Library /sys$common/syshlp/tff$tfuhelp.hlb
Commands, SHOW, STATISTICS, Example

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

   This example displays information about TFF use. Two fallback tables
   have been loaded (in  addition to the default table), no new compose tables
   have been loaded, and no fallback terminals have memory allocated for them.
   Other information is also displayed.


    TFF system statistics:
      Memory (bytes) -
        Fixed memory:
          FBDRIVER                                    5608
        Loaded tables:
          Compose tables (0)                             0
          Fallback tables (2)                         2288
        Memory allocated by fallback terminals (0):
          FBKs                                           0
          Replaced vectors                               0
        Total memory used (bytes):                    7896
      Misc -
        Total tables loaded since boot: 2
    System default TFF tables are:
        CANADIAN                  (fallback)
        LATIN_1                   (compose sequence validation)

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