1 SET The SET commands allow the user to modify the PATCH evironment. 2 ECO Use SET ECO to define the ECO level for the ensuing patch. Whenever you apply a patch to an image file, the first command you type should be a SET ECO command. This command provides you with a way to identify your patches easily. More important, however, it lets you process selected patches using a command procedure. When PATCH processes a command procedure, it searches the file for ECO levels and processes only those patches represented by the specified ECO levels. Patches not represented by ECO levels are not processed. You can issue as many SET ECO commands as necessary during a PATCH session; however, once you specify an ECO level, that level can never be used again for that particular image file. Furthermore, whenever you begin a patch with a SET ECO command, you must also terminate the patch with the UPDATE command. If you fail to issue the UPDATE command (1) the ECO level specified with the SET ECO command is not applied (hence, the patch is not applied to the image file), and (2) you cannot issue another SET ECO command. Format: SET ECO eco-level Prompts: ECO> eco-level 3 Parameters eco-level Specifies a decimal integer between 1 and 128, inclusive. ECO levels outside this range of integers are illegal. 2 MODE Use SET MODE to specify default settings for the entry and display modes. Format: SET MODE mode [,...] Prompts: NEW> mode 3 Parameters mode Specifies one or more modes from the context, radix, length, and symbol search mode categories to be established as the current modes. These modes determine how PATCH interprets entries and displays output. The commands that are affected by the entry and display modes are DELETE, DEPOSIT, EVALUATE, EXAMINE, INSERT, REPLACE, and VERIFY. See HELP MODE QUALIFIERS. Strip off the leading "/" from the qualifier name for use with the SET MODE command. You can override a mode setting by specifying a mode qualifier with other PATCH commands. 2 MODULE Use SET MODULE to enter local symbol information from the specified modules into PATCH's symbol table (provided you followed the rules for passing local symbol information to PATCH). If the symbol table is too small to accommodate the local symbol information, PATCH displays an error message. If you are patching a shareable image, no local or global symbol information is passed to PATCH; only universal symbols can be accessed. Format: SET MODULE module-name [,...] Prompts: NAM> module-name 3 Parameters module-name Specifies the name of one or more modules whose local symbols are to be entered in the symbol table. Do not specify a module name if you include the /ALL qualifier. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Requests that local symbol information from all the modules in the image file be entered in the symbol table. 2 PATCH_AREA Use SET PATCH_AREA to override the use of PATCH's default patch area in favor of a patch area you defined at assembly or compile time. Whenever you use a user-defined patch area, its patch area descriptor is updated to reflect any modifications. More information on PATCH_AREA can be found in The VAX/VMS Utilities Reference Volume. Format: SET PATCH_AREA [/INITIALIZE=size_expression] address_of_string_descriptor Prompts: [NEW> size_expression] NEW> address_of_string_descriptor 3 /INITIALIZE=size_expression The /INITIALIZE qualifier allows the user to predeclare patch area in a program without the neccessity of creating a patch area desc- riptor. The patch area size is declared in bytes. If the value of the size argument is specified as 0 or is greater than the number of bytes contained in the patch area, PATCH will assume the default size to be the maximum number of bytes contained in the patch area's image section. An informational message will be issued to notify the user that PATCH has taken this action. /INITIALIZE must precede the address_of_string_descriptor. 3 Parameters address-of-string-descriptor Defines the address of the patch area descriptor. The patch area descriptor can be represented as a symbolic or a numeric address. size_expression The size in bytes of the patch area. This may be any valid expression, symbolic or numeric value. 2 SCOPE Use SET SCOPE to establish the specified module name (and routine name, if specified) as the explicit scope to be used for translating pathnames and symbols into values. If the local symbols in a specific module have not been entered in the symbol table by the SET MODULE command, the SET SCOPE command forces those symbols into the table. If the symbol table is too small to accommodate this information, PATCH issues an error message. Use the SHOW MODULE command to determine the modules to which the scope can be set. Format: SET SCOPE module-name [\routine-name [\...]] Prompts: NEW> module-name [\routine-name] 3 Parameters module-name Specifies the name of the module to which the scope is to be set. routine-name Specifies the name of a routine contained in the module to which the scope is to be set.