%IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$QUADWORD_DECLARED ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$QUADWORD LONG FILL ( 2 ) END RECORD %LET %BASIC$QUADWORD_DECLARED = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$OCTAWORD_DECLARED ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$OCTAWORD LONG FILL ( 4 ) END RECORD %LET %BASIC$OCTAWORD_DECLARED = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$F_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$F_FLOATING_COMPLEX SINGLE REAL_PART SINGLE IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$F_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$D_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$D_FLOATING_COMPLEX DOUBLE REAL_PART DOUBLE IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$D_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$G_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$G_FLOATING_COMPLEX GFLOAT REAL_PART GFLOAT IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$G_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF %IF %DECLARED ( %BASIC$H_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL ) = 0 %THEN RECORD BASIC$H_FLOATING_COMPLEX HFLOAT REAL_PART HFLOAT IMAGINARY_PART END RECORD %LET %BASIC$H_FLOATING_COMPLEX_DECL = 1 %END %IF ! ! Get Queue Information Service ($GETQUI) definitions. ! ! NOTE: New items must always be added at the end so users will not have to relink. ! ! NOTE: Update [VMSLIB.SRC]QUITABLE.MAR to reflect changes in $QUIDEF. ! ! ! Function codes ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CANCEL_OPERATION = 1 ! Cancel a wildcard operation DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_CHARACTERISTIC = 2 ! Return characteristic attributes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_FILE = 3 ! Return file attributes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM = 4 ! Return form attributes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB = 5 ! Return job attributes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE = 6 ! Return queue attributes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_TRANSLATE_QUEUE = 7 ! Validate and translate queue name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY = 8 ! Return entry ( job ) attributes (without first having to establish queue & ! context) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_QMAN = 9 ! Reserved for Digital ( used by job control to get qman information ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DISPLAY_MANAGER = 10 ! Return queue manager attributes DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$K_MIN_FUNC = 1 ! Minimum GETQUI function code DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$K_MAX_FUNC = 10 ! Maximum GETQUI function code ! ! Item codes ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_ACCOUNT_NAME = 1 ! Job: Submitter's account name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_AFTER_TIME = 2 ! Job: /AFTER=time DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_ASSIGNED_QUEUE_NAME = 3 ! Queue: ASSIGN/QUEUE target DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_BASE_PRIORITY = 4 ! Queue: /BASE_PRIORITY=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME = 5 ! Characteristic: Name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER = 6 ! Characteristic: Number DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CHARACTERISTICS = 7 ! Job, queue: /CHARACTERISTICS= ( c,... ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CHECKPOINT_DATA = 8 ! Job: Checkpoint data DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CLI = 9 ! Job: /CLI=filename DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_COMPLETED_BLOCKS = 10 ! Job: Completed blocks including checkpoint DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CONDITION_VECTOR = 11 ! Job: Completion status DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CPU_DEFAULT = 12 ! Queue: /CPUDEFAULT=t DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CPU_LIMIT = 13 ! Job, queue: /CPUMAXIMUM=t DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DEVICE_NAME = 14 ! Queue: /ON=device DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_ENTRY_NUMBER = 15 ! Job: Entry number DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_COPIES = 16 ! File: /COPIES=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_COPIES_CHKPT = 17 ! File: File copies checkpoint ( for internal use only ) ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_COPIES_DONE = 18 ! File: File copies completed DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_FLAGS = 19 ! File: Boolean information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_SETUP_MODULES = 20 ! File: /SETUP= ( module,... ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_SPECIFICATION = 21 ! File: Full file specification DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_STATUS = 22 ! File: Status information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FIRST_PAGE = 23 ! File: /PAGES= ( n,"" ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_DESCRIPTION = 24 ! Form: /DESCRIPTION=string DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_FLAGS = 25 ! Form: Boolean information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_LENGTH = 26 ! Form: /LENGTH=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_BOTTOM = 27 ! Form: /MARGIN=BOTTOM=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_LEFT = 28 ! Form: /MARGIN=LEFT=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_RIGHT = 29 ! Form: /MARGIN=RIGHT=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_TOP = 30 ! Form: /MARGIN=TOP=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_NAME = 31 ! Form, job, queue: Form name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_NUMBER = 32 ! Form: Number DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_SETUP_MODULES = 33 ! Form: /SETUP= ( module,... ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_STOCK = 34 ! Form: /STOCK=stock-name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FORM_WIDTH = 35 ! Form: /WIDTH=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_GENERIC_TARGET = 36 ! Queue: /GENERIC= ( queue-name,... ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_INTERVENING_BLOCKS = 37 ! Job: Intervening pending blocks DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_INTERVENING_JOBS = 38 ! Job: Intervening pending jobs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_COPIES = 39 ! Job: /JOB_COUNT=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_COPIES_CHKPT = 40 ! Job: Job copies checkpoint ( for internal use only ) ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_COPIES_DONE = 41 ! Job: Job copies completed DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_FLAGS = 42 ! Job: Boolean information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_LIMIT = 43 ! Queue: /JOB_LIMIT=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_NAME = 44 ! Job: Name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_RESET_MODULES = 45 ! Queue: /SEPARATE=RESET= ( module,... ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_SIZE = 46 ! Job: Total blocks in job DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_SIZE_MAXIMUM = 47 ! Queue: /BLOCK_LIMIT=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_SIZE_MINIMUM = 48 ! Queue: /BLOCK_LIMIT= ( n,"" ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_STATUS = 49 ! Job: Status information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_LAST_PAGE = 50 ! File: /PAGES=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_LIBRARY_SPECIFICATION = 51 ! Queue: /LIBRARY=file-specification DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_LOG_QUEUE = 52 ! Job: /PRINTER=queue-name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_LOG_SPECIFICATION = 53 ! Job: /LOG_FILE=file-specification DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_NOTE = 54 ! Job: /NOTE=string DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_OPERATOR_REQUEST = 55 ! Job: /OPERATOR=string DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_OWNER_UIC = 56 ! Queue: /OWNER=uic DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PAGE_SETUP_MODULES = 57 ! Form: /PAGE_SETUP= ( module,... ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_1 = 58 ! Job: /PARAMETER=string DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_2 = 59 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_3 = 60 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_4 = 61 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_5 = 62 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_6 = 63 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_7 = 64 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PARAMETER_8 = 65 DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PRIORITY = 66 ! Job: /PRIORITY=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PROCESSOR = 67 ! Queue: /PROCESSOR=filename DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PROTECTION = 68 ! Queue: /PROTECTION=mask DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_FLAGS = 69 ! Queue: Boolean information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_NAME = 70 ! Job, queue: Queue name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_STATUS = 71 ! Queue: Status information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_REFUSAL_REASON = 72 ! Job: Reason symbiont refused job ( for internal use only ) ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_REQUEUE_PRIORITY = 73 ! Job: Priority after requeue ( for internal use only ) ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_REQUEUE_QUEUE_NAME = 74 ! Job: Queue after requeue DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SCSNODE_NAME = 75 ! Queue: /ON=node:: DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SEARCH_FLAGS = 76 ! Flags to control search DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SEARCH_NAME = 77 ! Object name to search for DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SEARCH_NUMBER = 78 ! Object number to search for DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SUBMISSION_TIME = 79 ! Job: Submission time DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_UIC = 80 ! Job: Submitter's UIC DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_USERNAME = 81 ! Job: Submitter's username DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_WSDEFAULT = 82 ! Job, queue: /WSDEFAULT=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_WSEXTENT = 83 ! Job, queue: /WSEXTENT=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_WSQUOTA = 84 ! Job, queue: /WSQUOTA=n DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_85 = 85 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_86 = 86 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_CONTROL_GQC = 87 ! Reserved for Digital ( Use to send GQC to job control process ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SEARCH_USERNAME = 88 ! Username of owner of job to modify search DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DEFAULT_FORM_NAME = 89 ! Default form name on queue DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DEFAULT_FORM_NUMBER = 90 ! Default form number on queue DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_DEFAULT_FORM_STOCK = 91 ! Stock name for default form DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_PID = 92 ! Pid of batch job DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_IDENTIFICATION = 93 ! File identification ( From RMS NAM block ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PENDING_JOB_BLOCK_COUNT = 94 ! Total number of blocks for all pending jobs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_RETENTION_TIME = 95 ! The amount of time the job should be retained (may be delta or & ! absolute) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_COMPLETION_TIME = 96 ! The time the job completed execution DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_COMPLETION_QUEUE = 97 ! The name of the queue the job completed execution on DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_98 = 98 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_99 = 99 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_100 = 100 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_101 = 101 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_102 = 102 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SEARCH_BATCH_EPID = 103 ! Batch job EPID to search for DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SEARCH_JOB_NAME = 104 ! Job name to search for DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_105 = 105 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_106 = 106 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_EXECUTING_JOB_COUNT = 107 ! Number of jobs that are executing DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_HOLDING_JOB_COUNT = 108 ! Number of holding jobs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_TIMED_RELEASE_JOB_COUNT = 109 ! Number of jobs specified with /AFTER_TIME DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PENDING_JOB_REASON = 110 ! Secondary status describing why job is pending DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_ORB = 111 ! ORB data in TLV format ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_DESCRIPTION = 112 ! Queue: /DESCRIPTION DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_SYMBIONT_FLAGS = 113 ! Symbiont options ( requests ) passed to job controller ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_ACCESS_CLASS = 114 ! Job access class information ( for internal use only ) ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_ORB_LOCK_KEY = 115 ! Key value for locking of in-memory ORB data structure (for internal use & ! only) ! (note this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY = 116 ! Number of pages in interval at which symbiont takes chkpts DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_PENDING_JOB_COUNT = 117 ! Number of pending jobs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RETAINED_JOB_COUNT = 118 ! Number of retained jobs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESTART_QUEUE_NAME = 119 ! Name of queue into which a job would be restarted, if appropriate DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_COUNT = 120 ! Count of files in job DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_ATTRIBUTES = 121 ! Keywds and values of extens attribs associated with queue, job, or file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE = 122 ! Length of list of extens attribs associated with queue, job, or file DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_SUPPORT = 123 ! Queue Support Images defined on this queue DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_ATTRIBUTES = 124 ! Valid keywords for operations that alter the queue DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE = 125 ! Length of list of keywords for queue-oriented extens attribs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_ATTRIBUTES = 126 ! Valid keywords for operations that create or alter jobs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_JOB_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE = 127 ! Length of list of keywords for job-oriented extens attribs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_ATTRIBUTES = 128 ! Valid keywords for file submissions or alter_file's DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE = 129 ! Length of list of keywords for file-oriented extens attribs DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_AUTOSTART_ON = 130 ! Node ( s ) (and for print queues, device(s)) on which queue can be auto & ! started DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_AGENT_PROFILE = 131 ! Security information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_MANAGER_NAME = 132 ! Queue manager name DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_MANAGER_STATUS = 133 ! Queue manager state and status information DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_134 = 134 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_MANAGER_NODES = 135 ! Preferred node listed specified on start queue manager DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_MANAGER_AUTOSTART = 136 ! List of nodes that are autostart enabled DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_QUEUE_DIRECTORY = 137 ! Directory specification provided when queue manager was started DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_138 = 138 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_139 = 139 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_140 = 140 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_141 = 141 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_142 = 142 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_143 = 143 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_144 = 144 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_145 = 145 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_146 = 146 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_147 = 147 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_148 = 148 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_149 = 149 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_150 = 150 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_151 = 151 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_152 = 152 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_153 = 153 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_154 = 154 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_155 = 155 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_156 = 156 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_157 = 157 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_158 = 158 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_OUTPUT_159 = 159 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_160 = 160 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_161 = 161 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_162 = 162 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_163 = 163 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_164 = 164 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_RESERVED_INPUT_165 = 165 ! Reserved for Digital use ( name may change ) DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$K_MIN_ITEM = 1 ! Minimum GETQUI item code DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$K_MAX_ITEM = 165 ! Maximum GETQUI item code DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$_CHARGE_CODE = 1 ! synonym for QUI$_ACCOUNT_NAME ! ! Subfields of FILE_FLAGS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_BURST = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_BURST_EXP = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_DELETE = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_DOUBLE_SPACE = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_FLAG = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_FLAG_EXP = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_TRAILER = x'00000040' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_TRAILER_EXP = x'00000080' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_PAGE_HEADER = x'00000100' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_PAGINATE = x'00000200' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_PASSALL = x'00000400' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_PAGINATE_EXP = x'00000800' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_DELETE_ALWAYS = x'00001000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_FILE_FLAGS = 4 record FILE_FLAGS ! /BURST ! /[NO]BURST explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /DELETE ! /SPACE ! /FLAG ! /[NO]FLAG explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /TRAILER ! /[NO]TRAILER explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /HEADER ! /FEED ! /PASSALL ! /[NO]FEED explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /DELETE_ALWAYS LONG FILE_BURST_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - FILE_BURST_bits contains bits FILE_BURST through filler end record FILE_FLAGS ! ! Subfields of FILE_STATUS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_CHECKPOINTED = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FILE_EXECUTING = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_FILE_STATUS = 4 record FILE_STATUS ! File checkpointed ! File currently executing LONG FILE_CHECKPOINTED_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - FILE_CHECKPOINTED_bits contains bits FILE_CHECKPOINTED through & ! filler end record FILE_STATUS ! ! Subfields of FORM_FLAGS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FORM_SHEET_FEED = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FORM_TRUNCATE = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_FORM_WRAP = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_FORM_FLAGS = 4 record FORM_FLAGS ! /SHEET_FEED ! /TRUNCATE ! /WRAP LONG FORM_SHEET_FEED_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - FORM_SHEET_FEED_bits contains bits FORM_SHEET_FEED through filler end record FORM_FLAGS ! ! Subfields of JOB_FLAGS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_CPU_LIMIT = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_BURST = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_BURST_ONE = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_BURST_EXP = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_FLAG = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_FLAG_ONE = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_FLAG_EXP = x'00000040' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_TRAILER = x'00000080' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_TRAILER_ONE = x'00000100' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_TRAILER_EXP = x'00000200' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_LOG_DELETE = x'00000400' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_LOG_NULL = x'00000800' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_LOG_SPOOL = x'00001000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_LOWERCASE = x'00002000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_NOTIFY = x'00004000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_RESTART = x'00008000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_WSDEFAULT = x'00010000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_WSEXTENT = x'00020000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_WSQUOTA = x'00040000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_PAGINATE = x'00080000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_FILE_PAGINATE_EXP = x'00100000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_RETENTION = x'00200000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_ERROR_RETENTION = x'00400000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_JOB_FLAGS = 4 record JOB_FLAGS ! /CPUTIME explicit ! /BURST=ALL ! /BURST=ONE ! /[NO]BURST explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /FLAG=ALL ! /FLAG=ONE ! /[NO]FLAG explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /TRAILER=ALL ! /TRAILER=ONE ! /[NO]TRAILER explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /NOKEEP ! /NOLOG_FILE ! /PRINTER ! /LOWERCASE ! /NOTIFY ! /RESTART ! /WSDEFAULT explicit ! /WSEXTENT explicit ! /WSQUOTA explicit ! /FEED ! /[NO]FEED explicit (intentionally not documented) ! /RETAIN=ALWAYS ! /RETAIN=ERROR LONG JOB_CPU_LIMIT_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - JOB_CPU_LIMIT_bits contains bits JOB_CPU_LIMIT through filler end record JOB_FLAGS ! ! Subfields of JOB_STATUS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_ABORTING = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_EXECUTING = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_HOLDING = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_INACCESSIBLE = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_REFUSED = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_REQUEUE = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_RESTARTING = x'00000040' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_RETAINED = x'00000080' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_STARTING = x'00000100' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_TIMED_RELEASE = x'00000200' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_SUSPENDED = x'00000400' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_PENDING = x'00000800' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_UNDEFINED = x'00001000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_STALLED = x'00002000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_INCOMPLETE = x'00004000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_COMPLETING = x'00008000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_JOB_STATUS = 4 record JOB_STATUS ! Job is aborting ! Job is executing ! Job is holding for /HOLD ! Job is inaccessible ! Job was refused by symbiont ! Job will requeue after abort (intentionally not documented) ! Job started execution at least once (intentionally not documented) ! Job was retained by /RETAIN ! Job is starting ! Job is holding for /AFTER ! Job is suspended by STOP/QUEUE command ! Job is pending (see QUI$_JOB_PENDING_REASON for more information) ! Job does not yet exist in db or is being removed from db ! Current job on stalled queue ! Job was processed by the symbiont but further processing is necessary ! Job has been completely processed LONG JOB_ABORTING_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - JOB_ABORTING_bits contains bits JOB_ABORTING through filler end record JOB_STATUS DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$V_JOB_TIMED = 9 ! Synonym for QUI$V_JOB_TIMED_RELEASE for V4 compatibility DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_JOB_TIMED = 512 ! Synonym for QUI$M_JOB_TIMED_RELEASE for V4 compatibility ! ! Subfields of PENDING_JOB_REASON. ! ! Note that in the descriptions below "queue" refers to the execution queue in which a job resides, or to the set of & ! execution ! queues that is the target of the generic queue in which a job resides. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_CHAR_MISMATCH = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_JOB_SIZE_MAX = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_JOB_SIZE_MIN = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_LOWERCASE_MISMATCH = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_NO_ACCESS = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_QUEUE_BUSY = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_QUEUE_STATE = x'00000040' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_PEND_STOCK_MISMATCH = x'00000080' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_PENDING_JOB_REASON = 4 record PENDING_JOB_REASON ! Queue's characteristics do not match job's requirements ! Print job's block size is too large to execute on queue (print job only) ! Print job's block size is too small to execute on queue (print job only) ! Queue's lowercase attribute does not match job's requirements (print job only) ! User does not have access to queue ! Job is ready to execute but must wait until other jobs ahead of it in the queue ! complete execution (this is a normal state that requires no user intervention) ! Queue state prevents job from executing (see QUI$_QUEUE_STATUS for more info) ! Stock type of mounted form on output execution queue does not match ! stock stock type required by form associated with job (print job only) LONG PEND_CHAR_MISMATCH_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - PEND_CHAR_MISMATCH_bits contains bits PEND_CHAR_MISMATCH through & ! filler end record PENDING_JOB_REASON ! ! Subfields of QUEUE_FLAGS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_BATCH = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_CPU_DEFAULT = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_CPU_LIMIT = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_BURST = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_BURST_ONE = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_FLAG = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_FLAG_ONE = x'00000040' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER = x'00000080' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER_ONE = x'00000100' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_GENERIC = x'00000200' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_GENERIC_SELECTION = x'00000400' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_BURST = x'00000800' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_FLAG = x'00001000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_SIZE_SCHED = x'00002000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_JOB_TRAILER = x'00004000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_RETAIN_ALL = x'00008000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_RETAIN_ERROR = x'00010000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_SWAP = x'00020000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_TERMINAL = x'00040000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_WSDEFAULT = x'00080000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_WSEXTENT = x'00100000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_WSQUOTA = x'00200000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_FILE_PAGINATE = x'00400000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_RECORD_BLOCKING = x'00800000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_PRINTER = x'01000000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_ACL_SPECIFIED = x'02000000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_NOTIFY_ON_INTERRUPT = x'04000000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_CHECKPOINT_FREQ = x'08000000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_AUTOSTART = x'10000000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SECURITY_INACCESSIBLE = x'20000000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_NO_INITIAL_FF = x'40000000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_QUEUE_FLAGS = 4 record QUEUE_FLAGS ! /BATCH ! /CPUDEFAULT specified ! /CPUMAXIMUM specified ! /DEFAULT=BURST=ALL ! /DEFAULT=BURST=ONE ! /DEFAULT=FLAG=ALL ! /DEFAULT=FLAG=ONE ! /DEFAULT=TRAILER=ALL ! /DEFAULT=TRAILER=ONE ! /GENERIC ! /ENABLE_GENERIC ! /SEPARATE=BURST ! /SEPARATE=FLAG ! /SCHEDULE=SIZE ! /SEPARATE=TRAILER ! /RETAIN=ALL ! /RETAIN=ERROR ! /NODISABLE_SWAPPING ! /DEVICE=TERMINAL or terminal device type reported by symbiont ! /WSDEFAULT specified ! /WSEXTENT specified ! /WSQUOTA specified ! /DEFAULT=FEED ! /RECORD_BLOCKING ! /DEVICE=PRINTER or printer device type reported by symbiont ! ACL has been specified for queue ! /NOTIFY=INTERRUPTION ! /CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY specified ! /AUTOSTART_ON specified ! Requestor does not have access to security information ! /NO_INITIAL_FF LONG QUEUE_BATCH_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - QUEUE_BATCH_bits contains bits QUEUE_BATCH through filler end record QUEUE_FLAGS ! ! Subfields of QUEUE_STATUS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_ALIGNING = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_IDLE = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_LOWERCASE = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_OPERATOR_REQUEST = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_PAUSED = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_PAUSING = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_REMOTE = x'00000040' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_RESETTING = x'00000080' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_RESUMING = x'00000100' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_SERVER = x'00000200' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_STALLED = x'00000400' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_STARTING = x'00000800' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_STOPPED = x'00001000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_STOPPING = x'00002000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_UNAVAILABLE = x'00004000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_CLOSED = x'00008000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_BUSY = x'00010000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_UNDEFINED = x'00020000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_AVAILABLE = x'00040000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_DISABLED = x'00080000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_AUTOSTART_INACTIVE = x'00100000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_QUEUE_STOP_PENDING = x'00200000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_QUEUE_STATUS = 4 record QUEUE_STATUS ! Queue is aligning ! Queue is idle: no jobs executing and none available for execution ! Lowercase device ! Queue is doing /OPERATOR (intentionally not documented) ! Queue is paused ! Queue is pausing ! Remote device ! Incomplete remote request to reset (OBSOLETE) ! Queue is resuming from paused state ! /DEVICE=SERVER or reported to be a served queue by the symbiont ! Device is stalled ! Queue is starting ! Queue is stopped ! Queue is stopping ! Device is unavailable ! Queue is closed ! Queue is executing as many jobs as it is capable of executing ! Queue does not yet exist in db or is being removed from db ! At least one job is executing, but the queue is capable of executing more ! Queue is not able to accept or process jobs; its QSIs are inactive ! AUTOSTART queue explicitly stopped ! Queue will be stopped when work currently in progress has completed LONG QUEUE_ALIGNING_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - QUEUE_ALIGNING_bits contains bits QUEUE_ALIGNING through filler end record QUEUE_STATUS ! ! Subfields of SEARCH_FLAGS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_ALL_JOBS = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_WILDCARD = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_BATCH = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_SYMBIONT = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_THIS_JOB = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_PRINTER = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_SERVER = x'00000040' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_TERMINAL = x'00000080' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_GENERIC = x'00000100' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_GENERIC_TARGET = x'00000200' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_PENDING_JOBS = x'00000400' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_EXECUTING_JOBS = x'00000800' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_TIMED_RELEASE_JOBS = x'00001000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_HOLDING_JOBS = x'00002000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_RETAINED_JOBS = x'00004000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_FREEZE_CONTEXT = x'00008000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_OPEN_JOBS = x'00010000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_RESERVED_BIT1 = x'00020000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SEARCH_RESERVED_BIT2 = x'00040000' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_SEARCH_FLAGS = 4 record SEARCH_FLAGS ! Select all jobs (else only those with same username as caller) ! Force a wildcard operation ! Select batch queues ! Select symbiont (output) queues (note that QUI$V_SEARCH_SYMBIONT is equivalent ! to setting QUI$V_SEARCH_PRINTER, QUI$V_SEARCH_SERVER, and QUI$V_SEARCH_TERMINAL) ! Select only caller's batch job (forcing new context) ! Select printer queues ! Select server queues ! Select terminal queues ! Select generic queues ! Select generic target queues after selecting generic queue (for internal use) ! (note this option is NOT supported; it is intentionally not documented and ! reserved for Digital use) ! Select only pending jobs ! Select only executing jobs ! Select only timed release jobs ! Select only holding jobs ! Select only retained jobs ! Do not advance wildcard context to next object in list at end of operation ! Select only open jobs ! Reserved to Compaq ! Reserved to Compaq LONG SEARCH_ALL_JOBS_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - SEARCH_ALL_JOBS_bits contains bits SEARCH_ALL_JOBS through filler end record SEARCH_FLAGS ! ! Subfields of SYMBIONT_FLAGS item code. ! ! Note: this item code is intentionally not documented and reserved for Digital use. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SYM_NOTIFIES = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SYM_REQUESTS_OPER = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SYM_COPIES_FILE = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SYM_COPIES_JOB = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SYM_ACCEPTS_ALL_FORMS = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_SYM_NO_JOB_CHECKPOINT = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_SYMBIONT_FLAGS = 4 record SYMBIONT_FLAGS ! Symbiont notifies for job completions ! Symbiont generates operator messages ! Symbiont generates multiple file copies ! Symbiont generates multiple job copies ! Symbiont processes all form types ! Always reprocess full job on a restart LONG SYM_NOTIFIES_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - SYM_NOTIFIES_bits contains bits SYM_NOTIFIES through filler end record SYMBIONT_FLAGS ! ! Subfields of MANAGER_STATUS item code. ! DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_MANAGER_START_PENDING = x'00000001' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_MANAGER_STARTING = x'00000002' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_MANAGER_RUNNING = x'00000004' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_MANAGER_FAILOVER = x'00000008' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_MANAGER_STOPPING = x'00000010' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$M_MANAGER_STOPPED = x'00000020' DECLARE LONG CONSTANT QUI$S_MANAGER_STATUS = 4 record MANAGER_STATUS ! Queue manager will start when a node is available ! Queue manager is starting ! Queue manager is processing work ! Queue manager is failing over to pick up new startup values ! Queue manager is shutting down ! Queue manager is stopped LONG MANAGER_START_PENDING_bits ! COMMENT ADDED BY SDL - MANAGER_START_PENDING_bits contains bits & ! MANAGER_START_PENDING through filler end record MANAGER_STATUS