARED = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$OCTAWORD_DECLARED ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$OCTAWORD LONG FILL ( 4 ) END RECORD %LET %BASIC$OCTAWORD_DECLARED = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$F_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$F_FLOATING_COMPLEX SINGLE REAL_PART SINGLE IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$F_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$D_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$D_FLOATING_COMPLEX DOUBLE REAL_PART DOUBLE IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$D_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$G_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$G_FLOATING_COMPLEX GFLOAT REAL_PART GFLOAT IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$G_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$H_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$H_FLOATING_COMPLEX HFLOAT REAL_PART HFLOAT IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$H_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF ! + ! Get System Performance Information Data Identifier Definitions ! ! The following constants define the items which can be collected ! with the Get Resource Monitor Information service (GETRMI). ! The item numbers are defined as follows: ! ! 16 12 0 ! +------------------+-------------+ ! | Structure number | Item number | ! +------------------+-------------+ ! ! The top four bits represent the structure of the item and the last 12 ! bits represent the item within the structure. The item numbers start ! at 0 and increase sequentially to the last item (even across tables). ! If new items are added to a table, programs MUST be relinked to allow ! the old definitions to change. This was done to simplify some table ! lookups in the Monitor Utility. To get around this, new items can be ! added at the end of the list. ! ! Each table has one item at the end to act as a place holder. It should ! have the same item number as the first item of the next table. These ! items are not counters in the total number of RMI items RMI$_TABLESIZE. ! - ! DEFINE TABLE TYPES DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$C_EXETYPE = 1 ! Executive cells DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$C_EWSTYPE = 2 ! Executive writable storage area DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$C_MONTYPE = 3 ! Monitor specific items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$C_RMSTYPE = 4 ! Monitor RMS specific items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$C_LISTEND = 0 ! End of table list ! ! The following section defines items which are collected during initialization. ! There items include general system information, and server version number. ! The server version number is also defined here. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_initial = -1 ! Initialization item list DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_data_collection = -2 ! Data collection item list DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_sysinfo = -3 ! System information item DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_version_number = -4 ! Monitor version number DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_rms_file = -5 ! Parse file name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_rms_gs = -6 ! Get global section address DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_last_type = -7 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_server_version = 5 ! ! Define bits in the PMS flags field PMS$GL_FLAGS. These are used to ! synchronize access to some PMS field and enable other activity. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$s_rmi$pms_flags = 4 record rmi$pms_flags group RMI$l_flags ! Class qualifier flags for CDB ( Active ) ! YES => Enable disk queue length collection ! This field must be accessed via an interlocked ! bit instruction. ! Fill out remainder of first byte ! YES => Synchronize access to several PMS counters ! used in the collection of disk queue length. ! This field must be accessed via an interlocked ! bit instruction, AND MUST BE IN A SEPARATE ! BYTE from the disk_enable bit (required by ! the architecture to maintain synchronization). ! Fill out remainder of field LONG disk_enable_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - disk_enable_bits contains bits disk_enable through filler2 end group RMI$l_flags end record rmi$pms_flags ! ! Define two contants to handle help handle large lookaside lists. The ! maximum number that RMISHR will count to is defined with ! RMI$K_MAX_PACKET and the value returned when this threshold is ! reached is defined as RMI$K_POOL_OVF. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$k_max_packet = 500 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$k_pool_ovf = -2147483647 ! ! Define item identifier numbers. Each data item has an associated ! value which is used to find its entry in the EXETBL. The item table ! is defined by the macros RMI_GENERATE_TABLE which makes multiple calls ! to the macro RMI_ITEM_CODE defined in the SYSGETRMI module. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MODES = 4096 ! All modes counters on all CPU's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INTERRUPT = 4097 ! time on interrupt stack -- primary DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KERNEL = 4098 ! time in kernel mode -- primary DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_EXEC = 4099 ! time in exec mode -- primary DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SUPER = 4100 ! time in supervisor mode -- primary DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_USER = 4101 ! time in user mode -- primary DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_COMPAT = 4102 ! time in compat. mode -- primary DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INTERRUPT_BUSY = 4103 ! Time spent RMInning on the interrupt stack DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KERNEL_BUSY = 4104 ! Time spent RMInning on the lernel stack DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_IDLE = 4105 ! idle time -- primary DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_CPUBUSY = 4106 ! RETIRED ITEM - RETURNS 0 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_COLPG = 4107 ! collided page wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MWAIT = 4108 ! memory wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_CEF = 4109 ! common event flag wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PFW = 4110 ! page wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LEF = 4111 ! local event flag wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LEFO = 4112 ! lef wait out of bal. set DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_HIB = 4113 ! hibernating DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_HIBO = 4114 ! hibernating outswapped DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SUSP = 4115 ! suspended DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SUSPO = 4116 ! suspended outswapped DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FPG = 4117 ! free page wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_COM = 4118 ! computing DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_COMO = 4119 ! computable outswapped DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_CUR = 4120 ! current DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_OTHSTAT = 4121 ! RETIRED ITEM - RETURNS 0 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PROCS = 4122 ! process count for SYSTEM class DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PROC = 4123 ! collect all process information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FRLIST = 4124 ! size of free list DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MODLIST = 4125 ! size of modified list DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FAULTS = 4126 ! page fault count DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PREADS = 4127 ! page reads DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PWRITES = 4128 ! page writes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PWRITIO = 4129 ! physical page write I/O's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PREADIO = 4130 ! physical page read I/O's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GVALFLTS = 4131 ! global valid faults DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_WRTINPROG = 4132 ! faults from write in progress DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FREFLTS = 4133 ! faults from free list DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MFYFLTS = 4134 ! faults from modified list DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DZROFLTS = 4135 ! demand zero faults DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SYSFAULTS = 4136 ! system page faults DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LRPCNT = 4137 ! number of LRP packets available DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LRPINUSE = 4138 ! number of LRPs in use DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_IRPCNT = 4139 ! number of IRP packets available DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_IRPINUSE = 4140 ! number of IRPs in use DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SRPCNT = 4141 ! number of SRP packets available DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SRPINUSE = 4142 ! number of SRPs in use DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_HOLECNT = 4143 ! number of blocks in dyn. memory DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BIGHOLE = 4144 ! largest hole DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SMALLHOLE = 4145 ! smallest hole DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_HOLESUM = 4146 ! total space in dyn. memory available DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DYNINUSE = 4147 ! dynamic memory space in use DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SMALLCNT = 4148 ! number of blocks < 32 bytes in size DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ISWPCNT = 4149 ! total inswaps DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRIO = 4150 ! count of direct I/Os DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BUFIO = 4151 ! count of buffered I/Os DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MBREADS = 4152 ! total mailbox reads DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MBWRITES = 4153 ! total mailbox writes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LOGNAM = 4154 ! logical name translations DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPCALLS = 4155 ! total fcp calls DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPREAD = 4156 ! number of disk reads by FCP DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPWRITE = 4157 ! number of disk writes by FCP DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPCACHE = 4158 ! number of FCP cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPCPU = 4159 ! number of CPU tics by FCP DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPHIT = 4160 ! number of window hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPSPLIT = 4161 ! number of split transfers DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPFAULT = 4162 ! number of FCP page faults DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQNEW = 4163 ! number of ENQ's ( new ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQCVT = 4164 ! number of ENQ's ( conversions ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DEQ = 4165 ! number of DEQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BLKAST = 4166 ! number of blocking AST's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQWAIT = 4167 ! number of ENQ's forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQNOTQD = 4168 ! number of ENQ's not queued DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DLCKSRCH = 4169 ! number of deadlock searches DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DLCKFND = 4170 ! number of deadlocks found DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_NUMLOCKS = 4171 ! total locks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_NUMRES = 4172 ! total resources DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ARRLOCPK = 4173 ! arriving local packets DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DEPLOCPK = 4174 ! departing local packets DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ARRTRAPK = 4175 ! arriving transit packets DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TRCNGLOS = 4176 ! transit congestion loss DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RCVBUFFL = 4177 ! receiver buffer failures DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED1 = 4178 ! Reserved PMS location 1 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED2 = 4179 ! Reserved PMS location 2 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED3 = 4180 ! Reserved PMS location 3 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED4 = 4181 ! Reserved PMS location 4 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED5 = 4182 ! Reserved PMS location 5 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED6 = 4183 ! Reserved PMS location 6 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED7 = 4184 ! Reserved PMS location 7 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED8 = 4185 ! Reserved PMS location 8 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED9 = 4186 ! Reserved PMS location 9 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED10 = 4187 ! Reserved PMS location 10 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED11 = 4188 ! Reserved PMS location 11 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED12 = 4189 ! Reserved PMS location 12 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED13 = 4190 ! Reserved PMS location 13 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED14 = 4191 ! Reserved PMS location 14 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED15 = 4192 ! Reserved PMS location 15 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED16 = 4193 ! Reserved PMS location 16 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED17 = 4194 ! Reserved PMS location 17 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVED18 = 4195 ! Reserved PMS location 18 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FID_TRIES = 4196 ! count of File Id cache attempts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FILHDR_TRIES = 4197 ! count of File header cache attempts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRFCB_TRIES = 4198 ! count of Directory block cache attempts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRDATA_TRIES = 4199 ! count of Directory data cache attempts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_EXT_TRIES = 4200 ! count of Extent cache attempts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_QUO_TRIES = 4201 ! count of Quota cache attempts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_STORAGMAP_TRIES = 4202 ! count of storage bitmap cache attempts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DISKS = 4203 ! all disk data DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTAL_LOCKS = 4204 ! Total of all locking activity - NOT COLLECTED BY RMI - COMPUTED BY MONITOR DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQNEWLOC = 4205 ! new lock requests ( local ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQNEWIN = 4206 ! new lock requests ( incoming ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQNEWOUT = 4207 ! new lock requests ( outgoing ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQCVTLOC = 4208 ! lock conversion requests ( local ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQCVTIN = 4209 ! lock conversion requests ( incoming ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ENQCVTOUT = 4210 ! lock conversion requests ( outgoing ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DEQLOC = 4211 ! dequeues ( local ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DEQIN = 4212 ! dequeues ( incoming ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DEQOUT = 4213 ! dequeues ( outgoing ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BLKLOC = 4214 ! blocking ASTs queued ( local ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BLKIN = 4215 ! blocking ASTs queued ( incoming ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BLKOUT = 4216 ! blocking ASTs queued ( outgoing ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRIN = 4217 ! directory operations ( incoming ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIROUT = 4218 ! directory operations ( outgoing ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DLCKMSGS = 4219 ! deadlock detection messages ( in ? out ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SCS = 4220 ! All SCS information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SYSTIME = 4221 ! Current system time DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_REQUEST = 4222 ! IO request rate to the MSCP server DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_READ = 4223 ! Read request rate to the MSCP server DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_WRITE = 4224 ! Write request rate to the MSCP server DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_FRAGMENT = 4225 ! Rate at which I/O's are fragmented DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SPLIT = 4226 ! Rate at which I/O's are split DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_BUFWAIT = 4227 ! Rate at which incoming requests have to wait for a buffer DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SIZE1 = 4228 ! I/O rate for sizes 1-2 blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SIZE2 = 4229 ! I/O rate for sizes 2-3 blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SIZE3 = 4230 ! I/O rate for sizes 4-7 blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SIZE4 = 4231 ! I/O rate for sizes 8-15 blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SIZE5 = 4232 ! I/O rate for sizes 16-31 blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SIZE6 = 4233 ! I/O rate for sizes 32-63 blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_SIZE7 = 4234 ! I/O rate for sizes 64-127 blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSCP_ALL = 4235 ! Dummy item to collect all MSCP server class items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_STARTS = 4236 ! Local Transaction starts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_PREPARES = 4237 ! Local Transaction prepare event DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_ONE_PHASE = 4238 ! Transaction ONE_PHASE commit event DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_COMMITS = 4239 ! Local Transaction commit event DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_ABORTS = 4240 ! Local Transaction abort event DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_ENDS = 4241 ! Local Transaction ends DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_BRANCHS = 4242 ! Start branch event DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_ADDS = 4243 ! Add branch event DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_BUCKETS1 = 4244 ! TPS rate for < 1 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_BUCKETS2 = 4245 ! TPS rate for 1-2 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_BUCKETS3 = 4246 ! TPS rate for 2-3 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_BUCKETS4 = 4247 ! TPS rate for 3-4 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_BUCKETS5 = 4248 ! TPS rate for 4-5 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_BUCKETS6 = 4249 ! TPS rate for > 6 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DDTM_ALL = 4250 ! Dummy item to collect all TRANSACTION class items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VECTORP = 4251 ! Vector Processor tics scheduled DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VBYTE_READ = 4252 ! VBS bytes read DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VBYTE_WRITE = 4253 ! VBS bytes written DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VVBS_TRAN = 4254 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VRBS_TRAN = 4255 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VDIO_SEL = 4256 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VDIOMAP_ALLOC = 4257 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VRBS_AVAIL = 4258 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VSEL_FAIL = 4259 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VVBSM_HIT = 4260 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VVBSM_CACHE = 4261 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VFLUIDBAL = 4262 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VRECOPY = 4263 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VCPUTICKS = 4264 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE1 = 4265 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE2 = 4266 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE3 = 4267 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE4 = 4268 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE5 = 4269 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE6 = 4270 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE7 = 4271 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE8 = 4272 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE9 = 4273 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE10 = 4274 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE11 = 4275 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE12 = 4276 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE13 = 4277 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE14 = 4278 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE15 = 4279 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE16 = 4280 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE17 = 4281 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE18 = 4282 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE19 = 4283 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE20 = 4284 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE21 = 4285 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE22 = 4286 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE23 = 4287 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE24 = 4288 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE25 = 4289 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE26 = 4290 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE27 = 4291 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE28 = 4292 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE29 = 4293 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE30 = 4294 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE31 = 4295 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE32 = 4296 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE33 = 4297 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE34 = 4298 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE35 = 4299 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE36 = 4300 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE37 = 4301 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE38 = 4302 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE39 = 4303 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE40 = 4304 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE41 = 4305 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE42 = 4306 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE43 = 4307 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE44 = 4308 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE45 = 4309 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE46 = 4310 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE47 = 4311 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE48 = 4312 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE49 = 4313 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE50 = 4314 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE51 = 4315 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE52 = 4316 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE53 = 4317 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE54 = 4318 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE55 = 4319 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE56 = 4320 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE57 = 4321 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE58 = 4322 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE59 = 4323 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE60 = 4324 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE61 = 4325 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE62 = 4326 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE63 = 4327 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE64 = 4328 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE65 = 4329 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE66 = 4330 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE67 = 4331 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE68 = 4332 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE69 = 4333 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE70 = 4334 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEXE71 = 4335 ! Reserved EXE items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LASTEXE = 4336 ! Last item in the EXE table ! ! These next items are located in an executive writable page in memory ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ACCESS = 8432 ! number of file accesses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ALLOC = 8433 ! number of file extends DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPCREATE = 8434 ! number of file creations DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VOLWAIT = 8435 ! # of times XQP waited for volume lock DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPTURN = 8436 ! number of window turns DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FCPERASE = 8437 ! number of erase calls DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_OPENS = 8438 ! number of file opens DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FIDHIT = 8439 ! count of File Id cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FIDMISS = 8440 ! count of File Id cache misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FILHDR_HIT = 8441 ! count of File header cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRFCB_HIT = 8442 ! count of Directory block cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRFCB_MISS = 8443 ! count of Directory block cache misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRDATA_HIT = 8444 ! count of Directory data cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_EXTHIT = 8445 ! count of Extent cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_EXTMISS = 8446 ! count of Extent cache misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_QUOHIT = 8447 ! count of Quota cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_QUOMISS = 8448 ! count of Quota cache misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_STORAGMAP_HIT = 8449 ! count of storage bitmap cache hits DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_VOLLCK = 8450 ! Volume synch locks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SYNCHLCK = 8451 ! directory and file synch locks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SYNCHWAIT = 8452 ! # of times XQP waited for a directory or file synch lock DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ACCLCK = 8453 ! access locks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_XQPCACHEWAIT = 8454 ! # of times XQP had to wait for free space in a cache DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS1 = 8455 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS2 = 8456 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS3 = 8457 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS4 = 8458 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS5 = 8459 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS6 = 8460 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS7 = 8461 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS8 = 8462 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS9 = 8463 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS10 = 8464 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS11 = 8465 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS12 = 8466 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS13 = 8467 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS14 = 8468 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS15 = 8469 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS16 = 8470 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS17 = 8471 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS18 = 8472 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS19 = 8473 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS20 = 8474 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS21 = 8475 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS22 = 8476 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS23 = 8477 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS24 = 8478 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS25 = 8479 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS26 = 8480 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS27 = 8481 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS28 = 8482 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS29 = 8483 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS30 = 8484 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS31 = 8485 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS32 = 8486 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS33 = 8487 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS34 = 8488 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS35 = 8489 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS36 = 8490 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS37 = 8491 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS38 = 8492 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS39 = 8493 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS40 = 8494 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS41 = 8495 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS42 = 8496 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS43 = 8497 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS44 = 8498 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS45 = 8499 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS46 = 8500 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS47 = 8501 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS48 = 8502 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS49 = 8503 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS50 = 8504 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS51 = 8505 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS52 = 8506 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS53 = 8507 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS54 = 8508 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS55 = 8509 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS56 = 8510 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS57 = 8511 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS58 = 8512 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS59 = 8513 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS60 = 8514 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS61 = 8515 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS62 = 8516 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS63 = 8517 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS64 = 8518 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS65 = 8519 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS66 = 8520 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS67 = 8521 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS68 = 8522 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS69 = 8523 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS70 = 8524 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS71 = 8525 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS72 = 8526 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS73 = 8527 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS74 = 8528 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS75 = 8529 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS76 = 8530 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS77 = 8531 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS78 = 8532 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS79 = 8533 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS80 = 8534 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS81 = 8535 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS82 = 8536 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS83 = 8537 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS84 = 8538 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS85 = 8539 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS86 = 8540 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS87 = 8541 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS88 = 8542 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS89 = 8543 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS90 = 8544 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS91 = 8545 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS92 = 8546 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS93 = 8547 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS94 = 8548 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS95 = 8549 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS96 = 8550 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS97 = 8551 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS98 = 8552 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS99 = 8553 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDEWS100 = 8554 ! Reserved EWS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LASTEWS = 8555 ! Last item in the exec writable table ! ! Begin monitor specific data items. The items listed below are ! NOT collected by the RMI as individual items. Some are NOT collected ! at all but are computed by MONITOR. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FIDHITPCNT = 12651 ! percentage of file id cache hits/hits+misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FILHDR_HITPCNT = 12652 ! percentage of file header cache hits/hits+misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRFCB_HITPCNT = 12653 ! percentage of directory block cache hits/hits+misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRDATA_HITPCNT = 12654 ! percentage of directory data cache hits/hits+misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_EXTHITPCNT = 12655 ! percentage of extent cache hits/hits+misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_QUOHITPCNT = 12656 ! percentage of quota cache hits/hits+misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_STORAGMAP_HITPCNT = 12657 ! percentage of storage map cache hits/hits+misses DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_OPCNT = 12658 ! disk io operation count DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_IOQUELEN = 12659 ! disk io queue length DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_IOAQUELEN = 12660 ! Accurate disk io queue length DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DISKRESPTIM = 12661 ! disk io response time DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_JNLIOCNT = 12662 ! journaling io operation count ( for disks ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_JDNQLEN = 12663 ! jdevice normal io queue length DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_JDWQLEN = 12664 ! jdevice wait irp queue length DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_JDFQLEN = 12665 ! jdevice force io queue length DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_JDEXCNT = 12666 ! jdevice extend count DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_JNLWRTSS = 12667 ! obsolete DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_JNLBUFWR = 12668 ! obsolete DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DGSENT = 12669 ! SCS application datagrams sent DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DGRCVD = 12670 ! SCS application datagrams received DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DGDISCARD = 12671 ! SCS application datagrams discarded DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSGSENT = 12672 ! SCS application messages sent DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MSGRCVD = 12673 ! SCS application messages received DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SNDATS = 12674 ! SCS block send datas initiated DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KBYTSENT = 12675 ! SCS kbytes sent via send datas DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_REQDATS = 12676 ! SCS block request datas initiated DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KBYTREQD = 12677 ! SCS kbytes received via request datas DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KBYTMAPD = 12678 ! SCS kbytes mapped for block transfer DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_QCR_CNT = 12679 ! SCS times connection queued for send credit DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_QBDT_CNT = 12680 ! SCS times connection queued for buffer descriptor DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRLOOK = 12681 ! directory lookups DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRINS = 12682 ! directory inserts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DIRDEL = 12683 ! directory deletes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PACKETS = 12684 ! Ethernet packets/second DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KBYTES = 12685 ! Kbytes/second DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PACKETSIZE = 12686 ! Packets size ( bytes ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MPACKETS = 12687 ! Multicast packets/second DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MKBYTES = 12688 ! Multicast Kbytes/second DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MPACKETSIZE = 12689 ! Multicast packet size ( bytes ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SINGLECOLL = 12690 ! Transmit single collision detected DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MULTICOLL = 12691 ! Transmit multi collisions detected DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INITDEFER = 12692 ! Transmit initially deferred DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INTERNALBUFERR = 12693 ! Receive internal buffer error DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LOCBUFERR = 12694 ! Receive local buffer error DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BUFFUNAVAIL = 12695 ! System buffer unavailable DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FILLER = 12696 ! Dummy pad item DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON1 = 12697 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON2 = 12698 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON3 = 12699 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON4 = 12700 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON5 = 12701 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON6 = 12702 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON7 = 12703 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON8 = 12704 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON9 = 12705 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON10 = 12706 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON11 = 12707 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON12 = 12708 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON13 = 12709 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON14 = 12710 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON15 = 12711 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON16 = 12712 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON17 = 12713 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON18 = 12714 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON19 = 12715 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON20 = 12716 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON21 = 12717 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON22 = 12718 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON23 = 12719 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON24 = 12720 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON25 = 12721 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON26 = 12722 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON27 = 12723 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON28 = 12724 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON29 = 12725 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON30 = 12726 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON31 = 12727 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON32 = 12728 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON33 = 12729 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON34 = 12730 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON35 = 12731 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON36 = 12732 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON37 = 12733 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON38 = 12734 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON39 = 12735 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON40 = 12736 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON41 = 12737 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON42 = 12738 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON43 = 12739 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON44 = 12740 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON45 = 12741 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON46 = 12742 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON47 = 12743 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON48 = 12744 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON49 = 12745 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON50 = 12746 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON51 = 12747 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON52 = 12748 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON53 = 12749 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON54 = 12750 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON55 = 12751 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON56 = 12752 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON57 = 12753 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON58 = 12754 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON59 = 12755 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON60 = 12756 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON61 = 12757 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON62 = 12758 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON63 = 12759 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON64 = 12760 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON65 = 12761 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON66 = 12762 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON67 = 12763 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON68 = 12764 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON69 = 12765 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON70 = 12766 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON71 = 12767 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON72 = 12768 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON73 = 12769 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON74 = 12770 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON75 = 12771 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON76 = 12772 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON77 = 12773 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON78 = 12774 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON79 = 12775 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON80 = 12776 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON81 = 12777 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON82 = 12778 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON83 = 12779 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON84 = 12780 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON85 = 12781 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON86 = 12782 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON87 = 12783 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON88 = 12784 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON89 = 12785 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON90 = 12786 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON91 = 12787 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON92 = 12788 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON93 = 12789 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON94 = 12790 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON95 = 12791 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON96 = 12792 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON97 = 12793 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON98 = 12794 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON99 = 12795 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDMON100 = 12796 ! Reserved MON items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LASTMON = 12797 ! Last item in the monitor specific table ! ! Begin items specific to the Monitor RMS class. These items are maintained ! by RMS and collected from a global section with the following naming scheme: ! _RMS$xxxxxxxxyyyyyy where x is the volume lock id and y is the fid of the ! file being monitored. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMS_STATS = 16893 ! All of the following rms statistics DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SEQGETS = 16894 ! Total # of sequential gets DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KEYGETS = 16895 ! Total # of keyed gets DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RFAGETS = 16896 ! Total # of gets by RFA DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GETBYTES = 16897 ! Total size in bytes of all GETS DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SEQPUTS = 16898 ! Total # of sequential puts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KEYPUTS = 16899 ! Total # of puts by key DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_PUTBYTES = 16900 ! Total # of bytes put to file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_UPDATES = 16901 ! Total # of updates to the file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_UPDATEBYTES = 16902 ! Total # of bytes updated in file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DELETES = 16903 ! Total # of deletes to file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TRUNCATES = 16904 ! Total # of times file has been truncated DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TRUNCBLKS = 16905 ! Total # of blocks file has been truncated DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_SEQFINDS = 16906 ! Total # of sequential finds DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_KEYFINDS = 16907 ! Total # of keyed finds DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RFAFINDS = 16908 ! Total # of RFA finds DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_READS = 16909 ! Total # of $READS DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_READBYTES = 16910 ! Total # of bytes read from $READS DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_CONNECTS = 16911 ! Total connect requests DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_DISCONNECTS = 16912 ! Total disconnect requests DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_EXTENDS = 16913 ! Total extends DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_EXTBLOCKS = 16914 ! Total number of blocks file has been extended DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FLUSHES = 16915 ! Total number of calls to flush DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_REWINDS = 16916 ! Total number of calls to REWIND DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_WRITES = 16917 ! Total number of calls to $WRITE DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_WRITEBYTES = 16918 ! Total bytes written using $WRITE DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FLCKENQS = 16919 ! Total number of file lock ENQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FLCKDEQS = 16920 ! Total number of file lock DEQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FLCKCNVS = 16921 ! Total number of file lock conversions DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LBLCKENQS = 16922 ! Total number of local buffer lock ENQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LBLCKDEQS = 16923 ! Total number of local buffer lock DEQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LBLCKCNVS = 16924 ! Total number of local buffer lock conversions DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GBLCKENQS = 16925 ! Total number of global buffer lock ENQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GBLCKDEQS = 16926 ! Total number of global buffer lock DEQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GBLCKCNVS = 16927 ! Total number of global buffer lock conversions DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GSLCKENQS = 16928 ! Total number of global section lock ENQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GSLCKDEQS = 16929 ! Total number of global section lock DEQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GSLCKCNVS = 16930 ! Total number of global section lock conversions DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RLCKENQS = 16931 ! Total number of record lock ENQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RLCKDEQS = 16932 ! Total number of record lock DEQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RLCKCNVS = 16933 ! Total number of record lock conversions DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_APPLCKENQS = 16934 ! Total number of append lock ENQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_APPLCKDEQS = 16935 ! Total number of append lock DEQ's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_APPLCKCNVS = 16936 ! Total number of append lock conversions DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FLBLKASTS = 16937 ! Total number of file lock blocking ASTs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LBLBLKASTS = 16938 ! Total number of local buffer lock blocking ASTs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GBLBLKASTS = 16939 ! Total number of global buffer lock blocking ASTs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_APPBLKASTS = 16940 ! Total number of shared append lock blocking ASTs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LCACHEHITS = 16941 ! Total cache hits on buckets in local buffers DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LCACHETRIES = 16942 ! Total cache attempts on buckets in local buffers DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GCACHEHITS = 16943 ! Total cache hits on buckets in global buffers DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GCACHETRIES = 16944 ! Total cache attempts on buckets in global buffers DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GBRDIRIOS = 16945 ! Total direct IO's causes by global buffer cache reads DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GBWDIRIOS = 16946 ! Total direct IO's causes by global buffer cache writes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LBRDIRIOS = 16947 ! Total direct IO's causes by local buffer cache reads DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LBWDIRIOS = 16948 ! Total direct IO's causes by local buffer cache writes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BKTSPLT = 16949 ! Total number of 2 bucket splits done for this file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_MBKTSPLT = 16950 ! Total number of multi-bucket splits done for this file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSOPENS = 16951 ! Total number of times file has been opened DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_CLOSES = 16952 ! Total number of times file has been closed DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GSBLKASTS = 16953 ! Global Section Blocking ASTS DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_FLWAITS = 16954 ! File lock ENQs forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LBWAITS = 16955 ! Local buffer ENQs forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GBWAITS = 16956 ! Global buffer ENQs forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GSWAITS = 16957 ! Global section ENQs forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RLWAITS = 16958 ! Record lock ENQs forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_APWAITS = 16959 ! Append lock ENQs forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTWAITS = 16960 ! Total ENQs forced to wait DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_OUTBUFQUO = 16961 ! Number of times a process runs out of buffer quota DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV1 = 16962 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV2 = 16963 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV3 = 16964 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV4 = 16965 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV5 = 16966 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV6 = 16967 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV7 = 16968 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV8 = 16969 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV9 = 16970 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV10 = 16971 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV11 = 16972 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV12 = 16973 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV13 = 16974 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV14 = 16975 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMSDEV15 = 16976 ! Reserved for RMS development private monitoring DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_XQPQIOS = 16977 ! Number of XQP operations for this file by RMS DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LCACHEHITPCNT = 16978 ! Local RMS buffer hit percent DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_GCACHEHITPCNT = 16979 ! Global RMS buffer hit percent DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTALGET = 16980 ! Total $GET call rate DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTALPUT = 16981 ! Total $PUT call rate DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTALFIND = 16982 ! Total $FIND call rate DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BYTESGET = 16983 ! Bytes per $GET DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BYTESPUT = 16984 ! Bytes per $PUT DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BYTESUPDATE = 16985 ! Bytes per $UPDATE DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BYTESREAD = 16986 ! Bytes per $READ DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BYTESWRITE = 16987 ! Bytes per $WRITE DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BLOCKSTRUNCATE = 16988 ! Bytes per $TRUNCATE DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_BLOCKSEXTEND = 16989 ! Bytes per $EXTEND DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_ACTIVE_STREAMS = 16990 ! Active connects to file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTAL_ENQS = 16991 ! Total new ENQs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTAL_DEQS = 16992 ! Total DEQs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTAL_CNVS = 16993 ! Total ENQ conversions DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_TOTAL_BLKAST = 16994 ! Total blocking ASTs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RMS_ORG = 16995 ! RMS File org DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INTCOL_HSHTBL = 16996 ! Interlock collision on global buffer hash table DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INTCOL_GBH = 16997 ! Interlock Collision on global buffer header DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INTRES_SETIMR = 16998 ! Interlock Collision resolved by call to $SETIMR DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_INTNOTRES = 16999 ! Interlock collision not resolved by call to $SETIMR DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS5 = 17000 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS6 = 17001 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS7 = 17002 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS8 = 17003 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS9 = 17004 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS10 = 17005 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS11 = 17006 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS12 = 17007 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS13 = 17008 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS14 = 17009 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS15 = 17010 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS16 = 17011 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS17 = 17012 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS18 = 17013 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS19 = 17014 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS20 = 17015 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS21 = 17016 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS22 = 17017 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS23 = 17018 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS24 = 17019 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS25 = 17020 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS26 = 17021 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS27 = 17022 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS28 = 17023 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS29 = 17024 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS30 = 17025 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS31 = 17026 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS32 = 17027 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS33 = 17028 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS34 = 17029 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS35 = 17030 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS36 = 17031 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS37 = 17032 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS38 = 17033 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS39 = 17034 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS40 = 17035 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS41 = 17036 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS42 = 17037 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS43 = 17038 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS44 = 17039 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS45 = 17040 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS46 = 17041 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS47 = 17042 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS48 = 17043 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS49 = 17044 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS50 = 17045 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS51 = 17046 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS52 = 17047 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS53 = 17048 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS54 = 17049 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS55 = 17050 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS56 = 17051 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS57 = 17052 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS58 = 17053 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS59 = 17054 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS60 = 17055 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS61 = 17056 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS62 = 17057 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS63 = 17058 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS64 = 17059 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS65 = 17060 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS66 = 17061 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS67 = 17062 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS68 = 17063 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS69 = 17064 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS70 = 17065 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS71 = 17066 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS72 = 17067 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS73 = 17068 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS74 = 17069 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS75 = 17070 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS76 = 17071 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS77 = 17072 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS78 = 17073 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS79 = 17074 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS80 = 17075 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS81 = 17076 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS82 = 17077 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS83 = 17078 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS84 = 17079 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS85 = 17080 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS86 = 17081 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS87 = 17082 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS88 = 17083 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS89 = 17084 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS90 = 17085 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS91 = 17086 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS92 = 17087 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS93 = 17088 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS94 = 17089 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS95 = 17090 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS96 = 17091 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS97 = 17092 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS98 = 17093 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS99 = 17094 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_RESERVEDRMS100 = 17095 ! Reserved RMS items DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_LASTRMS = 17096 ! Last item in the monitor specific table ! ! Add new data items specific to MONITOR (not collected by the RMI on a per ! item basis) above this point. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$_tablesize = 712 ! ! End of MONITOR specific data items. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$s_rmi$scs_offsets = 56 record rmi$scs_offsets ! SCS class information BASIC$QUADWORD RMI$q_scs_nodename ! System node name LONG RMI$l_scs_dgsent ! Application datagrams sent LONG RMI$l_scs_dgrcvd ! Application datagrams received LONG RMI$l_scs_dgdiscard ! Application datagrams discarded LONG RMI$l_scs_msgsent ! Application messages sent LONG RMI$l_scs_msgrcvd ! Application messages received LONG RMI$l_scs_snddats ! Block send datas initiated LONG RMI$l_scs_kbytsent ! Kbytes sent via send datas LONG RMI$l_scs_reqdats ! Block request datas initiated LONG RMI$l_scs_kbytreqd ! Kbytes received via request datas LONG RMI$l_scs_kbytmapd ! Kbytes mapped for block transfers LONG RMI$l_scs_qcr_cnt ! Times connection queued for send credit LONG RMI$l_scs_qbdt_cnt ! Times connection queued for buffer descriptor end record rmi$scs_offsets DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$c_scs_minsize = 56 ! Size of one collection block for scs class DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$s_rmi$disk_offsets = 37 record rmi$disk_offsets ! DISK class information for ! current revision level WORD RMI$w_disk_alloclass ! Allocation class LONG RMI$l_disk_devname ! Device name WORD RMI$w_disk_unitnum ! Unit number BYTE RMI$b_disk_flags ! Flags byte (low bit indicates served disk BASIC$QUADWORD RMI$q_disk_nodename ! Nodename BASIC$QUADWORD RMI$q_disk_volnamel ! Volume name ( low ) LONG RMI$l_disk_volnameh ! Volume name ( high ) LONG RMI$l_disk_optcnt ! Operation count LONG RMI$l_disk_qcount ! Queue length accumulator end record rmi$disk_offsets DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$c_disk_minsize = 37 ! Size of one block DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$s_rmi$disk_offsets_rev4 = 36 record rmi$disk_offsets_rev4 ! DISK class information ! for "revision level 4" BYTE RMI$b_disk_alloclass_rev4 ! Allocation class LONG RMI$l_disk_devname_rev4 ! Device name WORD RMI$w_disk_unitnum_rev4 ! Unit number BYTE RMI$b_disk_flags_rev4 ! Flags byte (low bit indicates served disk BASIC$QUADWORD RMI$q_disk_nodename_rev4 ! Nodename BASIC$QUADWORD RMI$q_disk_volnamel_rev4 ! Volume name ( low ) LONG RMI$l_disk_volnameh_rev4 ! Volume name ( high ) LONG RMI$l_disk_optcnt_rev4 ! Operation count LONG RMI$l_disk_qcount_rev4 ! Queue length accumulator end record rmi$disk_offsets_rev4 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$c_disk_minsize_rev4 = 36 ! Size of one block DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$s_rmi$proc_class = 67 record rmi$proc_class ! PROCESSES Class Data Block LONG RMI$l_proc_ipid ! Internal PID LONG RMI$l_proc_uic ! UIC ( Member is low-order word ) WORD RMI$w_proc_state ! State value BYTE RMI$b_proc_pri ! Priority ( negative value ) BASIC$OCTAWORD RMI$o_proc_lname ! Process name ( counted string ) LONG RMI$l_proc_gpgcnt ! Global page count LONG RMI$l_proc_ppgcnt ! Process page count LONG RMI$l_proc_sts ! PCB Status Vector ! (PCB$V_RES bit clear => swapped out) LONG RMI$l_proc_diocnt ! Direct I/O count LONG RMI$l_proc_pageflts ! Page fault count LONG RMI$l_proc_cputim ! Accumulated CPU time ( in ticks ) LONG RMI$l_proc_biocnt ! Buffered I/O count LONG RMI$l_proc_epid ! Extended PID LONG RMI$l_proc_efwm ! Event flag wait mask ( for MWAITs ) LONG RMI$l_proc_rbstran ! Real balance slot transitions ! Size of process data block end record rmi$proc_class DECLARE LONG CONSTANT RMI$c_proc_minsize = 67