1 BIND_SESSION Creates a TELNET terminal device (TNAx:) and connects to a network device (BGx:). If successful, returns the TNA device name (TNAx:) in the DCL symbol $TELNET_DEVICE. Network input and output operations may then be performed through the created TELNET device using terminal driver $QIO operations. DCL-Style Format BIND_SESSION network_device [ /PROTOCOL=option ] 2 Parameters network_device Required. An existing network device. 2 Qualifiers /PROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=option Optional. Default: NONE. Where option is: o NONE Data is sent with no interpretation (raw). o NVT Network Virtual Terminal (NVT), TELNET's internal representation of a standard network terminal. NVT format is standard 7-bit ASCII code transmitted in 8-bit octets, the canonical form of data representation used by both the client and server. o TELNET Standard TELNET protocol. o RLOGIN Standard RLOGIN protocol. 2 Example TELNET> BIND_SESSION BG393: /PROTOCOL=NVT