1 ANALYZE Starts analysis of trace data, or changes the type of analysis performed. Format: ANALYZE [filename] 2 filename The name of a file that contains unanalyzed trace data. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filename This is the name of the output listing file that is created. The default is SYS$OUTPUT. 2 /DATA /NODATA /DATA=(data-type,...) Use /DATA to specify the format(s) of the output. Valid data-types are: DECIMAL, OCTAL, HEXADECIMAL, ASCII and EBCDIC 2 /TRACE_LEVEL /TRACE_LEVEL=(protocol_identifier,...) This specifies the type of tracepoint you wish to analyze, if a file contains more than one type of tracepoint. See ANALYZE/PROTOCOL for a list of valid protocol identifiers. Protocol identifiers take the following defaults: Tracepoint Default Protocol Identifiers DDCMP DDCMP ETHERNET ETHERNET NSP NSP ROU_ETHERNET ROUTING ROU_SYNC ROUTING X25L2 L2, L3 or L2E, L3 X25L3LINE L3 X25L3CHANNEL L3 X25GAP GAP X25GATEWAY GTW LLC2LINE IEEE8023, IEEE8022 LLC2CHANNEL IEEE8022, L3 X29 X29 TRANSPORT TRANSPORT INTERNET INTERNET MAC IEEE8022 QLLC QLLC SDLC SDLC CHAN CHAN PU PU 2 /SINCE /NOSINCE /SINCE=[date-time] Allows you to analyse data traced since a specified time. Specify an absolute date/time of the form [dd-mmm-yyyy:][hh:mm:ss.cc] as defined in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. 2 /BEFORE /NOBEFORE /BEFORE=[date-time] Allows you to analyse data traced before a specified time. Specify an absolute date/time of the form [dd-mmm-yyyy:][hh:mm:ss.cc] as defined in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. 2 /PAGE /PAGE=n The number of lines per page. If data is being output to a file, the default value is SYS$LP_LINES - 6. 2 /WIDTH /WIDTH=n The width of the output. If data is being output to a file, the default value is 132. If data is being output to your terminal, the default value is the width of your terminal screen. 2 /TRUNCATE /[NO]TRUNCATE Determines whether data that will not fit on one line is truncated or is printed on the next line. The default is /NOTRUNCATE. 2 /REVERSE /[NO]REVERSE Determines whether parts of the output will be displayed in REVERSE video (if your terminal supports this). If you specify /REVERSE received data will be displayed in reverse video, and titles will be displayed in bold. The default is /REVERSE. 2 /SCROLL /[NO]SCROLL Determines whether data is typed a page at a time, or continuously. If you specify /NOSCROLL you have to issue the NEXT or BACK command to display the next screen. /NOSCROLL is not valid if output is to a file. ANALYZE/SCROLL will display data continuously following a NEXT or BACK command, in the direction determined by that NEXT or BACK command. The default is /SCROLL. 2 /EVENT /EVENT=(event-type,...) Determines what types of events should be included in the output. Event types are: TRANSMIT - transmitted data only RECEIVE - received data only ALL - all events The default is /EVENT=ALL 2 /DISPLAY /NODISPLAY /DISPLAY = (display-option,...) Specifies which fields will appear in the analyzed output. Display options are [NO]EVENT, [NO]SIZE, [NO]TIME, [NO]NAME, [NO]FLAG, [NO]STATUS, [NO]FUNCTION_CODE and [NO]ALL 3 EVENT Shows whether this was a received or transmitted data buffer, or some other event. 3 SIZE The original size of the data buffer. 3 TIME The time at which the trace record was created. 3 NAME The name of the line or channel being traced. 3 FLAG A flag word in the trace record. 3 STATUS The status field in the trace record. For some types of tracing this will show whether the I/O operation completed successfully. 3 FUNCTION_CODE The function code of the event that caused this trace record. 3 ALL ALL is equivalent to specifying all the DISPLAY options. 2 /PROTOCOL /NOPROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=(protocol-identifier,...) Use /NOPROTOCOL if you want to examine the data without any protocol headers being formatted. The /PROTOCOL qualifier will change the type of analysis that is done, so it is not normally used. The /PROTOCOL qualifier will also change the protocols that are displayed (see /SELECT qualifier). The default protocol-identifiers depend on the tracepoint being analyzed. 3 Protocol-identifiers Valid protocol identifiers are : DDCMP - DECnet protocol for synchronous lines ETHERNET - Ethernet protocol for Ethernet lines NSP - DECnet protocol for NSP logical links ROU_ETHERNET - Ethernet protocol for Ethernet circuits ROU_SYNC - DECnet protocol for synchronous circuits L2 - X.25 frame level for lines with protocol LAPB L2E - X.25 frame level for lines with protocol LAPBE L3 - X.25 Packet Level protocol GAP - Gateway Access Protocol GTW - used for tracing X.25 gateway only IEEE8022 - LLC 2 frame level protocol. IEEE8023 - LLC 2 Medium Access Control level format. TRANSPORT - ISO TRANSPORT protocol INTERNET - ISO Internet protocol QLLC - SNA Qualified Logical Link Control protocol. SDLC - SNA Synchronous Data Link Control protocol. CHAN - SNA 3174 Data Link protocol. PU - SNA Transmission Header and Request/Response Header. See ANALYZE/TRACE_LEVEL for the default protocols for each type of tracepoint. 2 /SELECT /NOSELECT /SELECT=(protocol-identifier) The /SELECT qualifier allows you to specify which of the protocol headers you want to appear in the output. The default is to format and display all the protocol headers 3 protocol-identifier See ANALYZE/PROTOCOL=(protocol-identifier) 2 /L3CHANNEL /NOL3CHANNEL /L3CHANNEL=(channel-range,...) A list of channel numbers and ranges. Only trace records containing a Packet Level channel number within a selected range will be displayed. Each channel range can be either a single value, or a range of values, or *. This is only valid for X.25 trace records that contain a packet level field (X25L2, LLC2CHANNEL, X25L3CHANNEL, X25L3LINE and X25GATEWAY). Note that channel numbers are displayed in HEXADECIMAL in the analyzed output. /NOL3CHANNEL will select all trace records. For example /L3CHANNEL=(0,%x100-*) selects channel 0 and channel numbers greater than or equal to 256 (decimal). 2 /NAME /NAME=channel-name If you specify /NAME only trace records on channels that match with this name will be selected for analysis. If you specify only part of a channel name then all records that start with this string will be selected. You can use the /DISPLAY=NAME option to see the channel name in the trace record. 2 /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE=n The number of screens of saved lines that will be kept. These lines can be examined by using the NEXT and BACK commands. The default value is 30. 2 /BRIEF /BRIEF Allows you to see brief information on TPDUs or IPDUs - approximately one line of information for each TPDU or IPDU. This is the default. 2 /FULL /FULL Allows you to see detailed information on TPDUs or IPDUs - approximately ten lines of information for each TPDU or IPDU. 2 /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORY (Applies to non-interactive tracing only.) Allows you to see a list of transport connections. 2 /TRANSPORT_CONNECTION /TRANSPORT_CONNECTION=(tc1, tc2, ...) Allows you to select data on specific transport connections. 2 /SESSION /NOSESSION /SESSION=(session-range,...) A list of SNA session numbers and ranges. Only trace records for selected sessions will be displayed. Each session range can be either a single value, or a range of values, or *. /NOSESSION will select trace records on all sessions. For example /SESSION=(1,%xA-*) selects session 1 and session numbers greater than or equal to 10 (decimal). This qualifier is only valid for SNA PU trace records.