1 APPEND Appends a local file to a remote file. The remote file can reside on any system that supports FTP. To use this command, you must have an FTP session with a remote host. DCL-Style Format APPEND local_file [ remote_file ] UNIX Style Format append local_file [ remote_file ] 2 Restrictions No wildcards. 2 Parameters local_file Required. Name of the local OpenVMS file. remote_file Optional. Name of the remote file, either UNIX or OpenVMS. 2 Example FTP> APPEND LARGE.TXT CHRONOS 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for CHRONOS. (,1108) 226 Transfer complete local:work1:[samson]large.txt remote:CHRONOS 15596 bytes sent in 00:00:00.10 seconds (152.30 Kbytes/s) Appends local file LARGE.TXT to UNIX file chronos.