1 VIEW Displays the contents of a file onto your current output device. DCL-Style Format VIEW [ /PAGE ] filespec UNIX Style Format view filespec 2 Parameters filespec Required. Specifies the file to be displayed. Wildcard characters (*, %) are not allowed in place of the directory name, file name, file type, or file version number field. 2 Qualifiers /PAGE Optional. Displays one screen at a time until the end of file (EOF) is reached. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/Z. 2 Examples 1.FTP> VIEW FUNDING.TXT Scrolls through the contents of the FUNDING.TXT file, in the current working directory, and displays the contents on the current output device. 2.FTP> VIEW/PAGE FUNDING.TXT Displays the contents of the FUNDING.TXT file, one screen at a time, on the current output device.