Library /sys$common/syshlp/teco.hlb
EDIT, Initialization, Actions

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  Your initialization TECO macro can request the following actions
  by returning a bit encoded numeric value.

       1 => Load and start up VTEDIT.TEC (scope editing macro)
       2 => Only inspect specified file (/READ_ONLY)
       4 => Inhibit TECO's memory (/NOMEMORY)
       8 => Position to VTEDIT's position marker
      16 => Enable scope editing SEEALL mode (-1,3:W)
      32 => Enable scope editing HOLD screen mode (-1,5:W)
     128 => Enable scope editing scroll mode (2:W/4,7:W)
     256 => Inhibit automatic file creation (/NOCREATE)
    4096 => Initialization is complete
    8192 => Force TECO to update TECO's memory
   16384 => Display file being edited
   32768 => Initialization used TECO's memory; TECO shouldn't
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