1 PAGE Analyzer Command Displays a specified page of a PLOT, TABULATE, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, or traverse command's output on the terminal. The PAGE command displays the next page, the current page, the previous page, the first summary page, or a page with a specific page number. Format PAGE parameter 2 Parameters n Specifies the page number of the page you want displayed. The first page is page 1. If n is larger than the number of the last page, the last page is displayed. keyword Displays the first summary page or a page relative to the current page. The following keyword parameters are accepted: CURRENT Redisplays the current page NEXT Displays the page after the current page PREVIOUS Displays the page before the current page SUMMARY Displays the first summary page of the plot or table 2 Description The PAGE command gives you random access to the pages of the histogram or table generated by the last PLOT, TABULATE, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE or traverse command you entered. You cannot use the PAGE command unless there is a currently active plot or table. 2 Examples PCAA> PLOT/SOURCE PROGRAM BY LINE PCAA> PAGE 16 The PLOT command generates a histogram and displays page 1 of that histogram. The PAGE command then displays page 16 of the same histogram. PCAA> PAGE PREVIOUS This command displays the previous page of the currently active plot. If the current page is page 16, this command displays page 15. PCAA> PAGE SUMMARY This command displays the first summary page of the currently active plot. Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Last-Modified: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 01:39:04 GMT Script-Control: X-stream-mode=1 1 Page_Fault_Analysis The PLOT and TABULATE commands (see the PLOT and TABULATE entries in PCA HELP) accept the following datakind qualifiers to analyze your program's page-faulting behavior: /PAGE_FAULT Tallies the PC where the pagefault occured /FAULT_ADDRESS Tallies the virtual address accessed The PLOT and TABULATE commands accept nodespecs (see the Nodespecs entry in PCA HELP) from the following domains to analyze your program's pagefaulting behavior: PROGRAM_ADDRESS TIME TASK TASK_PRIORITY TASK_TYPE The SET FILTER command accepts the following filter specifications to analyze your program's pagefaulting behavior: FAULT_ADDRESS = n[:m] The faulting address is within the range n to m FAULT_ADDRESS = prog-unit The faulting address is within prog-unit PROGRAM_ADDRESS = n[:m] The PC is within the range n to m PROGRAM_ADDRESS = prog-unit The PC is within prog-unit