Library /sys$common/syshlp/tcpip$ucp_help.hlb SET, BOOTP, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.TCPIP> SET BOOTP PLOVER /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-00-2D-20-23-21 - _TCPIP> /FILE=PLOVER.SYS Adds client host PLOVER, with hardware address 08-00-2D-20-23- 21 to the BOOTP database. BOOTP can respond to a remote boot request from client PLOVER with a reply packet containing the name of the file to down load and its IP address. 2.TCPIP> SET BOOTP ERN /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=98-00-2D-20-23-21 - _TCPIP> /SERVERS=COOKIE=(PLOVER,GULL) Adds client host ERN to the BOOTP database and specifies that ERN will use PLOVER AND GULL as cookie servers. 3.TCPIP> SET BOOTP PLOVER /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-00-2D-20-23-21 - _TCPIP> /SERVERS=(COOKIE=GULL,NAME=BIRDS) Adds client host PLOVER to the BOOTP database and specifies that PLOVER will use GULL as a COOKIE server and BIRDS as its name server.