Library /sys$common/syshlp/tcpip$ucp_help.hlb sysconfig, DESCRIPTION *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The sysconfig command is used to query or modify the kernel subsystem configuration. You use this command to reconfigure subsystems already in the kernel and to ask for information about (query) subsystems in the kernel. A subset of kernel subsystems can be managed using the sysconfig command. This command allows you to modify the value of subsystem attributes, so long as the subsystem supports run-time modifications. The first argument to the sysconfig command is the subsystem- name argument. The subsystem-name argument names the subsystem on which you want to perform the operation specified by one of the required flags, such as the -q (query attributes) flag. The subsystem-name argument is required for all flags except -s. The attribute-list argument lists attribute names and, depending on the operation, attribute values. For reconfigure operations (-r), the attribute-list argument has the following format: attribute1=value1 attribute2=value2... You cannot include spaces between the attribute name, the equal sign (=), and the value. For query attribute (-q) operations, the attribute-list has the following format: attribute1 attribute2... The attribute-list argument is required when you use the -r flag and is optional with the -q flag. Any attribute-list specifies with other flags is ignored by the sysconfig command. If you want to modify the value of a subsystem attribute, you use the -r (reconfigure) flag. When you use the -r flag, the sysconfig command modifies the named attributes by storing the value you specify in them. The modifications take effect immediately. Changes are only to the running system. To get information about subsystem attributes, use either the -q flag or the -Q flag. You can specify an attribute list with both these flags. When you use the -q flag, the sysconfig command reads the value of attributes from the kernel and displays those values on your local display. When you use the -Q flag, the sysconfig command displays the following information about either each attribute in the subsystem or, if specified, each attribute in the attribute-list: o Attribute datatype. o Operations supported by the attribute. This information indicates, for example, whether you can reconfigure the attribute using the sysconfig -r command. o Minimum and maximum allowed attribute value. To get information about the state of subsystems, use the - s flag. This flag provides a list of the subsystems that are currently loaded and configured into the kernel. If you specify subsystem-name, the command displays information about the state of that subsystem. Each subsystem can have one of three states: o Loaded and configured (available for use) o Loaded and unconfigured (not available for use, but still loaded) This state applies only to static subsystems, which can be unconfigured but cannot be unloaded.