1 HELP Displays information about how to type FTP commands. Provides help for both DCL-style and UNIX Style commands, as follows: o HELP - Displays all the DCL-style FTP commands o HELP ftp_command - Displays DCL-style help information for the specified command o ? - Displays all the UNIX Style FTP commands o ? command - Displays help for the specified UNIX Style command DCL-Style Format HELP [ /REMOTE ] [ command ] UNIX Style Formats help [ command ] ? [ command ] 2 Parameters command Optional. FTP command about which you would like information. 2 Qualifiers /REMOTE Optional. Default: local host. The remote host displays the FTP help information. If the remote host is a UNIX host, the FTP help is all UNIX style. If you want to display information about a specific command, the /REMOTE qualifier must follow the HELP command and precede the name of any command for which you want information, as shown in the second example. 2 Examples 1.FTP> HELP Information available: APPEND CONNECT CREATE DELETE DIRECTORY DISABLE DISCONNECT ENABLE EXIT GET HELP LOGIN PUT QUOTE RENAME SET SHOW SPAWN VIEW Topic? The local system displays the FTP DCL-style commands. 2.FTP> HELP/REMOTE 214-The following commands are recognized (* =>'s) USER PORT RETR MSND* ALLO DELE SITE* XMKD CDUP PASS PASV STOR MSOM* REST* CWD STAT* RMD XCUP ACCT* TYPE APPE MSAM* RNFR XCWD HELP XRMD STOU REIN* STRU MLFL* MRSQ* RNTO LIST NOOP PWD QUIT MODE MAIL* MRCP* ABOR NLST MKD XPWD FTP> The remote host, a UNIX system, displays the FTP commands you can use in your FTP session with this system. 3.FTP> HELP/REMOTE USER 214 Syntax: USER username FTP> The remote host displays information about the FTP USER command. 4.FTP> ? Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: append disconnect mkdir remotehelp view ascii form mls rename view/p bell get mode reset view/pa binary glob mput rmdir view/pag bye hash open rstatus view/page case image prompt send vms cd lcd sendport status ? cdup ls put struct ! close lpwd pwd sunique delete mdelete quit type debug mdir quote user dir mget recv verbose FTP> This example shows you how to obtain FTP HELP on UNIX Style commands.