Library /sys$common/syshlp/wp.hlb
SHOW, Examples

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


 Base Address    = 80001068              Length         = 04
 Address Touched = 80001068              Type           = SILENT
 Time Touched    = 16:53:04.87           Touched Count  = 00000006

                                 Watch Point Contents

 Initial=0000000000000F31 Previous=0000000000000F36 Post=0000000000000F37

                                  Register Contents

       R0  = 02000001   R1  = 00000000   R2  = 80222800   R3  = 801ECD00
       R4  = 8002D000   R5  = 80000FF8   R6  = 800029D0   R7  = 00000000
       R8  = 00000000   R9  = 00000000   R10 = 00000000   R11 = 00000000
       AP  = 00000000   FP  = 00000000   SP  = 802531CC   PC  = 8000CED9
       PSL = 04080008

                                 Instruction Stream
            FF6483EFD538A3507D2A50E970A5D6  .d.ïÕ8£P}*Pép¥Ö  8000CED9

 	8000CED9:	INCL    70(R5)
 	8000CEDC:	BLBC    R0,8000CF09
 	8000CEDF:	MOVQ    R0,38(R3)
 %WP-W-INSKIPPED, unreasonable instruction stream - 6 bytes skipped

 Base Address    = 80001068

 Ref.      Ref.        Ref.        Op.                            Previous
 Byte     Count        Time       Code      PC        PSL         Contents

 00     00000006   16:53:04.87    D6    8000CED9   04080008   0000000000000F36
 00     00000005   16:53:04.79    D6    8000CED9   04080008   0000000000000F35
 00     00000004   16:53:04.78    D6    8000CED9   04080008   0000000000000F34
 00     00000003   16:53:04.71    D6    8000CED9   04080008   0000000000000F33
 00     00000002   16:50:45.38    D6    8000CED9   04080008   0000000000000F32
 00     00000001   16:50:45.30    D6    8000CED9   04080008   0000000000000F31
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