1 SHOW Displays the values of system parameters in the SYSGEN work area, plus the default, minimum, and maximum values of the parameters and their units of measure. Format SHOW [parameter-name] 2 Parameter parameter-name Specifies the name of a system parameter. If you enter a period (.), it is interpreted as a request for the system parameter specified in the last SET parameter-name or SHOW [parameter] command. 2 Qualifiers /ACP Specifies that all ACP parameter values are displayed. /ALL Specifies that all parameter values other than SPECIAL parameter values are displayed. /BI Specifies that device addresses that are currently mapped in the I/O space for the VAXBI bus are displayed. /CLUSTER Specifies that all CLUSTER parameter values are displayed. /DYNAMIC Specifies that all DYNAMIC parameter values are displayed. /GEN Specifies that all GEN parameter values are displayed. /HEX Specifies that the values of parameters be displayed in hexadecimal representation. Specify the /HEX system parameter name or the parameter type. If you specify the /HEX qualifier with the /NAMES qualifier, /HEX is ignored. /JOB Specifies that all JOB parameter values are displayed. /LGI Specifies that all LGI parameter values are displayed. /MAJOR Specifies that all MAJOR parameter values are displayed. /MULTIPROCESSING Specifies that all MULTIPROCESSING parameters are displayed. /NAMES Specifies that the names of all parameters are displayed. /PQL Specifies that all PQL parameter values are displayed. /RMS Specifies that all RMS parameter values are displayed. /SCS Specifies that all SCS parameter values are displayed. /SPECIAL Specifies that all parameter values reserved for Compaq use are displayed. /STARTUP Specifies that the name of the current site-independent startup command procedure is displayed. /SYS Specifies that all SYS parameter values are displayed. /TTY Specifies that all terminal parameter values are displayed. /XMI /XMI[=BIindex] Specifies that device addresses that are currently mapped in the I/O space for the XMI bus are displayed. The /XMI qualifier also displays node and nexus numbers and generic names of all processors, adapters, VAXBI adapters, memory controllers, and interconnection devices such as the NI. Use of the SHOW/XMI=BIindex command requires the CMEXEC privilege. 2 Description Parameter values are displayed in decimal unless the /HEX qualifier is specified. Note that ASCII values are displayed in ASCII by default. When parameter names are abbreviated on a VAX platform, the first parameter matching the abbreviation is selected for display. No ambiguity checks are made. On an Alpha platform, all parameters whose names match the abbreviation will be printed. For example, a specification of SHOW GBL on a VAX displays only the GBLSECTIONS parameter. To display the GBLPAGFIL parameter, you must specify SHOW GBLPAGF (to avoid further ambiguity with the GBLPAGES parameter). On an Alpha, the same SHOW GBL command will display GBLSECTIONS, GBLPAGES, and GBLPAGFIL. You can enter a period (.) to indicate that you want to work with the system parameter that was specified in the last SET parameter-name or SHOW [parameter] command. 2 Examples 1.SYSGEN> SHOW GBLSECTIONS GBLSECTIONS 100 40 20 -1 Sections SYSGEN> SET . 110 SYSGEN> SHOW . GBLSECTIONS 110 40 20 -1 Sections In this example, the user first displays the values of the GBLSECTIONS parameter and then refers to the parameter with a period to set its current value to 110. The next SHOW command also uses the period notation to obtain confirmation that the change occurred. 2.SYSGEN> SHOW/ACP On a VAX system, the command in this example produces the following output: Parameters in use: Active Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic ACP_MULTIPLE 0 1 0 1 Boolean D ACP_SHARE 1 1 0 1 Boolean ACP_MAPCACHE 52 8 1 -1 Pages D ACP_HDRCACHE 138 128 2 -1 Pages D ACP_DIRCACHE 138 80 2 -1 Pages D ACP_DINDXCACHE 37 25 2 -1 Pages D ACP_WORKSET 0 0 0 -1 Pages D ACP_FIDCACHE 64 64 0 -1 File-Ids D ACP_EXTCACHE 64 64 0 -1 Extents D ACP_EXTLIMIT 300 300 0 1000 Percent/10 D ACP_QUOCACHE 130 64 0 -1 Users D ACP_SYSACC 4 8 0 -1 Directories D ACP_MAXREAD 32 32 1 64 Blocks D ACP_WINDOW 7 7 1 -1 Pointers D ACP_WRITEBACK 1 1 0 1 Boolean D ACP_DATACHECK 2 2 0 3 Bit-mask D ACP_BASEPRIO 8 8 4 31 Priority D ACP_SWAPFLGS 14 15 0 15 Bit-mask D ACP_XQP_RES 1 1 0 1 Boolean ACP_REBLDSYSD 0 1 0 1 Boolean 3.SYSGEN> SHOW/ACP/HEX The command in this example produces a hexadecimal display of the values of the ACP system parameters, as follows: Parameters in use: Active Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic ACP_MULTIPLE 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000001 Boolean D ACP_SHARE 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 Boolean ACP_MAPCACHE 00000034 00000008 00000001 FFFFFFFF Pages D ACP_HDRCACHE 0000008A 00000080 00000002 FFFFFFFF Pages D ACP_DIRCACHE 0000008A 00000050 00000002 FFFFFFFF Pages D ACP_DNDXCACHE 00000025 00000019 00000002 FFFFFFFF Pages D ACP_WORKSET 00000000 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFFF Pages D ACP_FIDCACHE 00000040 00000040 00000000 FFFFFFFF File-Ids D ACP_EXTCACHE 00000040 00000040 00000000 FFFFFFFF Extents D ACP_EXTLIMIT 0000012C 0000012C 00000000 000003E8 Percent/10 D ACP_QUOCACHE 00000082 00000040 00000000 FFFFFFFF Users D ACP_SYSACC 00000004 00000008 00000000 FFFFFFFF Directories D ACP_MAXREAD 00000020 00000020 00000001 00000040 Blocks D ACP_WINDOW 00000007 00000007 00000001 FFFFFFFF Pointers D ACP_WRITEBACK 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 Boolean D ACP_DATACHECK 00000002 00000002 00000000 00000003 Bit-mask D ACP_BASEPRIO 00000008 00000008 00000004 0000001F Priority D ACP_SWAPFLGS 0000000E 0000000F 00000000 0000000F Bit-mask D ACP_XQP_RES 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 Boolean ACP_REBLDSYSD 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000001 Boolean 4.SYSGEN> SHOW/PQL On an Alpha system, the command in this example produces the following output: Parameters in use: Active Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- ------- PQL_DASTLM 24 24 -1 -1 Ast D PQL_MASTLM 4 4 -1 -1 Ast D PQL_DBIOLM 32 32 -1 -1 I/O D PQL_MBIOLM 4 4 -1 -1 I/O D PQL_DBYTLM 65536 65536 -1 -1 Bytes D PQL_MBYTLM 1024 1024 -1 -1 Bytes D PQL_DCPULM 0 0 -1 -1 10Ms D PQL_MCPULM 0 0 -1 -1 10Ms D PQL_DDIOLM 32 32 -1 -1 I/O D PQL_MDIOLM 4 4 -1 -1 I/O D PQL_DFILLM 128 128 -1 -1 Files D PQL_MFILLM 2 2 -1 -1 Files D PQL_DPGFLQUOTA 65536 65536 -1 -1 Pagelets D internal value 4096 4096 0 -1 Pages D PQL_MPGFLQUOTA 2048 2048 -1 -1 Pagelets D internal value 128 128 128 -1 Pages D PQL_DPRCLM 32 32 -1 -1 Processes D PQL_MPRCLM 0 0 -1 -1 Processes D PQL_DTQELM 16 16 -1 -1 Timers D PQL_MTQELM 0 0 -1 -1 Timers D PQL_DWSDEFAULT 2000 2000 -1 -1 Pagelets internal value 125 125 0 -1 Pages PQL_MWSDEFAULT 2000 2000 -1 -1 Pagelets internal value 125 125 125 -1 Pages PQL_DWSQUOTA 4000 4000 -1 -1 Pagelets D internal value 250 250 0 -1 Pages D PQL_MWSQUOTA 4000 4000 -1 -1 Pagelets D internal value 250 250 250 -1 Pages D PQL_DWSEXTENT 12000 12000 -1 -1 Pagelets D internal value 750 750 0 -1 Pages D PQL_MWSEXTENT 4000 4000 -1 -1 Pagelets D internal value 250 250 250 -1 Pages D PQL_DENQLM 64 64 -1 -1 Locks D PQL_MENQLM 4 4 -1 -1 Locks D PQL_DJTQUOTA 1024 1024 -1 -1 Bytes D PQL_MJTQUOTA 0 0 -1 -1 Bytes D 2 /ADAPTER On VAX systems, displays all the nexus numbers and generic names on the adapter. Use of the SHOW/ADAPTER command requires the CMEXEC privilege. Format SHOW/ADAPTER 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Example SYSGEN> SHOW/ADAPTER The following example is a sample display produced by the SYSGEN SHOW/ADAPTER command: CPU Type: 11/780 Nexus Generic Name or Description 1 16K memory, non-interleaved 3 UB0 8 MB0 9 MB1 2 /BUS On VAX systems, displays all the nexus numbers and generic names on the adapter. On Alpha systems, use the SYSMAN command IO SHOW BUS. Use of the SHOW/BUS command requires the CMEXEC privilege. Format SHOW/BUS 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 2 /CONFIGURATION On VAX systems, displays information about the device configuration. Use of the SHOW/CONFIGURATION command requires the CMEXEC privilege. Format SHOW/CONFIGURATION 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers /ADAPTER /ADAPTER=nexus Specifies the number of MASSBUS or UNIBUS adapters to be displayed. The nexus value can be expressed as an integer or with one of the generic names listed by the SYSGEN command SHOW/ADAPTER. /COMMAND_FILE Specifies that SYSGEN formats all the device data into CONNECT/ADAPTER=adapter-spec commands and writes the commands in an output file you specify. In this way, you can completely reconfigure a system for UNIBUS devices without the use of the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec Specifies the file specification of an optional output file. If you specify the /OUTPUT qualifier but omit the file type, the default is .LIS. However, if you specify the /COMMAND_FILE and /OUTPUT qualifiers together, the default file type for the output file is .COM. 3 Description The SHOW/CONFIGURATION command shows devices by name, number of units, nexus number, and adapter type, as well as by control and status register (CSR) and vector addresses. You can specify an output file with the /OUTPUT qualifier. Note that you can remove a device from the middle of the floating addresses without completely redoing jumpers to the CSR and vector addresses of the remaining devices by following these steps: 1. Modify your site-independent STARTUP.COM file to invoke the command file specified with the /OUTPUT qualifier instead of entering an AUTOCONFIGURE ALL command. 2. Enter the SHOW/CONFIGURATION/COMMAND_FILE/OUTPUT command to format and save the device data. If you must bring the system down for service and remove a board, SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM invokes your output file as a command procedure when the system reboots, and the system automatically configures UNIBUS devices and MASSBUS devices for you. Remember that a new version of SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM is provided with each major release, so you would need to repeat any modifications you have made to SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM after you install the new version. NOTE Although this technique can offer a convenient short-term solution, use AUTOCONFIGURE ALL when possible. 3 Examples 1.SYSGEN> SHOW/CONFIGURATION This command displays the current system I/O database. The following example illustrates a typical display produced by this command on VS3100 and 6000-400 systems: System CSR and Vectors on 23-OCT-2000 16:39:28.74 Name: OPA Units: 1 Nexus:0 (410) Name: PKB Units: 1 Nexus:0 (410) Name: TTA Units: 4 Nexus:0 (410) Name: PKA Units: 1 Nexus:0 (410) Name: ESA Units: 3 Nexus:0 (410) Name: GCA Units: 1 Nexus:0 (410) System CSR and Vectors on 23-OCT-2000 16:31:47.12 Name: PAA Units: 1 Nexus:48 (CI ) Name: PAB Units: 1 Nexus:64 (CI ) Name: PAC Units: 1 Nexus:64 (CI ) Name: PAD Units: 1 Nexus:176 (CI ) Name: FXA Units: 2 Nexus:192 (GXM) Name: ETA Units: 3 Nexus:213 (BVP) Name: PAE Units: 1 Nexus:228 (CI ) Name: PBA Units: 1 Nexus:237 (BVP) Name: TXA Units: 16 Nexus:211 (DMB) 2.SYSGEN> SHOW/CONFIGURATION/COMMAND_FILE/OUTPUT=CONFIG.COM This command formats all device data into CONNECT/ADAPTER=adapter-spec commands and writes the commands to the command file CONFIG.COM. The following example is a typical command file produced by this command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN AUTOCONFIGURE 4 AUTOCONFIGURE 5 CONNECT DMA0 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O777440 /VECT=%O210 /NUMV=01 /DRIVER=DMDRIVER CONNECT DMA1 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O777440 /VECT=%O210 /NUMV=01 /DRIVER=DMDRIVER CONNECT LPA0 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O777514 /VECT=%O200 /NUMV=01 /DRIVER=LPDRIVER CONNECT DYA0 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O777170 /VECT=%O264 /NUMV=01 /DRIVER=DYDRIVER CONNECT DYA1 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O777170 /VECT=%O264 /NUMV=01 /DRIVER=DYDRIVER CONNECT XMA0 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O760070 /VECT=%O300 /NUMV=02 /DRIVER=XMDRIVER CONNECT XMB0 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O760100 /VECT=%O310 /NUMV=02 /DRIVER=XMDRIVER CONNECT XMC0 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O760110 /VECT=%O320 /NUMV=02 /DRIVER=XMDRIVER CONNECT TTA0 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O760130 /VECT=%O330 /NUMV=02 /DRIVER=DZDRIVER CONNECT TTA1 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O760130 /VECT=%O330 /NUMV=02 /DRIVER=DZDRIVER CONNECT TTA2 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O760130 /VECT=%O330 /NUMV=02 /DRIVER=DZDRIVER . . . CONNECT TTF7 /ADAP=8 /CSR=%O760200 /VECT=%O400 /NUMV=02 /DRIVER=DZDRIVER 2 /DEVICE On VAX systems, displays full information about device drivers loaded into the system, the devices connected to them, and their I/O databases. All addresses are in hexadecimal and are virtual. On Alpha systems, use the SYSMAN command IO SHOW DEVICE. Use of the SHOW/DEVICE command requires the CMEXEC privilege. Format SHOW/DEVICE=device-driver 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Description The SHOW/DEVICE command specifies that the following information be displayed about the specified device driver: Driver Name of the driver Start Starting address of the driver End Ending address of the driver Dev Name of each device connected to the driver DDB Address of the device's device data block CRB Address of the device's channel request block IDB Address of the device's interrupt dispatch block Unit Number of each unit on the device UCB Address of each unit's unit control block By default, if you omit the driver name, information is displayed for all device drivers loaded into the system. 3 Example SYSGEN> SHOW/DEVICE=DBDRIVER This command displays the following information about the DBDRIVER: __Driver_____Start____End____Dev___DDB______CRB______IDB_____Unit__UCB___ DBDRIVER 80082390 80082A7E DBA 80000848 800988C0 80098920 0 8000087C 1 8008A4F0 2 8008A590 5 8008A630 7 8008A6D00 2 /DRIVER On VAX systems, displays the starting and ending address of the specified device driver loaded into the system. Format SHOW/DRIVER=device-driver 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Description If you omit the driver name, SHOW/DRIVER displays the starting and ending address of all device drivers loaded into the system. All addresses are in hexadecimal and are virtual. Use of the SHOW/DRIVER command requires the CMEXEC privilege. The SHOW/DRIVER command displays the following information about the specified device driver: Driver Name of the device driver Start Starting address of the device driver End Ending address of the device driver 3 Example SYSGEN> SHOW/DRIVER This command displays the starting and ending addresses of all drivers, as follows: __Driver_____Start____End___ RTTDRIVER 800C1060 800C1960 NETDRIVER 800BAFD0 800BD4B0 TMDRIVER 800B3950 800B4BF0 DRDRIVER 800B2950 800B3290 DDDRIVER 800B1740 800B2060 DLDRIVER 800B0D10 800B15A0 DMDRIVER 800B0070 800B0990 LCDRIVER 800AFC50 800AFFB0 YCDRIVER 800AED20 800AF3E0 XGDRIVER 800AC3F0 800AE9E0 XDDRIVER 800AA5A0 800AC380 DZDRIVER 800A4F30 800A59B0 XMDRIVER 800A3E10 800A4A50 DYDRIVER 800A3300 800A3C30 LPDRIVER 800A2E90 800A3300 DBDRIVER 800DE7A0 800DEFB7 TTDRIVER 800DC770 800DE79B OPERATOR 80001650 80001F8B NLDRIVER 80001626 80001D20 MBDRIVER 800015FC 80001CBE 2 /STARTUP Displays the name of the current site-independent startup command procedure. Format SHOW/STARTUP 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Example SYSGEN> SHOW/STARTUP Startup command file = SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM This command displays the name of the site-independent startup command procedure. 2 /TURBOCHANNEL On VAX systems, displays the nexus number of a device on the TURBOchannel. Format SHOW/TURBOCHANNEL 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers None. 3 Example SYSGEN> SHOW/TURBOCHANNEL The following example is a sample display produced by the SHOW/TURBOCHANNEL command: TURBOCHANNEL: Device Name Nexus Number TC Slot PMAQT-AA 00000000 00000001 2 /UNIBUS On VAX systems, displays the addresses in UNIBUS I/O space that can be addressed. Use of the SHOW/UNIBUS command requires the CMKRNL privilege. Format SHOW/UNIBUS 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifier /ADAPTER /ADAPTER=nexus Specifies that the address of the specified UNIBUS adapter is to be displayed. The nexus value specifies the number of the UNIBUS adapter. It can be expressed as an integer or as one of the names listed by the SYSGEN command SHOW/ADAPTER. 3 Description The SHOW/UNIBUS command reads all device registers. For some controllers, the result might be reading a character out of a buffer or some other undesired action. Therefore, use the SHOW/UNIBUS command only when you debug a UNIBUS configuration. On a system with more than one UNIBUS adapter, the command shows only the address of the first UNIBUS adapter. NOTE Never use the SHOW/UNIBUS command on a running system. Use of this command is valid only during a conversational bootstrap. 3 Example SYSGEN> SHOW/UNIBUS/ADAPTER=4 This command displays the available addresses for nexus 4, as follows: **UNIBUS map for nexus #4 on 30-JUN-2000 14:19:38.00 ** Address 760070 (8001F838) responds with value 9B6E (hex) Address 760072 (8001F83A) responds with value 0340 (hex) Address 760074 (8001F83C) responds with value 403C (hex) Address 760076 (8001F83E) responds with value 0240 (hex) Address 760100 (8001F840) responds with value 8000 (hex) Address 760102 (8001F842) responds with value 0340 (hex) Address 760104 (8001F844) responds with value 7DAC (hex) Address 760106 (8001F846) responds with value 000A (hex) Address 760110 (8001F848) responds with value 8000 (hex) Address 760112 (8001F84A) responds with value 0340 (hex) Address 760114 (8001F84C) responds with value AD5C (hex) Address 760116 (8001F84E) responds with value 000A (hex) Address 760130 (8001F858) responds with value 9B6E (hex) Address 760132 (8001F85A) responds with value 030D (hex) Address 760134 (8001F85C) responds with value FF00 (hex) Address 760136 (8001F85E) responds with value CECE (hex) Address 760140 (8001F860) responds with value 4060 (hex) Address 760142 (8001F862) responds with value 0761 (hex) Address 760144 (8001F864) responds with value FF00 (hex) . . .