1 DISMOUNT Makes a physically remote file system that is currently accessible to local users inaccessible. Dismounts a remote file system or directory from local device DNFSn: (the mount point). Required order of command keywords: the DISMOUNT keyword, immediately followed by mount_point. Example: DISMOUNT DNFS03:. Related commands: MOUNT, SHOW MOUNT Applies to: NFS client Format DISMOUNT { mount_point | logical_name } [ /ALL ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /[NO]WAIT ] 2 Restrictions Dismounting a /SYSTEM mount requires SYSNAM privilege. Dismounting a /GROUP mount requires GRPNAM privilege. 2 Parameters mount_point Required (if you omit logical_name and the /ALL qualifier). Default: None. DNFS device (and optional directory tree) required to dismount. Specify this mount point as one of the following: DNFSn: DNFSn:[dir.subdir] DNFSn:[dir.subdir]file where: n Value from 1 to 9999. [dir] Directory to mount or (up to eight in addition to the [000000] directory). [dir.subdir] file Individual file to dismount. NOTE Type the device name immediately after the keyword DISMOUNT. If you use the /ALL qualifier, you must specify DNFSn: without the directory tree. logical_name Required (if you omit mount_point and the /ALL qualifier). Default: None. Logical name that you defined with the MOUNT command of the device to dismount. 2 Qualifiers /ALL Optional. Dismounts one of the following: o All file systems from all servers: DISMOUNT /ALL o All file systems on the specified server: DISMOUNT /ALL /HOST=host o All file systems on the specified device: DISMOUNT DNFSn: /ALL If you dismount using the /ALL qualifier, the dismount operation completes even if the server is not currently reachable. /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: None. Dismounts all file systems from the specified NFS server. /WAIT /WAIT /NOWAIT Optional. Default: /NOWAIT. o /WAIT - Does not dismount the mounted file system if outstanding activities exist. - Waits until the dismount has been completed. - If you try to access any files on the mount point, the dismount fails. o /NOWAIT - The client completes the command immediately. - Dismounting does not actually occur until all file activity has completed. 2 Examples 1.TCPIP> DISMOUNT DNFS3: Makes the file system mounted on local device DNFS3: inaccessible to local users. 2.TCPIP> DISMOUNT DNFS4:[USR.MNT] Dismounts only the specified mount point, [USR.MNT], on local device DNFS4:. 3.TCPIP> DISMOUNT DNFS5: /WAIT Dismounts the DNFS5:[000000] mount point and waits for it to occur. 4.TCPIP> DISMOUNT /ALL Dismounts all mount points on all devices. 5.TCPIP> DISMOUNT /ALL /HOST="robin" Dismounts all mount points served by host robin.