2  /KEY
   Defines a key to execute a SYSMAN command. This enables you to
   press the key to enter a command, instead of typing the command


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name string

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name of the key you are defining. Use the key names
   in the following table when defining keys.

   Key Name           VT100       LK201/LK401

   PF1                PF1         PF1
   PF2                PF2         PF2
   PF3                PF3         PF3
   PF4                PF4         PF4
   KP0, KP1-KP9       keypad 0-9  keypad 0-9
   PERIOD             period key  period key
   COMMA              comma key   comma key
   MINUS              minus key   minus key
   ENTER              ENTER key   ENTER key
   UP, DOWN, LEFT,    arrow keys  arrow keys
   FIND, INSERT_HERE  -           Find, Insert Here keys
   REMOVE, SELECT     -           Remove, Select keys
   PREV_SCREEN        -           Previous Screen key
   NEXT_SCREEN        -           Next Screen key
   HELP, DO           -           Help, Do keys
   F6-F10, F11-F14    -           function keys
   F17-F20            -           function keys


   Specifies the string you want entered when you press the defined
   key. For example, you can define string as the SYSMAN command

3  Qualifiers


      /ECHO (default)

   Specifies whether the command line echoes after you press the
   defined key. Note that you cannot define a key using both the
   /NOECHO and /NOTERMINATE qualifiers.



   Specifies a list of states, any one of which must be set in order
   to enable the specified key definition. If you omit or negate
   this qualifier, the current state prevails.


      /NOLOCK_STATE (default)

   Retains the state specified by the /SET_STATE qualifier until you
   use the /SET_STATE qualifier again to change it.



   Associates a state with the key you are defining. A state name
   can be any alphanumeric string. If you omit or negate this
   qualifier, the current state remains unchanged. You cannot define
   a key using both the /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE qualifiers.



   Determines whether the specified command string executes when
   you press the key. When you use /NOTERMINATE, you must press the
   Return key to execute the command string. You cannot define a key
   using both the /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE qualifiers.

3  Description
   The DEFINE/KEY command assigns a key to a SYSMAN command. This
   enables you to execute the command by pressing the key. You
   can confirm which keys you have defined by using the SHOW KEY

   When you exit from SYSMAN, any SYSMAN key definitions you
   established will be lost unless you define them in a SYSMAN
   initialization file.

3  Examples


     This example shows how to define the keypad key PF1 as the
     SYSMAN command SHOW PROFILE. To execute the SHOW PROFILE
     command, press PF1 and then the Return key.


     This example shows how to define the keypad key 0 as the
     CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME command. The /TERMINATE qualifier
     causes the SYSMAN command to execute when you press keypad
     key 0 without having to press Return.