1 READ READ [/RELOCATE=expression] file-spec [/EXECUTIVE] directory-spec Copies global symbols from an object module to the SDA symbol table. The READ command lets you extract global symbols from any object module and insert the definitions into the SDA symbol table. If you do not specify a file type, .STB is used by default. The following MACRO program can be used to obtain symbols in addition to those in SYS.STB: .TITLE GLOBALS $PHDDEF GLOBAL ; Process header definitions $DDBDEF GLOBAL ; Device data block $UCBDEF GLOBAL ; Unit control block $VCBDEF GLOBAL ; Volume control block $ACBDEF GLOBAL ; AST control block $IRPDEF GLOBAL ; I/O request packet ; more can be inserted here .END Use the command below to generate an object module file containing the globals defined in the program. $ MACRO GLOBALS+SYS$LIBRARY:LIB/LIBRARY /OBJECT=GLOBALS.STB 2 /RELOCATE=expression Change the relative addresses of the symbols to absolute addresses, by adding "expression", the base value, to each relative address in the object module. This qualifier changes those addresses to absolute addresses in the address space into which the dump is mapped. 2 /EXECUTIVE directory-spec Reads the symbol tables from the executive loaded images (which can be displayed with the SHOW EXECUTIVE command).