1 REMOVE 2 DIRECTORY Removes a link to a directory within a UNIX container directory. If there are no other links to it, the directory is deleted. Related commands: CREATE DIRECTORY, DIRECTORY Applies to: NFS server Format REMOVE DIRECTORY "/path/name" 3 Restrictions Requires: o Read and write access to the parent directory o BYPASS privilege 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required. Directory with the link you want to remove. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> REMOVE DIRECTORY "/eagles/eaglet" Removes a link to the directory /eagles/eaglet. 2 EXPORT Deletes directory names from the export database so that they are not available for mounting by an NFS client. Related commands: ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, MAP, SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Applies to: NFS server Format REMOVE EXPORT "/path/name" [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /HOST=host ] 3 Restrictions Requires read and write access to the export database. 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required. Directory name to delete from the export database. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard. When the software encounters a match, it displays a description and solution and then requests confirmation before deleting each record. Enter one of the following: o Y to delete the record o N to save the record /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: /HOST=* (all hosts). Host, running NFS client, that will become unable to access the specified container directory. Format for multiple hosts: /HOST=("host0","host1", "host2") 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> REMOVE EXPORT "/house/finch" Removes the name of container directory /house/finch from the export database. This directory is now inaccessible to NFS client users. 2.TCPIP> REMOVE EXPORT "/oceans/swamps" /HOST=("tern","crane") Modifies the accessibility of local UNIX directory /oceans/swamps. This directory is now unavailable to users working on hosts tern and crane, which run NFS client software. 2 FILE Removes a link to a file within a container directory. If there are no other links to it, the file is deleted. Related commands: DIRECTORY, REMOVE DIRECTORY Applies to: NFS server Format REMOVE FILE "/path/name" 3 Restrictions Requires: o Read and write access to the parent directory o BYPASS privilege 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required. File with the link you want to remove. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> REMOVE FILE "/peacock/feather.care/preening" Removes the NFS link to the file preening. 2 MAIL Deletes mail messages from SMTP queues. Without the user parameter, all messages from the user name that correspond to your process's user name are deleted. Related commands: SEND MAIL, SHOW MAIL Applies to: SMTP Format REMOVE MAIL [ user ] [ /[NO]COPY=[directory] ] [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /ENTRY=n ] 3 Restrictions Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege for mail messages that are not yours. 3 Parameters user Optional. Default: All mail messages with your process's user name. Removes messages sent from the specified user name. 3 Qualifiers /COPY /COPY=[directory] /NOCOPY=[directory] Optional. Default: Messages copied to the user's default directory. Copies messages to be deleted to the specified directory. /NOCOPY: Messages are not copied. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Defaults: o With an entry number specified - /NOCONFIRM o Without an entry number specified - /CONFIRM If you omit an entry number, requests confirmation before deleting each message. Enter: o Y to delete the mail message o N to save the mail message o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /ENTRY /ENTRY=n Optional. Default: All. Queue entry numbers to remove from the SMTP queue. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> REMOVE MAIL Removes all messages for your process's user name, or deletes everything in the SMTP queue if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 2.TCPIP> REMOVE MAIL /ENTRY=781 Removes message 781, if it corresponds to your process's user name, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 3.TCPIP> REMOVE MAIL BROOD Removes all messages for BROOD, if your process's user name is BROOD, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 4.TCPIP> REMOVE MAIL /USER_NAME=COCKATOO /COPY=[COCKATOO.OLD_MAIL] Removes all messages for COCKATOO, if this is your process's user name, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. Before deletion, copies this queued mail to the specified directory. 2 PROXY Deletes entries from the volatile and permanent proxy database. Related commands: ADD PROXY, SHOW PROXY Applies to: NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, Remote Shell, LPR/LPD, and customer-developed services Format REMOVE PROXY [ user_name ] [ /COMMUNICATION ] [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /GID=n ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /NFS=options ] [ /PERMANENT ] [ /REMOTE_USER=user ] [ /UID=n ] 3 Restrictions Requires: o Read and write access to the proxy database o One of the following privileges: - SYSPRV - SYSLCK - OPER 3 Parameters user_name Optional. Default: All entries (REMOVE PROXY *). Deletes the specified entries from the proxy database. 3 Qualifiers /COMMUNICATION Optional. Default: Both communication and NFS entries. Deletes communication (non-NFS) proxies. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM with wildcards. Requests confirmation before deleting records. Enter one of the following: o Y to delete the record o N to save the record o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /GID /GID=n Optional. Default: All GIDs. Deletes only proxies for the specified group identifier (GID). /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: All hosts. Deletes only proxies for the specified host. /NFS /NFS=INCOMING /NFS=OUTGOING Optional. Default: /NFS=(INCOMING,OUTGOING). Deletes an NFS proxy. Specify one of the following: /NFS=OUTGOING Proxy to use NFS client /NFS=INCOMING Proxy to use NFS server /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMIProxy to use NFS client and NFS server /PERMANENT Optional. Default: None. Deletes entries only from the permanent proxy database. /REMOTE_USER /REMOTE_USER=user Optional. Default: None. Deletes entries for the specified remote user name. /UID /UID=n Optional. Default: All UIDs. Limits the search of entries to delete to proxies for the specified UID. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY "peacock" /HOST=GOLDEN /UID=83 Removes authorization for UID 83 on host GOLDEN from OpenVMS account peacock. 2.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY /HOST=GOLDEN /UID=83 Removes authorization for UID 83 from host GOLDEN. 3.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY /HOST=("goose","grouse") Removes authorization for all users on hosts goose and grouse. 4.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY /UID=83 Totally removes authorization for UID 83. 5.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY VMS_USER /REMOTE=PARTRIDGE /HOST=* Removes authorization for remote user PARTRIDGE on all hosts.