1 CONFIGURE On VAX systems, requests UNIBUS device names and issues the set of control and status register (CSR) and vector addresses that AUTOCONFIGURE will use. Format CONFIGURE 2 Parameters None. 2 Qualifiers /INPUT /INPUT=file-spec Specifies the name of an input file from which previously prepared data is read. By default, input data is read from SYS$INPUT. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec Specifies the name of an output file to which output from CONFIGURE is written. By default, output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT. The default file type is .LIS. /RESET /RESET /NORESET Controls whether controller names are reset. The /NORESET qualifier is useful with multiple UNIBUS systems. When you specify /NORESET, you do not need to specify the second parameter (p) on subsequent CONFIGURE commands, because the controller names are not reset. By default, if you omit /NORESET, the controller names are reset. 2 Description The CONFIGURE command issues the following prompt: DEVICE> Input should be in the following form, where input to the prompt is controller: controller[[,n],p] You can optionally specify n, the number of devices on the UNIBUS being configured, and p, the optional number of devices on all previous UNIBUS devices in a multiple UNIBUS system. Note that p affects only the device names, not the addresses generated. By default, n is 1 and p is 0. SYSGEN continues to prompt for devices until you enter Ctrl/Z. SYSGEN then displays the CSR and vector addresses for the devices specified. Note that CONFIGURE does not look at the actual hardware configuration of the system. Rather, CONFIGURE determines which CSR and vector addresses AUTOCONFIGURE would use if the specified hardware was installed. 2 Example SYSGEN> CONFIGURE DEVICE> DZ11,3,2 DEVICE> LP11 DEVICE> DMC11,2 DEVICE> The system displays the following data: Device: RK611 Name: DMA CSR: 777440 Vector: 210 Support: yes Device: LP11 Name: LPA CSR: 777514 Vector: 200 Support: yes Device: DMC11 Name: XMA CSR: 760070* Vector: 300* Support: yes Device: DMC11 Name: XMB CSR: 760100* Vector: 310* Support: yes Device: DZ11 Name: TTC CSR: 760120* Vector: 320* Support: yes Device: DZ11 Name: TTD CSR: 760130* Vector: 330* Support: yes Device: DZ11 Name: TTE CSR: 760140* Vector: 340* Support: yes * Indicates a floating address. In this example, the CONFIGURE command calculates the UNIBUS CSR and vector addresses. The support field in the display indicates whether Compaq includes the supported driver for this device with the operating system.