1 TRIGGER Use the TRIGGER commands to trigger the bootstrap mechanism of a target node such that the node will load itself. Use this command to initiate the loading sequence for an unattended system. 2 NODE Use the TRIGGER NODE command to trigger the bootstrap mechanism of a target node such that the node will load itself. Use this command to initiate the loading sequence for an unattended system. TRIGGER NODE node-id SERVICE PASSWORD hex-password VIA circuit-id PHYSICAL ADDRESS p-address 3 NODE node-id Identifies the node whose bootstrap is to be triggered. 3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS p-address Applies only to nodes on broadcast circuits. Specifies the physical address that the target node currently use to identify itself. The value is the physical address the target node has set for itself or, if the target node has not set a physical address, the hardware address associated with the target node's device controller. 3 SERVICE PASSWORD hex-password Identifies the password required to trigger the bootstrap mechanism on the target node. The password is a hexadecimal number 8 to 16 digits long. For broadcast circuits, it is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. For DDCMP circuits, it is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFF. 3 VIA circuit-id Identifies the circuit over which the operation is to take place. 3 Examples NCP>TRIGGER NODE NYC This command triggers the bootstrap mechanism on node NYC to initiate a downline load operation. NCP>TRIGGER NODE NYC SERVICE PASSWORD F0F0 VIA DMC-5 This command provides a service password in order to trigger the bootstrap mechanism on node NYC and initiate a downline load operation over circuit DMC-5. ! 2 VIA Use the TRIGGER VIA command to trigger the bootstrap mechanism of a target node using the specified circuit to allow the node to load itself. Use this command to initiate the loading sequence for an unattended system. TRIGGER VIA circuit-id SERVICE PASSWORD hex-password PHYSICAL ADDRESS p-address 3 SERVICE PASSWORD hex-password Identifies the password required to trigger the bootstrap mechanism on the target node. The password is a hexadecimal number 8 to 16 digits long. For broadcast circuits, it is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. For DDCMP circuits, it is in the range 0 to FFFFFFFF. 3 PHYSICAL ADDRESS p-address Applies only to nodes on broadcast circuits. Specifies the physical address that the target node currently uses to identify itself. The value is the physical address the target node has set for itself or, if the target node has not set a physical address, the hardware address associated with the target node's device controller. This parameter must be included if a broadcast circuit is specified in VIA circuit-id. 3 VIA circuit-id Identifies the circuit over which the operation is to take place. 3 Examples NCP>TRIGGER VIA DMC-5 This command triggers the bootstrap mechanism on the node connected to circuit DMC-5. NCP>TRIGGER VIA MNA-0 PHYSICAL ADDRESS AA-00-04-00-07-04 This command triggers the bootstrap mechanism on the target node whose physical address is AA-00-04-00-07-04 on circuit MNA-0. !