1 DIRECTORY Lists the names of remote files and other information about them. The remote files can be on any FTP server. To use this command, you must have an FTP session with a remote host. The DCL-style DIRECTORY command supports the redirecting of output to a file. DCL-Style Format DIRECTORY [ /BRIEF | /OUT=output_file ] [ remote_directory ] UNIX Style Format ls [ /remote/path ] 2 Parameters remote_directory Optional. Default: default directory. Directory with the file names you want to list. Wildcards and multiple directories are valid. 2 Qualifiers /BRIEF Optional. Default: full display. Produces output similar to the UNIX ls command. /OUT /OUT=output_file Optional. If you do not specify the /OUT qualifier, FTP displays output to SYS$OUTPUT. If you do specify the /OUT qualifier, you must supply a valid output_file specification. Name of the file to hold the output. 2 Examples 1.FTP> DIRECTORY 200 PORT command successful 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls (,1150) total 76 -rwxr-x--x 1 geary users 261 Nov 6 1996 .cshrc -rw-r--r-- 1 root users 128 May 21 11:16 .mailrc -rwxr-x--x 1 geary users 182 Nov 6 1996 .profile drwxr-x--x 2 geary users 512 Nov 6 1996 bin . . . 226 Transfer complete. 911 bytes received in 00:00:00.07 seconds Displays a full listing of file names in the current default UNIX directory. 2.FTP> ls disk3$:[banks.branch.bills] 200 PORT command successful 150 Opening data connection for DISK3$:[BANKS.BRANCH.BILLS] ( LOCAL_ACCTS.DIS;1 GO_FIGURE.EXE;14 COMPARE.EXE;4 SUMTOTAL.COM;1 226 NLST Directory transfer complete. 428 bytes received in 00:00:00.41 seconds (10.06 Kbyte/s) FTP> Displays a listing of file names in the directory of the connected host, which is another OpenVMS system.