Library /sys$common/syshlp/sysgen.hlb
Sys Parameters, TTY_DEFCHAR2

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    TTY_DEFCHAR2 sets a second longword of default terminal
    characteristics. The default characteristics are represented
    as a code that is derived by summing the following hexadecimal

    Characteristic Value (Hex)   Function

    LOCALECHO             1      Enable local echo terminal logic;
                                 use with the TTY_DEFCHAR NOECHO
    AUTOBAUD              2      Enable autobaud detection.
    HANGUP                4      Hang up on logout.
    MODHANGUP             8      Allow modification of HANGUP without
    BRDCSTMBX            10      Allow sending of broadcasts to
    XON                  20      (No effect in this parameter.)
    DMA                  40      (No effect in this parameter.)
    ALTYPEAHD            80      Use the alternate type-ahead
    SETSPEED            100      Clear to allow setting of speed
                                 without privileges.
    DCL_MAILBX          200      Function reserved for Compaq use
    DECCRT4             400      Terminal is DIGITAL CRT Level 4.
    COMMSYNC            800      Enable flow control using modem
    EDITING            1000      Line editing allowed.
    INSERT             2000      Sets default mode for insert.
    FALLBACK           4000      Do not set this bit with SYSGEN.
                                 Refer to the OpenVMS Terminal
                                 Fallback Utility Manual for
                                 information about setting the
                                 FALLBACK terminal characteristic
                                 using the Terminal Fallback utility.
                                 (This manual has been archived
                                 but is available on the OpenVMS
                                 Documentation CD-ROM.)
    DIALUP             8000      Terminal is a dialup line.
    SECURE            10000      Guarantees that no process is
                                 connected to terminal after Break
                                 key is pressed.
    DISCONNECT        20000      Allows terminal disconnect when a
                                 hangup occurs.
    PASTHRU           40000      Terminal is in PASTHRU mode.
    SYSPWD            80000      Log in with system password only.
    SIXEL            100000      Sixel graphics.
    DRCS             200000      Terminal supports loadable character
    PRINTER          400000      Terminal has printer port.
    APP_KEYPAD       800000      Notifies application programs of
                                 state to set keypad on exit.
    ANSICRT         1000000      Terminal conforms to ANSI CRT
                                 programming standards.
    REGIS           2000000      Terminal has REGIS CRT capabilities.
    BLOCK           4000000      Block mode terminal.
    AVO             8000000      Terminal has advanced video.
    EDIT           10000000      Terminal has local edit
    DECCRT         20000000      Terminal is a DIGITAL CRT.
    DECCRT2        40000000      Terminal is a DIGITAL CRT Level 2.
    DECCRT3        80000000      Terminal is a DIGITAL CRT Level 3.

    The defaults are AUTOBAUD and EDITING.
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