1 DEFINE 2 COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER Adds new mapping correspondence to the internal TCP/IP Services table. Use this command to add support for new communication controller devices that are added to an OpenVMS system after the latest release of TCP/IP Services is installed. Related commands: LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER, DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER, all INTERFACE commands Format DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER controller /INTERNET_INTERFACE=character /TYPE=options [ /DESCRIPTION=text ] 3 Parameters controller Required. Specifies the OpenVMS device name of the communication controller (as displayed by the DCL SHOW DEVICE command). You must specify the controller. For examples of controllers with their corresponding device names, see the LIST COMMUNICATION_ CONTROLLER command. See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for more information. 3 Qualifiers /DESCRIPTION /DESCRIPTION=text Optional. Default: None. Specifies entry. For example, specify the device's name, such as DEFZA or DEUNA. You can modify this value. /INTERNET_INTERFACE /INTERNET_INTERFACE=character Required. Specifies the first letter of the interface name. The second character of the two-character interface name is automatically assigned, depending on what you specify for the /TYPE qualifier. If you prefer a standard name, call your Compaq support representative. If a standard interface name is not important, you can use any unique alphabetic character for this first character. /TYPE /TYPE=options Required. Specifies the controller type and implies the second character of the interface name. You must specify one of the following: Ethernet, FDDI, PPP, Serial or Token_Ring. You can specify only one type at a time. If you specify Ethernet, then the implied second character of the interface name is E. If you specify FDDI, then the implied second character of the interface name is F. If you specify PPP, then the implied second character of the interface name is P. If you specify Serial, then the implied second character of the interface name is L. If you specify Token_Ring, then the implied second character of the interface name is T. To change this definition, enter the following command: TCPIP> DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER controller - _TCPIP /TYPE=([NO]old_type,new_type) The old_type,new_type options are: o CLUSTER - The interface can join an internet cluster. To do this, also issue SET INTERFACE /CLUSTER. - You can specify CLUSTER with a controller type, for example, /TYPE=(ETHERNET,CLUSTER). o [NO]ETHERNET o [NO]FDDI o [NO]TOKEN_RING 3 Examples 1.$ TCPIP DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER XE - _$ /INTERNET_INTERFACE=D /TYPE=(ETHERNET,CLUSTER) - _$ /DESCRIPTION=DEUNA Defines interface D as the OpenVMS device XE.