Library /sys$common/syshlp/uafhelp.hlb COPY, Qualifiers, /FLAGS *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
/FLAGS=([NO]option[,...]) Specifies login flags for the user. The prefix NO clears the flag. The options are as follows: AUDIT Enables or disables mandatory security auditing for a specific user. By default, the system does not audit the activities of specific users (NOAUDIT). AUTOLOGIN Restricts the user to the automatic login mechanism when logging in to an account. When set, the flag disables login by any terminal that requires entry of a user name and password. The default is to require a user name and password (NOAUTOLOGIN). CAPTIVE Prevents the user from changing any defaults at login, for example, /CLI or /LGICMD. It prevents the user from escaping the captive login command procedure specified by the /LGICMD qualifier and gaining access to the DCL command level. See Guidelines for Captive Command Procedures in the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. The CAPTIVE flag also establishes an environment where Ctrl/Y interrupts are initially turned off; however, command procedures can still turn on Ctrl/Y interrupts with the DCL command SET CONTROL=Y. By default, an account is not captive (NOCAPTIVE). DEFCLI Restricts the user to the default command interpreter by prohibiting the use of the /CLI qualifier at login; the MCR command can still be used. By default, a user can choose a CLI (NODEFCLI). DISCTLY Establishes an environment where Ctrl/Y interrupts are initially turned off and are invalid until a SET CONTROL=Y is encountered. This could happen in SYLOGIN.COM or in a procedure called by SYLOGIN.COM. Once a SET CONTROL=Y is executed (which requires no privilege), a user can enter a Ctrl/Y and reach the DCL prompt ($). If the intent of DISCTLY is to force execution of the login command files, then SYLOGIN.COM should issue the DCL command SET CONTROL=Y to turn on Ctrl /Y interrupts before exiting. By default, Ctrl /Y is enabled (NODISCTLY). DISFORCE_PWD_ Removes the requirement that a user must CHANGE change an expired password at login. By default, a person can use an expired password only once (NODISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE) and then is forced to change the password after logging in. If the user does not select a new password, the user is locked out of the system. To use this feature, set a password expiration date with the /PWDLIFETIME qualifier. DISIMAGE Prevents the user from executing RUN, MCR, and foreign commands. By default, a user can execute RUN, MCR, and foreign commands (NODISIMAGE). DISMAIL Disables mail delivery to the user. By default, mail delivery is enabled (NODISMAIL). DISNEWMAIL Suppresses announcements of new mail at login. By default, the system announces new mail (NODISNEWMAIL). DISPWDDIC Disables automatic screening of new passwords against a system dictionary. By default, passwords are automatically screened (NODISPWDDIC). DISPWDHIS Disables automatic checking of new passwords against a list of the user's old passwords. By default, the system screens new passwords (NODISPWDHIS). DISRECONNECT Disables automatic reconnection to an existing process when a terminal connection has been interrupted. By default, automatic reconnection is enabled (NODISRECONNECT). DISREPORT Suppresses reports of the last login time, login failures, and other security reports. By default, login information is displayed (NODISREPORT). DISUSER Disables the account so the user cannot log in. For example, the DEFAULT account is disabled. By default, an account is enabled (NODISUSER). DISWELCOME Suppresses the welcome message (an informational message displayed during a local login). This message usually indicates the version number of the operating system that is running and the name of the node on which the user is logged in. By default, a system login message appears (NODISWELCOME). EXTAUTH Considers user to be authenticated by an external user name and password, not by the SYSUAF user name and password. (The system still uses the SYSUAF record to check a user's login restrictions and quotas and to create the user's process profile.) GENPWD Restricts the user to generated passwords. By default, users choose their own passwords (NOGENPWD). LOCKPWD Prevents the user from changing the password for the account. By default, users can change their passwords (NOLOCKPWD). PWD_EXPIRED Marks a password as expired. The user cannot log in if this flag is set. The LOGINOUT.EXE image sets the flag when both of the following conditions exist: a user logs in with the DISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE flag set, and the user's password expires. A system manager can clear this flag. By default, passwords are not expired after login (NOPWD_EXPIRED). PWD2_EXPIRED Marks a secondary password as expired. Users cannot log in if this flag is set. The LOGINOUT.EXE image sets the flag when both of the following conditions exist: a user logs in with the DISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE flag set, and the user's password expires. A system manager can clear this flag. By default, passwords are not set to expire after login (NOPWD2_ EXPIRED). RESTRICTED Prevents the user from changing any defaults at login (for example, by specifying /LGICMD) and prohibits user specification of a CLI with the /CLI qualifier. The RESTRICTED flag establishes an environment where Ctrl/Y interrupts are initially turned off; however, command procedures can still turn on Ctrl/Y interrupts with the DCL command SET CONTROL=Y. Typically, this flag is used to prevent an applications user from having unrestricted access to the CLI. By default, a user can change defaults (NORESTRICTED).