1 DISABLE 2 LOG Turns off the display of FTP commands sent to the remote host. Default: DISABLE LOG. DCL-Style Format DISABLE LOG UNIX Style Format debug 3 Examples 1.FTP> DISABLE LOG FTP> PUT IBIS.TXT 200 PORT command successful 150 Opening data connection for IBIS.TXT. (,1165) 226 Transfer complete local: USER3:[DIBBLE]IBIS.TXT;3 remote: IBIS.TXT 4 bytes sent in 00:00:00.02 seconds (0.19 Kbytes/s) Turns off the display of commands sent to the remote host. 2 PARSE Disables the expansion of file name specifications during GET and PUT operations. File name arguments are taken literally and not expanded. During PUT operations, the expansion is done by the local host. DCL-Style Format DISABLE PARSE UNIX Style Format glob 2 PORT_COMMAND Turns off the sending of the PORT FTP command to the remote FTP host. By default, FTP sends a PORT protocol command when establishing a connection for each data transfer. If the PORT command fails, FTP uses the default data port (20). Disable the PORT command when communicating with certain FTP implementations that ignore PORT commands. DCL-Style Format DISABLE PORT_COMMAND UNIX Style Format sendport 2 REPLY Turns off the display of all responses from the remote host. Default: ENABLE REPLY. DCL-Style Format DISABLE REPLY UNIX Style Format debug 2 TRANSFER_VERIFICATION Turns off the display of a number sign (#) for each 1000 bytes of data transferred over the network. Default: DISABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION DCL-Style Format DISABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION UNIX Style Format hash 2 VMS_PLUS Turns off VMS Plus Mode. This lets you specify a transfer mode based on file type, for example, ASCII or image. Disables the sending of the FTP SITE command for older implementations of the FTP server, which do not support the SITE command. The FTP client uses the FTP SITE command to identify itself (its SITE type) to the remote host. The SITE type of an FTP client can be either: o +VMS+-the client is in VMS Plus mode o NONE-the client is not in VMS Plus mode Defaults: o When you FTP to an OpenVMS host, VMS Plus Mode is enabled. o When you FTP to a non-OpenVMS host, VMS Plus Mode is disabled. Format DISABLE VMS_PLUS