1 WRITE Writes the system parameter values and the name of the site- independent startup command procedure from the SYSGEN work area to a parameter file, the current system parameter file on disk, or the active system in memory. Format WRITE file-spec 2 Parameter file-spec The file specification of a new parameter file to be created. The default file type is .PAR. In place of a file specification, you can specify one of the following keywords: CURRENT Specifies that source information is to be written to the current system parameter file on disk. On VAX systems, the system parameter file is SYS$SYSTEM:VAXVMSSYS.PAR. On Alpha systems, the system parameter file is SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR. Use of the WRITE CURRENT command requires the SYSPRV privilege. ACTIVE Specifies that source information is to be written to the active system in memory. (Only the dynamic parameter values are written to the active system.) Use of the WRITE ACTIVE command requires the CMKRNL privilege. 2 Qualifiers None. 2 Description On VAX systems, the implementation of security auditing within SYSGEN has altered the reporting of modifications to the system parameter file VAXVMSSYS.PAR. System managers can receive notification of a change to the file by setting up an access control list (ACL) on the file to signal such an event, as in the following example: $ SET SECURITY/ACL=(ALARM=SECURITY,ACCESS=WRITE+FAILURE+SUCCESS)- _$ SYS$SYSTEM:VAXVMSSYS.PAR For more information about setting ACLs, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual and the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. On Alpha systems, both the WRITE ACTIVE and WRITE CURRENT commands send a message to OPCOM and log the event. 2 Examples 1.SYSGEN> WRITE SYS$SYSTEM:SPECIAL This command creates a new parameter specification file, SYS$SYSTEM:SPECIAL.PAR. 2.SYSGEN> WRITE CURRENT On VAX systems, this command modifies the current system parameter file on disk, VAXVMSSYS.PAR. On Alpha systems, this command modifies the current system parameter file on disk, ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR. ! *********************************************************************** ! PARAM-START ! Start of help on SYSGEN parameters. Please leave this marker in place. ! It is required to permit the parameters help text to be removed from ! this file and made part of the SYSMAN help ! ***********************************************************************