1 SET This command is a nonprinting directive. The following types of SET commands are available: SET CPU SET LOG SET NOLOG SET OUTPUT SET PROCESS SET RMS 2 CPU SET CPU cpu_id Selects a CPU to become the new "SDA current CPU". The CPU is specified by its hexadecimal CPU ID, a value between 00 and 1F. SET CPU also changes SDA process context. The new "SDA current process" is the current process on the specified CPU. If there is no current process on the new "SDA current CPU", then the "SDA current process" is undefined, and no process context information will be available until SDA process context is set to a specific process. Subsequent SDA commands display information based on both the new "SDA current process" and new "SDA current CPU". Type HELP PROCESS_CONTEXT for specific information about the "SDA current process". Type HELP CPU_CONTEXT for specific information about the "SDA current CPU". Note: SET CPU is only valid when analyzing a crash dump. It is not a valid command when analyzing the running system, because all the CPU-specific information may not be available. 2 LOG SET LOG [file-spec] Sends a copy of all subsequent output to the file specified. In addition, all subsequent output continues to be sent to SYS$OUTPUT. If no file is specified, the default file is SYS$OUTPUT. This remains in effect until you issue a SET NOLOG command. 2 NOLOG SET NOLOG Stops SDA from sending a copy of subsequent commands and output to the file specified by the previous SET LOG command. All subsequent commands and output will only be sent to SYS$OUTPUT. 2 OUTPUT SET OUTPUT [file-spec] Sends all subsequent output to the specified file. None of the subsequent output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. This remains in effect until you issue another SET OUTPUT command. To redirect output to your terminal, issue a SET OUTPUT command specifying SYS$OUTPUT as the file-spec. The default file specification is SYS$DISK:[default-dir]SYSDUMP.LIS. 2 PROCESS SET PROCESS name /qualifier Selects a process to be used as the new "SDA current process". If the specified process is the current process on some CPU, SDA also performs an implicit SET CPU command. Subsequent SDA commands display information based on both the new "SDA current process" and new "SDA current CPU". Type HELP PROCESS_CONTEXT for specific information about the "SDA current process". Type HELP CPU_CONTEXT for specific information about the "SDA current CPU". The process name must be a quoted string if it contains characters other than capital letters, numbers, dollar signs ($), or underscores (_). The maximum size of the process name is 15 characters. For example: SET PROCESS OPCOM ! Select process OPCOM as "SDA current process" SET PROCESS "Batman" ! Select process Batman as "SDA current process" 3 /INDEX=n Specifies the new current process by the index into the system's list of software process control blocks (PCB). Alternatively, this argument can be the process identification (EPID or PID) longword, from which SDA extracts the correct index. 3 /SYSTEM Specifies the new current process by the system process control block. The system PCB and process header (PHD) are dummy structures that are located in system space and contain the system working set, global section table, global page table, and other system-wide data. 2 RMS SET RMS=option-spec Allows specification of control blocks to be displayed by the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command. The option-spec has the form option or (option1,option2,....optionn) where option may be ALL [:ifi] Display all control blocks (default) [NO] ASB Asynchronous Save Block [NO] BDB Buffer Descriptor Block [NO] BDBSUM BDB Summary Page [NO] BLB Buffer Lock Block [NO] BLBSUM BLB Summary Page [NO] CCB Channel Control Block [NO] DRC Directory Cache [NO] FAB User File Access Block [NO] FCB File Control Block [NO] FWA File Work Area [NO] GBD Global Buffer Descriptor [NO] GBDSUM GBD Summary Page [NO] GBH Global Buffer Header [NO] GBSB Global Buffer Synchronization Block [NO] IDX Index Descriptor [NO] IFAB [:ifi] Internal Fab [NO] IFB [:ifi] Internal Fab [NO] IRAB Internal Rab [NO] IRB Internal Rab [NO] JFB Journal File Block [NO] NAM Name block [NO] NWA Network Work Area [NO] RAB User Rab [NO] RUB Recovery Unit Block [NO] RUFB Recovery Unit File Block [NO] RUSB Recovery Unit Stream Block [NO] RLB Record Lock Block [NO] SFSB Shared File Synchronization Block [NO] WCB Window Control Block [NO] XAB User Extended Attributes Block [NO] * Current (as opposed to "new") option specification (includes ifi value) ifi => expression IFI value (internal file identifier) All (default) Use of this parameter restricts the display to the selected control blocks for only the file specified by the IFI value.