1 REPORT [SCA Command] Produces the specified report. Format REPORT report-name other-parms[ . . . ] 2 Qualifiers /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=query-name Specifies the name of the query to use as the domain for the report. The query should include occurrences of files that have been compiled. This value is converted to a VAXTPU value and assigned to the global VAXTPU variable SCA$REPORT_DOMAIN_QUERY. This procedure limits the report to objects that are contained, directly or indirectly, within at least one of the files in this query. The default value is the null string. By convention, VAXTPU report procedures interpret this as the entire SCA library. /FILL /FILL (D) /NOFILL Specifies that whenever a paragraph of commented text is inserted into a report, it is set up so that a text processor, such as RUNOFF or DOCUMENT performs the usual fill and justification operations on the paragraph. If you specify /NOFILL, then the report tool does not instruct the text processor to fill or justify the paragraph. For any individual paragraph, you can override the setting of this qualifier by including appropriate text-processor comments within the body of the comment. The value of this qualifier is used to set the value of the global VAXTPU variable SCA$REPORT_FILL as follows. If you specify the /FILL qualifier, or it is indicated by default, then SCA$REPORT_ FILL is 1; if you specify the /NOFILL qualifier, then SCA$REPORT_ FILL is 0. The /FILL qualifier is ignored if it is not meaningful for the target. In particular, it is ignored for LSE package definitions. /HELP_LIBRARY /HELP_LIBRARY=library_name Specifies the help library to use for PACKAGE reports. This qualifier is ignored for other reports. The PACKAGE report generates one or more DEFINE PACKAGE commands. The library_name specifies the value to use with the /HELP_LIBRARY qualifier for the generated DEFINE PACKAGE commands. If you omit this qualifier, the PACKAGE report omits the /HELP_ LIBRARY qualifier from the DEFINE PACKAGE commands it generates. /LANGUAGES /LANGUAGES=(language,[ . . . ]) Specifies the language to use for PACKAGE reports. This qualifier is ignored for other reports. The PACKAGE report generates one or more DEFINE PACKAGES commands. This qualifier specifies the languages to use as the values of the /LANGUAGE qualifier for the generated DEFINE PACKAGE commands. If you omit this qualifier, the PACKAGE report inserts the LSE placeholder {language_name} . . . as the value for the /LANGUAGE qualifier with the DEFINE PACKAGE commands. Before you can execute the DEFINE PACKAGE command, you must replace the placeholder manually with the names of the languages that are appropriate for the languages being defined. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-name Specifies the output file to use for the report. This value is converted to a VAXTPU string and passed as the value for the global VAXTPU variable SCA$REPORT_OUTPUT. The default value takes the file name from the report-name parameter and the file type from the target-file-type parameter. The target-file-type is implied by the /TARGET qualifier. For example, if you specify DOCUMENT for the /TARGET qualifier, this implies a file type of .SDML. /TARGET /TARGET=target-file-type Specifies the type of target file to produce. This value is converted to a VAXTPU string value and assigned to the global VAXTPU variable SCA$REPORT_TARGET. You can specify one of the following keywords: Keyword Type of file TEXT, TXT Text file RUNOFF, DSR, RNO A file for processing by RUNOFF SDML, DOCUMENT A file for processing by VAX DOCUMENT LSEDIT, LSE A file for processing by LSE HLP, HELP A help file for processing by the Librarian OTHER=value Optional file type Note that the OTHER keyword can take an optional value. The default value is the null string, which by convention is interpreted by the VAXTPU procedures as TEXT. User supplied report procedures can ignore this convention and provide their own defaults. The default target file types are SDML for INTERNALS and 2167A_ DESIGN reports, HLP for HELP reports, and LSE for PACKAGE reports. 2 Parameters report-name Specifies the name of the report to produce. The report name should be the name of one of the Compaq supplied reports or the name of a user-written report. You can abbreviate the report name if the abbreviation is unique. The REPORT command uses the report-name parameter to find a corresponding VAXTPU procedure whose name starts with SCA_REPORT_ report-name. This VAXTPU procedure is invoked to produce the report. Because there is a VAXTPU restriction on the length of procedure names, a report name must not exceed 121 characters. Compaq has implemented the following reports: o HELP - A help file, suitable for processing by the OpenVMS Librarian into a help library. o PACKAGE - An LSE package definition, which can be processed by LSE and put into an environment file, to create templates for calling the procedures in your code. o INTERNALS - A comprehensive report on the software in your system, all of the information in comment headers, and a structural presentation of your code. o 2167A_DESIGN - The design section of the DOD-STD-2167A Software Design Document. other-parms[ . . . ] Specifies other parameters that are passed to the VAXTPU procedure. These parameters are collected into a single string, which is then assigned to the global VAXTPU variable SCA$_REPORT_ REST_OF_LINE. These SCA parameters are obtained from the command line from the $REST_OF_LINE type of the OpenVMS Command Definition Utility.