Library /sys$common/syshlp/ncphelp.hlb CLEAR, EXECUTOR, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
NCP>PURGE EXECUTOR IDENTIFICATION INCOMING TIMER This command removes the local node's identification string and incoming timer value from the permanent database. NCP>PURGE EXECUTOR COUNTER TIMER This command removes the local node counter timer value from the permanent database. NCP>CLEAR EXECUTOR AREA MAXIMUM COST This command resets to its default value the AREA MAXIMUM COST parameter in the volatile database. NCP>SET EXECUTOR NODE TRNTO"GRAY MARY" NCP>CLEAR EXECUTOR NODE The first command sets the executor node to node TRNTO. The second command clears the default executor node designation specified previously by the SET EXECUTOR NODE command. The executor node is now the local node.