Library /sys$common/syshlp/pca$help.hlb
LIST, Parameters

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    Specifies a kind of performance or coverage data. All records in
    the performance data file that contain the specified kind of data
    are listed. The valid data-kind parameters follow:

    Keyword            Description

    ALL                Lists all data records
    BEGIN_END          Lists collection run begin and end records
    COUNTERS           Lists execution counter records
    COVERAGE           Lists test coverage records
    CPU_SAMPLING       Lists CPU sampling records
    EVENTS             List event marker records
    IO_SERVICES        Lists I/O system service call records
    PAGE_FAULTS        Lists page fault records
    PC_SAMPLING        Lists program counter sampling records
    RUN_DESCRIPTION    Lists collection run description records
    SERVICES           Lists system service call records
    SHAREABLE_IMAGES   Lists all shareable image name and address
                       range records
    TASKING            Lists tasking records
    TASK_SWITCH        Lists task switch records
    UNALIGNED          Lists unaligned records
    VCOUNTERS          Lists vector instruction counter records
    VCPU_SAMPLING      Lists CPU sampling records for code containing
                       vector instructions
    VPC_SAMPLING       Lists program counter sampling records for
                       code containing vector instructions
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