1 IMPORT [SCA Command] Creates analysis data files that describe the indicated XREF data files generated by a Compaq C++ compiler. Format IMPORT file-spec[, . . .] 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (D) /NOLOG Indicates whether each imported file is reported. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=file-spec] /OUTPUT=file-name.ANA (D) Specifies the analysis data file to be created. If you do not specify a file specification, the default is the file name of the file being imported and the file type .ANA. 2 Parameter file-spec[, . . . ] Specifies one or more files of XREF data to be imported. You can use wildcards with the file-spec parameter. The default file type is .XREF, which is the default file type for XREF data files created by Compaq compilers.