Library /sys$common/syshlp/tff$tfuhelp.hlb
Commands, SET, TERMINAL, Parameter

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


   Specifies the target  terminal; the default is your terminal.  Note
   that you cannot use TFF on the following:

   o A remote terminal (RTAx)

   o The fallback terminal device  (FBA0)

   o A packet switch interface (PSI) terminal (NVA0)

   o A  disconnected virtual terminal

   o A terminal set for dynamic switching (DYNSWITCH) with
     DECnet for OpenVMS.

   You  can  use  TFF  locally and then use the DCL command SET HOST to
   access a remote system.

   fallback option

   Modifies the terminal parameters. To specify more than one parameter,
   enclose each parameter in parentheses, and separate each with commas.
   You can use the following options:

   Option                 Definition

   [NO]ACCEPT             Enables  input  of  8-bit  characters  if the
                          terminal   is  capable  of  generating  8-bit
                          characters.  The  default  is 7-bit character
                          generation.  7-bit  terminals,  such as VT1xx
                          and  LA1xx,  should  have this feature turned
                          off  whereas  VT2xx  terminals may have it on
                          (depending on the active table). The NOACCEPT
                          option causes TFF to clear the eighth bit.

   [NO]AUTOCOMPOSE        Enables  or  disables  all  auto-compose keys
                          specified in the fallback table.  AUTOCOMPOSE
                          and NOAUTOCOMPOSE options override the ENABLE
                          and DISABLE options.

   DISABLE=(value[,...])  Disables  one  or  more  active  auto-compose
                          keys.  Keys  are chosen from the list of keys
                          available  for  the fallback table associated
                          with a terminal. The value argument is a list
                          of the decimal values of the keys to disable.
                          If  you specify more than one value, separate
                          the  values  with  commas  and  place them in
                          parentheses. SHOW TERMINAL/FALLBACK lists the
                          currently   active  keys  and  their  decimal

   ENABLE=(value[,...])   Enables one or more auto-compose keys. Choose
                          keys  from the list of keys available for the
                          fallback  table associated with the specified
                          terminal. The value argument is a list of the
                          decimal  values of the keys to enable. If you
                          specify  more  than  one  value, separate the
                          values   with   commas   and  place  them  in
                          parentheses. SHOW TERMINAL/FALLBACK lists the
                          currently   active  keys  and  their  decimal

   GX_DEFAULT:gx-name     Defines as the default character set the name
                          of  a  character  set, previously defined and
                          stored  in  Read  Only  Memory  (ROM)  of the
                          specified   terminal.  For  example,  VT100LD
                          specifies    the   line   drawing   alternate
                          character  set  available on VT100 terminals,
                          and  DECSUPP specifies Digital's supplemental
                          character set.

                          These  options are available for a variety of
                          incompatible   terminals.  For  example,  the
                          ASCII  option  applies  to a special class of
                          older  Digital  terminals that do not have an
                          ASCII  ROM  that  allows  display of the full
                          ASCII  character  set.  These  terminals have
                          only the NRC set of characters.

                          Currently   you   can   specify  any  of  the
                          following  character  sets  for  the default:
                          ASCII,  CANADA,  CANADA_2,  DECSUPP, FINLAND,
                          FINLAND_2,   FRANCE,   GERMANY,  ITALY,  JIS,
                          NETHERLAND,  NORDAN, NORWAY, NORWAY_2, SPAIN,
                          SPECIAL1,    SPECIAL2,    SPECIAL3,   SWEDEN,
                          SWEDEN_2, SWISS, TCS, UK, or VT100LD.

                          For  more information about available default
                          and  alternate  ROM-based character sets, see
                          the    documentation    for   your   specific

   [NO]SIGNAL             Enables  the  output  of  a BELL character to
                          sound a terminal bell when an invalid compose
                          sequence is entered. This is the default. You
                          can  disable  this  feature  for applications
                          that split escape sequences (for output) into
                          two  or more QIOs, because the BELL character
                          may destroy such a sequence.

   [NO]SOFT_COMPOSE       Enables  software emulated compose, using the
                          terminal's compose sequence validation table.
                          You  can  enter  compose  sequences either by
                          pressing  Ctrl/K followed by the sequence, or
                          by  pressing  an auto-compose key followed by
                          the second character of the sequence.

   [NO]SUSPEND            Suspends  or  resumes  TFF  intervention.  In
                          command    procedures   that   perform   data
                          transfers  over  the  terminal  line, use the
                          SUSPEND  option  to  avoid having to remember
                          which TFF  parameters to  reset.  The SUSPEND
                          option  suspends  TFF  intervention until you
                          specify NOSUSPEND.

   TABLE:table-name       Indicates  the  name of the fallback table to
                          enable. If you omit the table-name option and
                          fallback is not enabled, the  system  default
                          is used.  Otherwise the terminal's table does
                          not change. Specify NONE for the table or use
                          SET TERMINAL/NOFALLBACK  to disable  fallback
                          for the target terminal.

                          Before  you  can  enable it, the target table
                          must  be  present  in nonpaged dynamic memory
                          pool.   Use   the  SHOW  TABLES  command  for
                          information about what tables are available.

   TERMINAL:terminal_type Specifies  the terminal type, as seen by TFF.
                          The terminal type controls part of the escape
                          sequence  parsing  done  by  TFF.  Thus,  you
                          should set this to the correct value. Use one
                          of the following values: VT100, VT102, VT200,
                          or   AL_ARABI.   VT102   also   includes  the
                          terminals  that  are  named  VT100xy, such as
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