1 STARTUP There are several STARTUP subcommands. Select the one you want from the choices below. 2 ADD Adds a component to the startup database. Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the startup database. Format STARTUP ADD FILE filespec 3 Parameters FILE Adds a component to the startup database. SYSMAN modifies STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED by default. filespec Specifies which file to add to the startup database. Each component of the startup database must have a file type of .COM or .EXE and reside in SYS$STARTUP. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether SYSMAN displays the file specification of each file before adding it to the startup database and requests you to confirm the addition. If you specify /CONFIRM, you must respond to the prompt with a Y (Yes) or a T (True) and press Return before the file is added. If you enter anything else, such as N or No, the requested file is not added. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether the STARTUP ADD command displays the file specification of each file after it has been added. /MODE /MODE=mode Specifies the mode of execution for the file. Valid modes include DIRECT, SPAWN, BATCH, or ANY. /NODE /NODE=(node1,node2,...,noden) Names the nodes within the cluster that run the file during startup. By default, a startup file executes on all nodes in the cluster. /PARAMETER /PARAMETER=(P1:arg1,P2:arg2,...,P8:arg8) Specifies the parameters that are to be passed to the file during startup. Parameters that are omitted receive the default parameters defined by the system parameter STARTUP_Pn. If STARTUP_Pn is blank, "FULL" is used as parameter 1 (P1) and is passed by STARTUP.COM to each startup component file. If you want a blank P1 parameter given to a specific component file, use the command: SYSMAN> STARTUP MODIFY FILE component.com/PARAM=P1:"" /PHASE /PHASE=phase-name Indicates the phase within system startup when the file is to be executed. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. LPMAIN is the default. 3 Description The STARTUP ADD command adds a component to the startup database. Startup components are the command procedures or executable files that perform actual startup work. Files from the startup database are used to start the operating system, site-specific programs, and layered products. STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS and STARTUP$STARTUP_ LAYERED list the components of the startup database. Because an OpenVMS Cluster typically shares one copy of the startup database, the SYSMAN environment can be defined as clustered or as a single node within the cluster. 3 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP ADD FILE /MODE=DIRECT /PHASE=LPMAIN - _SYSMAN> DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM This command adds a record to the startup database that starts the DECSET environment manager software. 2 DISABLE Prevents a file in the startup database from executing. Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the startup database. Format STARTUP DISABLE FILE filespec 3 Parameters FILE Disables a component of the startup database. SYSMAN modifies STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED by default. filespec Specifies the name of a component in the startup database. The startup file must reside in SYS$STARTUP and have a file type of .COM or .EXE. The asterisk (*) and percent (%) wildcard characters are permitted. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether the STARTUP DISABLE command displays the file specification of each file before disabling it in the startup database and requests you to confirm that the file be disabled. If you specify /CONFIRM, you must respond to the prompt with a Y (Yes) or a T (True) and press Return before the file is disabled. If you enter anything else, such as N or No, the requested file is not disabled. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether the STARTUP DISABLE command displays the file specification of each file after it has been disabled. /NODE /NODE=(node1,node2,...,noden) Identifies nodes within the cluster that do not run the file during startup. By default, the startup file is disabled on all nodes in the cluster. /PHASE /PHASE=phase-name Indicates the phase of system startup in which the specified file normally executes. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. LPMAIN is the default. 3 Description The STARTUP DISABLE command prevents a file in the startup database from executing. The command edits a record in the startup database, temporarily disabling the file. 3 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP DISABLE FILE /NODE=NODE21 DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM This command modifies the startup database so that the DECset environment manager will not be installed on NODE21. 2 ENABLE Enables a previously disabled file in the startup database to execute during system startup. Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the startup database. Format STARTUP ENABLE FILE filespec 3 Parameters FILE Enables a component of the startup database. SYSMAN modifies STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED by default. filespec Specifies the name of the startup file that you are enabling. Wildcard characters are accepted. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether the STARTUP ENABLE command displays the file specification of each file before enabling it in the startup database and requests you to confirm that the file be enabled. If you specify /CONFIRM, you must respond to the prompt with a Y (Yes) or a T (True) and press Return before the file is enabled. If you enter anything else, such as N or No, the requested file is not enabled. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether the STARTUP ENABLE command displays the file specification of each file after it has been enabled. /NODE /NODE=(node1,node2,...,noden) Names nodes within the cluster where the file will be enabled. By default, the startup file is enabled on all nodes. /PHASE /PHASE=phase-name Indicates the phase within system startup when the specified file is to be enabled. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. LPMAIN is the default. 3 Description The STARTUP ENABLE command permits a file that was previously disabled to execute during system startup. 3 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP ENABLE FILE /NODE=NODE22 DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM This command modifies the startup database. NODE22 will have the DECSET environment manager installed at startup. 2 MODIFY Changes information associated with a startup file in the startup database. Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the startup database. Format STARTUP MODIFY FILE filespec 3 Parameters FILE Modifies a record in the startup database. SYSMAN modifies STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED by default. filespec Selects a startup file for modification. Wildcard characters are accepted. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether the STARTUP MODIFY command displays the file specification of each file before modifying its startup characteristics in the startup data file and requests you to confirm that the file characteristics be modified. If you specify /CONFIRM, you must respond to the prompt with a Y (Yes) or a T (True) and press Return before the file is modified. If you enter anything else, such as N or No, the requested file is not modified. /LOG /LOG NOLOG (default) Controls whether the STARTUP MODIFY command displays the file specification of each file after its startup characteristics have been modified. /MODE /MODE=mode Changes the mode of execution for a startup file. Valid modes include DIRECT, SPAWN, BATCH, or ANY. /NAME /NAME=filespec Changes the name of the startup file. The file must reside in SYS$STARTUP. /PARAMETER /PARAMETER=(P1:arg1,P2:arg2,...,P8:arg8) Changes the parameters that are to be passed to the file during startup. Parameters that are omitted receive the default parameters defined by the system parameter STARTUP_Pn. If STARTUP_Pn is blank, "FULL" is used as parameter 1 (P1) and is passed by STARTUP.COM to each startup component file. If you want a blank P1 parameter given to a specific component file, use the command: SYSMAN> STARTUP MODIFY FILE component.com/PARAM=P1:"" /PHASE /PHASE=phase-name Selects startup files for modification based on the phase in which they run. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. LPMAIN is the default. 3 Description The STARTUP MODIFY command edits startup information associated with components in the startup database. For example, the command can rename a file or change the parameters that are passed to a file during startup. You can select a group of files for modification based on the phase in which they run. 3 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP MODIFY FILE DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM - _SYSMAN> /PARAM=(P3:TRUE,P4:FALSE) /CONFIRM This command changes two startup parameters for the command procedure DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM. 2 REMOVE Removes a record in the startup database, so the specified startup file no longer executes during system startup. Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the startup database. Format STARTUP REMOVE FILE filespec 3 Parameters FILE Removes a component from the startup database. SYSMAN modifies STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED by default. filespec Specifies the name of the file to remove from the startup database. Wildcard characters are accepted. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether the STARTUP REMOVE command displays the file specification of each file before deleting its record in the startup database and requests you to confirm that the file be deleted. If you specify /CONFIRM, you must respond to the prompt with a Y (Yes) or a T (True) and press Return before the file is removed. If you enter anything else, such as N or No, the requested file is not removed. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether SYSMAN displays the file specification of each file after it has been removed. /PHASE /PHASE=phase-name Indicates the phase of system startup from which the file will be removed. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. 3 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP REMOVE FILE DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM /LOG This command takes the file DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM out of the startup database. 2 SET 3 DATABASE Establishes the current startup database. Format STARTUP SET DATABASE database 4 Parameters database Specifies the name of the target database, which is STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED by default. The second database, STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS, is available for viewing; however, Compaq recommends that you do not modify it. 4 Qualifiers None. 4 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP SET DATABASE STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED %SYSMAN-I- NEWCOMPFIL, current component file is now STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED SYSMAN> STARTUP SHOW FILE %SYSMAN-I-COMPFIL, contents of component database on node LUCERN Phase Mode File ----- ---- --------------------------- LPBEGIN DIRECT VMS$LPBEGIN_070_STARTUP.COM LPMAIN DIRECT FOR$LPMAIN_070_STARTUP.COM The commands in this example establish the layered products database as the default, so it can be displayed. 3 OPTIONS Displays startup status for one or more nodes in a cluster during startup. Requires READ (R) and WRITE (W) access to the current system parameter file on disk: SYS$SYSTEM:VAXVMSSYS.PAR (for VAX systems) or SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR (for Alpha systems). Format STARTUP SET OPTIONS 4 Qualifiers /CHECKPOINTING /CHECKPOINTING /NOCHECKPOINTING Displays informational messages describing the time and status of each startup phase and component procedure. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=FILE,CONSOLE(default) Sends output generated by using the /VERIFY qualifier to a file or to the system console. If you choose the FILE option, it creates SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]STARTUP.LOG. /VERIFY /VERIFY=FULL (default),PARTIAL /NOVERIFY Displays startup procedures as they execute. This qualifier defines the system parameter STARTUP_P2 to have the appropriate value based on the options you choose: o FULL-Displays every line of DCL executed by startup component procedures and by STARTUP.COM o PARTIAL-Displays every line of DCL executed by startup component procedures, but does not display DCL executed by STARTUP.COM CAUTION All STARTUP_P* parameter values modified by the SYSMAN STARTUP OPTIONS will be overridden by the AUTOGEN command procedure. To preserve any parameter modifications made with SYSMAN, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file, as explained in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 4 Description The STARTUP SET OPTIONS command enables you to perform logging and checkpointing during startup. You can control the amount of information logged (full or partial) and where it is displayed (file or console). You can also choose checkpointing, which displays informational messages about the time and status of each phase during startup. Because SYSMAN enables you to define the target environment, you can perform startup logging on your local node, your own cluster, and a subset of nodes on your cluster. See the SET ENVIRONMENT command for more information. 4 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP SET OPTIONS/VERIFY=FULL/OUTPUT=FILE/CHECKPOINTING This example requests startup logging with full verification, output to SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]STARTUP.LOG, and checkpointing. 2 SHOW Displays the name of the current startup database or its components as well as the startup logging options selected with the STARTUP SET OPTIONS command. Format STARTUP SHOW DATABASE FILE OPTIONS 3 Parameters DATABASE Displays the name of the current startup database. The two startup databases are STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED and STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS. Compaq recommends that you do not modify the STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS database. FILE Displays the contents of the current startup database. The display includes the file name, phase, and mode of execution for each component in the database. OPTIONS Displays the options selected when using the STARTUP SET OPTIONS command. 3 Qualifiers /FULL Displays full information about each component in the database. In addition to the phase, file name, and mode of execution for each startup component, SYSMAN displays the nodes on which the file executes and the parameters passed to the file. This qualifier is relevant with the FILE parameter. /NODE Displays the nodes within the cluster on which the file executes. By default, a startup file executes on all nodes in an environment. This qualifier is relevant with the FILE parameter. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filespec Redirects command output from SYS$OUTPUT to the file named with the qualifier. Without a filespec, SYSMAN writes the output to SYSMAN.LIS in the current directory. /PARAMETERS Lists the parameters with which the startup file executes. Parameters that are not specified receive the defaults defined by the system parameter STARTUP_Pn. If STARTUP_Pn is blank, "FULL" is used as parameter 1 (P1) and is passed by STARTUP.COM to each startup component file. If you want a blank P1 parameter given to a specific component file, see the /PARAMETER qualifier under STARTUP MODIFY command for instructions. /PHASE /PHASE=phase-name Displays components that execute in a specific phase of system startup. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. LPMAIN is the default. This qualifier is relevant with the FILE parameter. 3 Example SYSMAN> STARTUP SET DATABASE STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS SYSMAN> STARTUP SHOW FILE %SYSMAN-I-COMPFIL, contents of component database on node LUCERN Phase Mode File ----- ---- -------------------------------- BASEENVIRON DIRECT VMS$BASEENVIRON_050_LIB.COM BASEENVIRON CALLED VMS$BASEENVIRON_050_SMISERVER.COM BASEENVIRON DIRECT VMS$BASEENVIRON_050_VMS.COM . . . The commands in this example display the contents of the startup database.