Analyzer Command

   Generates performance or coverage histograms. A number of
   different kinds of data can be plotted along the horizontal axis
   and a variety of data domains can be partitioned into buckets
   along the vertical axis to form the histogram.


     PLOT  [nodespec [,nodespec...]]

2  Parameters


   Specifies a program location. Node specifications (nodespecs)
   on PLOT and TABULATE commands define how the vertical axis of a
   histogram or table is partitioned into buckets. For example, the
   node specification PROGRAM_ADDRESS BY ROUTINE selects the program
   address domain, the domain of all possible program addresses.
   From this domain, it selects the address ranges of the routines
   in the program. Each of these address ranges defines a bucket.

   See HELP Nodespecs for information about node specifications.

2  Description
   The PLOT command generates performance or coverage histograms.
   When you enter a PLOT command, you must specify two things: the
   kinds of data to tally, and how to partition the histogram. These
   two things define the meanings of the horizontal and vertical
   axes of the histogram. What kind of data to tally is specified
   with a data-kind qualifier (see qualifier list).

   Each histogram is partitioned into buckets representing value
   ranges. Each data point in the data file is tallied in the bucket
   whose value range includes the value of the data point.

   Every PLOT command requires one qualifier from the data kind and
   the sorting categories to generate a histogram. If you do not
   specify one qualifier from each category, a default qualifier is
   used. If your PLOT command has one or more node specifications,
   the qualifier defaults are taken from the SET PLOT defaults.
   If your PLOT command does not have a node specification, all
   qualifier and node specification defaults are taken from the
   previous PLOT or TABULATE command you entered.

   The TABULATE command displays the same information as the PLOT
   command, but in the form of tables instead of histograms.

2  Data-kind_qualifiers


   Has the same effect as /NONCOVERAGE, except that every acceptably
   non-covered (ANC) bucket has the ANC label placed in the
   percentage column.


   Tallies exact execution count data along the horizontal axis. To
   use this qualifier, you must have collected execution counts with
   the SET COUNTERS command.


   Tallies test coverage data along the horizontal axis. Every
   program unit that is covered (executed at least once) gets a
   full-length histogram bar. To use this qualifier, you must have
   collected test coverage or execution counts data with the SET


   Tallies CPU sampling data along the horizontal axis. To use this
   qualifier, you must have collected CPU sampling data.


   Tallies page fault data along the horizontal axis using the
   faulting address value to tally each data point. To use this
   qualifier, you must have collected page fault data.


   Tallies the number of I/O system service calls along the
   horizontal axis. To use this qualifier, you must have collected
   I/O services data.


   Tallies test non-coverage data along the horizontal axis. Every
   program unit that is not covered (is not executed at least once)
   gets a full-length histogram bar. Program units that are covered
   do not get histogram bars. To use this qualifier, you must have
   collected coverage or execution counts data with the SET COVERAGE
   or SET COUNTERS command.


   Tallies page fault data along the horizontal axis using the
   program address value to tally each data point. To use this
   qualifier, you must have collected page fault data.


   Tallies program counter sampling data along the horizontal axis.
   To use this qualifier, you must have collected program counter
   sampling data.

   Note that /PC_SAMPLING is the default data-kind qualifier.


   Tallies the total number of physical I/O operations (reads plus
   writes) along the horizontal axis. To use this qualifier, you
   must have collected I/O services data.


   Tallies the number of physical read operations along the
   horizontal axis. To use this qualifier, you must have collected
   I/O services data.


   Tallies the number of system service calls along the horizontal
   axis. To use this qualifier, you must have collected system
   services data.


   Tallies unaligned access fault data along the horizontal axis
   using the program address value to tally each data point. To use
   this qualifier, you must have collected unaligned access fault


   Tallies exact execution count data of vector instructions
   along the horizontal axis. To use this qualifier, you must have
   collected vector instruction counts.


   Tallies CPU sampling data along the horizontal axis. To use this
   qualifier, you must have collected vector CPU sampling data.


   Tallies program counter sampling data along the horizontal axis.
   To use this qualifier, you must have collected vector PC sampling


   Tallies the number of physical write operations along the
   horizontal axis. To use this qualifier, you must have collected
   I/O services data.

2  Sorting_qualifiers



   Sorts the histogram alphabetically by label names. If you specify
   =n, only the first n buckets (after sorting) are retained in the
   histogram. If you specify =n:m, only buckets n through m (after
   sorting) are retained.



   Sorts the histogram in ascending order by bucket data count
   (smallest count first). If you specify =n, only the first n
   buckets (after sorting) are retained in the histogram. If you
   specify =n:m, only buckets n through m (after sorting) are



   Sorts the histogram in descending order by bucket data count
   (largest count first). If you specify =n, only the first n
   buckets (after sorting) are retained in the histogram. If you
   specify =n:m, only buckets n through m (after sorting) are

   Note that /DESCENDING is the default sorting qualifier.



   Specifies that the histogram not be sorted. If you specify =n,
   only the first n buckets are retained in the histogram. If you
   specify =n:m, only buckets n through m are retained.

2  Bucket_selection_qualifiers



   Determines whether to omit buckets that exceed a maximum
   percentage. The /MAXIMUM=n qualifier specifies that buckets whose
   percentage exceeds n% should be omitted from the histogram. The
   /NOMAXIMUM qualifier specifies that no maximum threshold applies.

   Note that /NOMAXIMUM, /NOMINIMUM, and /ZEROS are the default
   bucket selection qualifiers.



   Determines whether to omit buckets that fall below a minimum
   percentage. The /MINIMUM=n qualifier specifies that buckets whose
   percentage falls below n% should be omitted from the histogram.
   The /NOMINIMUM qualifier specifies that no minimum threshold

   Note that /NOMAXIMUM, /NOMINIMUM, and /ZEROS are the default
   bucket selection qualifiers.



   Determines whether zero data count buckets are omitted from
   the histogram. The /NOZEROS qualifier specifies that buckets
   with zero data counts be omitted from the histogram. Thus, the
   histogram becomes smaller since buckets without data are dropped.
   The /ZEROS qualifier retains buckets with zero data counts.

   Note that /NOMAXIMUM, /NOMINIMUM, and /ZEROS are the default
   bucket selection qualifiers.

2  Source_code_display_qualifiers



   Determines whether source text is shown next to the histogram
   bars. The /SOURCE qualifier specifies to display source code
   in histograms generated with BY LINE or BY CODEPATH node
   specifications. The /NOSOURCE qualifier specifies that source
   text not be displayed.

   Note that /SOURCE is the default source code display qualifier.

2  Program_address_selection_qualifiers



   Tallies all stack PC values for each data point in the histogram.
   Thus, each bucket shows how much time or other resource is
   spent in the corresponding program unit and all program units
   it calls. The /CUMULATIVE qualifier has no effect if you are
   not plotting against the program address domain. To use the
   /CUMULATIVE qualifier, you must have collected stack PC values in
   the Collector. You may specify an integer to cuase only the first
   "n" routines down the stack to be used. If used with /STACK_
   DEPTH=m, the Analyzer will charge the data point to all calls (or
   "n" calls for /CUMULATIVE=n) below the specified depth.

   The /NOCUMULATIVE qualifier tallies only the original program
   counter value for each data point.

   default program address selection qualifiers.



   Specifies to use the first call stack PC value that falls in your
   program's main image, when tallying program addresses. You may
   specify the PC value to be n or the range n:m. If you specify a
   program unit or address range, it will select the first PC value
   in that address. The /NOMAIN_IMAGE qualifier specifies to use the
   original program counter value for each data point, to tally the
   data point.

   default program address selection qualifiers.



   Determines whether the Analyzer will climb the call stack to
   determine the PC values.

   default program address selection qualifiers.

2  Design_qualifiers



   Specifies the fill to be used for the first, second, etc., data
   kind in a plot. A maximum of eight character strings can be
   defined, and each must be delimited by double or single quotation

   Note that /FILL=("*","O","x","@",":","#","/","+"), /NOSCALE and
   /NOWRAP are the default design qualifiers.



   Determines whether fixed or adjusted histogram scale is used.
   The /SCALE=n qualifier allows you to select a fixed scale for the
   plot. The /NOSCALE default qualifier selects adjusted scaling,
   which causes the longest bar on the histogram to occupy the full
   width of the plot.

   Note that /FILL=("*","O","x","@",":","#","/","+"), /NOSCALE and
   /NOWRAP are the default design qualifiers.



   Specifies to wrap PLOT output that is too long. /NOWRAP specifies
   to truncate PLOT output that is too long.

   Note that /FILL=("*","O","x","@",":","#","/","+"), /NOSCALE and
   /NOWRAP are the default design qualifiers.

2  Tasking_qualifiers



   Charges a data point to the location in the program that created
   the task, rather than to the PC value of the measurement. This
   qualifier can only be used when the PROGRAM_ADDRESS domain is in
   effect, and when TASKING data has been collected. It overrides



   Charges a data point to the parent of the current task, rather
   than to the current task. It can only be used when the TASK or
   the TASK_TYPE domain is in effect, and when TASKING data has been


   Represents the number of times there was a task context switch.
   It may be applied to the following domains: TIME BY n MSECs,
   TASK, TASK_PRIORITY, and TASK_TYPE. This qualifier will only
   work with the TIME, TASK, TASK_PRIORITY, and TASK_TYPE filter

2  CALL_TREE_domain_qualifiers



   Specifies to use the comma list form of presentation on the plot
   for call trees. /NOCHAIN_NAME specifies to use the indentation
   form. If you specify /NOCHAIN_NAME, then the PLOT command's
   maximum and mininum sorting qualifiers are not in effect. If
   you specify /CHAIN_NAME, then /NOZEROS is in effect.

   Note that /NOCHAIN_NAME and /NOPATHNAME are the default CALL_TREE
   domain qualifiers.



   Specifies to use full pathnames for each routine name in the
   plot. /NOPATHNAME specifies to use unqualified routine names.

   Note that /NOCHAIN_NAME and /NOPATHNAME are the default CALL_TREE
   domain qualifiers.
   Note that if you do not specify one qualifier from each category,
   a default qualifier is used. If your PLOT command has one or
   more node specifications, the qualifier defaults are taken from
   the SET PLOT defaults. If your PLOT command does not have a node
   specification, all qualifier and node specification defaults are
   taken from the last PLOT or TABULATE command you entered.

2  Default_qualifiers


   Specifies that all default qualifiers and node specifications be
   taken from the SET PLOT defaults instead of from the currently
   active plot.

2  Examples


     Program counter sampling data is plotted by default. The
     vertical axis has one histogram bar for each module in
     the program. It also has one bar for each shareable image
     used. Each bar indicates how much time is consumed in the
     corresponding program unit.


     The histogram has one bar for each line in module FOO of the
     user program. The length of each histogram bar is proportional
     to the number of page faults that occurred at the corresponding
     line. Because the /SOURCE qualifier is present, the text of
     each source line is shown next to the histogram bar for that


     The histogram has one bucket for each codepath in module FOO.
     Any codepath that is not covered has a full-length histogram
     bar. Thus, the histogram highlights code that is not tested.
     The text of each source line is shown next to the corresponding


     The number of I/O system service calls is plotted along the
     horizontal axis. The routines of the program are plotted along
     the vertical axis. I/O data originating in shareable images
     (such as the Run-Time Library) are charged back to the routines
     in the main image (the user program) that called the shareable
     images to cause I/O.


     The names of the OpenVMS system services are plotted along the
     vertical axis. The number of calls on each system service is
     plotted along the horizontal axis. The histogram is sorted so
     that the most frequently used services are listed first. All
     system services that were never called are omitted from the


     The names of the RMS files opened or created by the program are
     plotted along the vertical axis of the histogram. The number
     of physical I/O operations for each file is plotted along the
     horizontal axis.


     This command causes the report view to be based on the
     disassembled opcode for each vector instruction in the
     entire application that is sampled. The number of times a
     vector instruction is used lets you see if your application
     is spending a lot of time performing certain operations.
     For example, if you see that the SYNC vector instruction
     is executed more than any other vector instruction, you can
     infer that the scalar processor is spending too much idle time
     waiting for the vector processor to finish an operation.