Library /sys$common/syshlp/sca$menu.hlb SCA Topics, SYMBOL_CLASS *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
SYMBOL_CLASS is an attribute selection that identifies the type of symbol. A symbol can be a variable, constant, or some other class. The format for SYMBOL_CLASS is as follows: SYMBOL_CLASS=(keyword[,keyword...]) The SYMBOL_CLASS can be one of the following keywords: o ARGUMENT - formal argument (such as a routine argument or macro argument) o CLASS - Any C++ class object construct defined by the union, structure or class statements o COMPONENT,FIELD - component of a record o CONSTANT,LITERAL - named compile-time constant value o EXCEPTION - exception o FILE - file o FUNCTION,PROCEDURE, PROGRAM,ROUTINE, SUBROUTINE - callable program function o GENERIC - generic unit o KEYWORD - keyword o LABEL - user-specified label o MACRO - macro o MODULE, PACKAGE - collection of logically related elements o PLACEHOLDER - marker where program text is needed o PSECT - program section o TAG - comment heading o TASK - task o TYPE - user-defined type o UNBOUND - unbound name o VARIABLE - program variable o OTHER - any other class of symbol The previous keywords are SCA terms. For information on corresponding language-specific terms, request help for the appropriate language table (for example, FORTRAN_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE) under the Getting_Started help topic. An example using the SYMBOL_CLASS attribute follows: FIND X AND SYMBOL_CLASS=ROUTINE This query finds all routines named X.