Library /sys$common/syshlp/tracehlp.hlb
ANALYZE, /PROTOCOL, Protocol-identifiers

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Valid protocol identifiers are :

      DDCMP     - DECnet protocol for synchronous lines
      ETHERNET  - Ethernet protocol for Ethernet lines
      NSP       - DECnet protocol for NSP logical links
      ROU_ETHERNET - Ethernet protocol for Ethernet circuits
      ROU_SYNC  - DECnet protocol for synchronous circuits
      L2        - X.25 frame level for lines with protocol LAPB
      L2E       - X.25 frame level for lines with protocol LAPBE
      L3        - X.25 Packet Level protocol
      GAP       - Gateway Access Protocol
      GTW       - used for tracing X.25 gateway only
      IEEE8022  - LLC 2 frame level protocol.
      IEEE8023  - LLC 2 Medium Access Control level format.
      INTERNET  - ISO Internet protocol
      QLLC      - SNA Qualified Logical Link Control protocol.
      SDLC      - SNA Synchronous Data Link Control protocol.
      CHAN      - SNA 3174 Data Link protocol.
      PU        - SNA Transmission Header and Request/Response Header.

    See ANALYZE/TRACE_LEVEL for the default protocols for each type  of
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