1 CONNECT On VAX systems, creates I/O data base control blocks for additional devices. Also loads the appropriate driver if it is not currently loaded. This is usually used to add nonstandard devices and I/O drivers to a system. Requires the CMKRNL privilege. On Alpha systems, use the SYSMAN command IO CONNECT. Format CONNECT device-name/[NO]ADAPTER=adapter-spec/CSR=aaaa/VECTOR=nn CONNECT CONSOLE [/REMOTE] 2 Parameters device-name Specifies the name of the device for which control blocks are to be added to the I/O database, and has the following format: devcu where: dev is the device-type c is the controller u is the unit For example, LPA0 specifies the line printer (LP) on controller A at unit number 0. When specifying the device name, do not follow it with a colon (:). CONSOLE Loads and connects the console block storage device driver. The console device name is typically CSA1 but can vary depending on the system type. 2 Qualifiers /ADAPTER /ADAPTER=adapter-spec /NOADAPTER Specifies the nexus number (SBI arbitration line) or slot number of the adapter to which the device is connected. The nexus number can be found by using the SYSGEN command SHOW/ADAPTER or SHOW/BUS. /NOADAPTER specifies that the I/O driver does not handle a physical device, rather it is a pseudo or test device driver. CAUTION The system does not perform complete error checking on the CONNECT/ADAPTER=adapter-spec command. An incorrect vector address or misspelled device name, for example, can damage the I/O database and usually causes the system to fail. The OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual has more information about loading device drivers and connecting devices. (This manual has been archived but is available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.) /ADPUNIT /ADPUNIT=unit-number Specifies the unit number of a device on the MASSBUS adapter. The unit number for a disk drive is the number of the plug on the drive. For magnetic tape drives, the unit number corresponds to the tape controller's number. /CSR /CSR=csr-addr Specifies the UNIBUS address of the first addressable location on the controller (usually the status register) for the device. This qualifier must be specified for UNIBUS devices. For devices on multiple device boards (for example, the DMF32), the address must be the control and status register (CSR) address specified in the output of the CONFIGURE command. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively. /CSR_OFFSET /CSR_OFFSET=value For devices on multiple device boards, specifies the offset from the CSR address of the multiple device board to the CSR address for the specific device being connected. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively. /DRIVERNAME /DRIVERNAME=driver Specifies the name of the driver as recorded in the prolog table. If the driver has not been loaded, the system acts as if the driver name is also the name of an executable image (file type .EXE) in the SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES directory and loads the driver. The driver name defaults to the first two characters of the device name concatenated with "DRIVER" (for example, LPDRIVER). /MAXUNITS /MAXUNITS=max-unit-cnt Specifies the maximum number of units the controller can support (that is, the number of UCB slots in the IDB). The default is the number specified in the prolog table of the driver, or 8 if the number is not specified in the prolog table. /NUMVEC /NUMVEC=vector-cnt Specifies the number of interrupt vectors for the device. By default, the vector count is 1. /REMOTE Enables a remote diagnostic port for a second console or terminal connected to a VAX 8600. /SYSIDHIGH /SYSIDHIGH=value Specifies the high-order 16 bits of the 48-bit system identification number and must be 0. To specify the value in octal or hexadecimal, precede the value with %O or %X, respectively. /SYSIDLOW /SYSIDLOW=value Specifies the low-order 32 bits of the 48-bit system identification number. The value must be identical to the DECnet node number. To specify the value in octal or hexadecimal, precede the value with %O or %X, respectively. /VECTOR /VECTOR=vector-addr Specifies the UNIBUS address of the interrupt vector for the device or the lowest vector, if more than one exists. This qualifier must be specified for UNIBUS devices. For devices on multiple device boards (for example, the DMF32), the address must be the interrupt vector address for the multiple device board specified in the output of the CONFIGURE command. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively. /VECTOR_OFFSET /VECTOR_OFFSET=value For devices on multiple device boards, specifies the offset from the interrupt vector address of the multiple device board to the interrupt vector address for the specific device being connected. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively. 2 Examples 1.SYSGEN> CONNECT LPA0/ADAPTER=3/CSR=%O777514 - SYSGEN> /DRIVERNAME=LP2DRIVER/VECTOR=%O200 This command connects the device named LPA0 to the driver named LP2DRIVER and loads the driver if it is not already loaded. 2.SYSGEN> CONNECT NET/NOADAPTER/DRIVER=NETDRIVER This command connects the device named NET to the driver NETDRIVER and loads the driver if it is not already loaded.